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Everything posted by Mello1223

  1. Mello1223

    [COMPLETED] - Block Buster

  2. hello ... I created this game on the principle of micro games from my main game .. it is a very simple principle, at the beginning of the game you choose the goal either a randomly generated or a classic circle, then the chosen game mode is either a time trial or a game to the last block, and create ready .. goal selection and game mode is done according to choice, wins the most votes .. if the number of votes matches, it will be chosen randomly .. the game was created in two days, it's not complicated, mainly I wanted it to be functional and to be multiplayer .. I would like it to be possible to play on the phone, but I do not have much experience with the game on the phone, but I will devote a moment to it to work there as well ... I hope that the game will like it .. I plan to add a "high score" and a few design changes, but not much, because I have to go back to work on my main game. https://play.ylands.com/asset/8577
  3. Mello1223

    (COMPLETED) Shoot and run "2D"

    btw.. also present you Petuskaa,my lovely and ,much tolerant wife...
  4. Aktuálna verzia tu : https://play.ylands.com/asset/8788
  5. Mello1223

    (COMPLETED) Shoot and run "2D"

    I present to you a minigame: Shot and Run it is primarily a multiplayer game based on the principles of two games: something betwen worms and angry birds the game is in the stage of fine-tuning and error correction... There is still no tutorial implemented in the game, but I will try to add it there tomorrow... as always, I will be happy for any feedback.. have a fun
  6. tile for use a script to change the speed or time of the animator
  7. Mello1223


  8. na sledovanie videí je potrebný zvuk..stentokrát vám predkladajú iba malý príklad toho, s čím skôr pôjdu do súťaže .. všetko ostatné sa dozviete v pravom čase https://play.ylands.com/asset/8739
  9. Mello1223


    SK : zhrnutie - schopnosti oblekov: hasty - genueruje nahodny bonus k rychlosti pohybu hraca v rozmedzí od 80 az po 120 % tato hodnota sa kazdých desat sekund meni,tato schopnost je aplikovana v kazdom sektore hry.. v sektore dva navyse v tomto obleku na vas zautoci robot ak sa knemu priblizite. v niektorych castiach tento oblek pridava aj bonus k pohybu kameri.. zber energie: mala= 2 stredna= 4 velka= 6. gahterer- tento oblek nema ziadnu aktivnu schopnost,v sektore dva ale ma bonus k zberu energie. bonus je nahodny : mala 2 az 4 stredna 4 az 6 velka 6 az 10.. pri pouziti tohto obleku na vas robot nebude utocit. tento oblek dokaze hackovat zariadenia dvakrat tak rychlo ako ostatne obleky.. engineer- aktivna schopnost v celej hre-oblek ma 50% bonus k vyske skoku. v sektore dva robot pocas zberu odovzdava pre vas kazdy energeticky clanok ktory zoberie - hodnota zobrateho clanku pre robota aj oblek je rovnaka ako pri pouziti obleku hasty. tento oblek navyse opravuje pokazene predmety ovela rychlejsie ako ostatne obleky. schopnost v bunkri jedna: oblek vam ukaze vchod do tajnej miestnosti( zopne castice efektu okolo vchodu) v hre som nedaval velky doraz na dizajn,ale skor na moznosti a funkcnost. hra bola niekolko krat trestovana viacerimi hracmi,a je plne funkcna,niekedy sa vsak stane problem s interakciou niektorych entit,vtedy je dobre pouzit niektory z bonusovych kodov na teleportaciu do ineho sektoru a nasladne nazat ,vecsinou sa tym problem vyriesi.. to iste plati pre problem s interakciou rebrikou,niekedy sa stane ze sa rebrik neda pouzit,(vystupne miesto je blokovane(neplati pre bunker dva,tam treba otvorit dvierka nad rebrikom pomocou paky)) tiez pomaha teleportacia prec a nazat(vacsinou). ano,mam v plane vytvorit aj dalsiu cast hry,tu si ale chcem najprv dosledne premysliet,a kedy ju zacnem tvorit este neviem. v pripade akych kolvek otazok ma kontaktujte tu alebo na discorde : mello#4849 stale mozete nechavat spätnú vazbu na hru,dalsie aktualizacie uz ale iba po sutazi... ENG : summary - abilities of suits: hasty - generates a random bonus to the player's movement speed in the range from 80 to 120%, this value changes every ten seconds, this ability is applied in each sector of the game. in some parts this suit also adds a bonus to the movement of the camera .. energy collection: small = 2 medium = 4 large = 6. gahterer- this suit has no active ability, but in sector two it has a bonus to collect energy. bonus is random: she had 2 to 4 medium 4 to 6 big 6 to 10 .. when using this suit the robot will not attack you. this suit can hack devices twice as fast as other suits .. engineer- Active ability in the whole game has a 50% bonus to jump height. in sector two, the robot hands over the energy cell that it takes for you during the collection - the value of the taken cell for both the robot and the suit is the same as when using the goose suit. in addition, this suit repairs damaged items much faster than other suits. ability in bunker one: the suit shows you the entrance to the secret room (switches on the effect particles around the entrance) in the game, I didn't give a big stop to the design, but rather to the possibilities and functionality. the game has been penalized several times by several players, and is fully functional, but sometimes there is a problem with the interaction of some entities, then it is good to use some of the bonus codes for teleportation to another sector and sweetly put it, usually the problem is solved .. due to the problem with the interaction of the ladder, sometimes it happens that the ladder cannot be used, (exit point is blocked (does not apply to bunker two, there it is necessary to open the door above the ladder with a lever)) also helps teleportation prec and nazat (usually). yes, I plan to create another part of the game, but here I want to think about it first, and I don't know when I will start creating it. If you have any questions, please contact me here or on the discord: mello # 4849 you can still leave feedback on the game, other updates but only after the competition ...
  10. Mello1223


    Tu sú bonusové kódy, ktoré v hre zostanú: TPSEC1 TPSEC2 TPBUN1 TPBUN2 TPBUN3 TPBUN4 GIVEMEMP3 ALLCRYSTALS PLSGIVEMEENERGY GIVEMEKEY bonusový kód pre energiu bol upravený ... hra bola dokončená.
  11. Mello1223

    Might this Suggestion is affordable.

    yes, follow is possible, but I personally like the proposal with agriculture..I thought about it a long time ago, and I thought that adding the ability made it possible, but I was wrong .. but I think it would be enough to add a few more "preset parts" of animation that we would to use on npc...
  12. Mello1223

    Dev Diary #154 - Custom Images

    I don't want to anticipate bad events but I'm really afraid that it won't do more harm than good... especially for particle effects...there are already enough problems with them anyway ... but if it works well then it will be really great!!
  13. Mello1223

    Steamship MkIII - Dauntless

    if you need help, find me on the discord, I can send you a composition or help with the specific settings in the stream.. discord: mello#4849
  14. Mello1223

    Steamship MkIII - Dauntless

    Zloženie: 100% bavlna. Pretože existuje veľa spôsobov, ako to urobiť, vybral som si 3, ktoré považujem za najjednoduchšie ...
  15. Mello1223

    Steamship MkIII - Dauntless

    I'm happy to help you, but I need to know what you would like to have as an output value? Do you want to have some text from the amount of fuel left, or something like a panel that will change color?or something other?
  16. Mello1223


    I will also join the topic ..these markers serve as an indication of the beginning and end of an ability, if I understand that well ... and there is a way to start an ability without having to toggle it using preset buttons if, for example, I want to use custom controls to start an ability..is it posible???
  17. Mello1223


    I just released the final version of the game..the final version is still marked as 0.7.2 I will continue to update this version continuously according to the reported bugs, and I am going to add another small design modification, which will mainly concern sector number one and bunker number 4. next weekend I will change the bonus codes, some of them will be permanently removed. after these codes are removed, the game will be completed. so far I have added one more bonus code : ALLCRYSTALS this code will make the last part of the game available to you.. the ability to mark bunker 4 as passed will not be added to the game I will look forward to every feedback
  18. Mello1223


    0.7.2 is out.. bunker 4 open for tests.. rebuild sector 2,delete movie from finish bunker 1,add new info window for this part,partially redesigned conditions for teleports in sector two,and more...
  19. Mello1223


    herný bunker 4 aktualizácia vyjde po konštrukčných úpravách ... btw - it's not as simple as if in the video .. you can trust me .. until I managed to finish it at least like this, it took me a long time
  20. Mello1223

    Harvest Staff

    great idea!
  21. Mello1223

    tanks in Ylands

    CZ/SK : ahoj valmir,som rad ze si spät.. prepac ze som ti v hre uz neodpisal,ale spravy v hre mi nefunguju tak ako by mali... dufam ze teraz ta uz prehovorime aby si si nainstaloval discord. uz sa ho naucil pouzivat aj atelerix inak moja ponuka stale plati,ak budes chciet pomozem ti ich animovat,ale az v decemby ked skonci sutaz .. ENG : hi valmir, I'm glad you're back .. sorry I didn't write you off in the game anymore, but the messages in the game doesn't work for me as they should ... I hope we'll talk to you now to install the discord. he has already learned to use it atelerix, otherwise my offer is still valid if you want to help animate them, but only in December when the competition is over ..
  22. Mello1223


    for interest ,currently in the game : 1x custom controls 1x entity storage 1x ask player 1x trasaction 1x custom post process 1x water volume 1x player role 1x spawn point 1x AI behaviour 3x event listener 3x enviroment 3x game logic template 4x particle template 8x sound effect 16x game logic label 16x custom camera 18x positon animator 19x entity template 20x entity label 23x potation animator 30x global storage 31x time trigger 34x custom window 47x trigger zone 53x impassable barrier 82x particle effect 121x reference point There is also a preliminary work on two bunkers, which should be more demanding than before... I hope I can make it ...
  23. Mello1223


    Hi ... late, but I ended up in bunker three... however, the release of the new version will be delayed due to the fact that the workshop has technical problems again...for these problems my second mini game ,block buster is still without an assigned server.. for now, at least, you can look at a small recap of bunker three...