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Everything posted by Mello1223

  1. Mello1223

    need help with scripting

    can you show me script,what you use for despawn NPC?
  2. Mello1223

    need help with scripting

    for none entity type click and chose what type entity you want remove from player inventory or equipment.. character set player...
  3. Mello1223

    need help with scripting

    1 and 2 is functional 100%, maybe also 3, but 3 i don't tried ...
  4. Mello1223


    výsledný efekt nie je príliš veľký, ale môj mozog v tom skutočne trpel ...
  5. Mello1223

    can anyone change my nickname.

    but, @empeorgame3 I'm really glad you finally started creating something, try to put more effort into watching videos, and testing the possibilities of the editor. I am convinced that if you devote at least half of the effort you put into writing, so that you can learn to work in editor, you will be better than all the others combined...
  6. Mello1223

    can anyone change my nickname.

    ignore, and hope he mature before we lost all our nerves
  7. Mello1223


    0.6.(3) part 3 bunker 3 out SPOJLER!! áno, napísal som ti, že nerobím krátke videá, ale toto video nepochádza od redaktora, ale z hry
  8. Mello1223


    0.6.(2) optimization, partial simplification, addition of hint to the bunker 1...partial design modifications in bunker three, bugs fix
  9. Mello1223


    0.6.(1) little patch" : next part for bunker 3 open,few bug fixes,lot of work on scripts... scripts for part 1 bunker3 scripts for part 2 bunker 3
  10. Mello1223


    I'm going to have to hurry to finish bunker three, but I think that clearing the avalanche in bunker two will keep you entertained enough not to get bored of it.
  11. Mello1223


    v 0.6 is out... news: complet rework start window,complet rework bonus code system,few bug fix..
  12. Mello1223


    scripts for first part of bunker scripts for start windows...
  13. Mello1223

    Naru's Corner #7 - Optimization tips & tricks

    in fact, I've spent a lot of hours solving animation and rotation in a group, but as far as I can remember the beginnings, yes, it was one with the problem that the same thing happened with rotation .. hmm, transform position or rotation .. it would could work ..?thanks for the tip ?
  14. Mello1223

    Naru's Corner #7 - Optimization tips & tricks

    @NaruTheHuman.hi.. for rotations I currently solve it using reference points located outside the group, and at the same time I rotate not only the group but also the given reference point so that I can later get its rotation, and similarly I solve it with animators .. but it's a double work of extra ... that's why I you asked about it ...
  15. Mello1223


    list and description of active bonus codes (if you do not pick up the laptop in sector 1, you will not be able to return or use bonus codes in other sectors,if you don't wear any suits, many parts of the game in other sectors will not work for you ! ! ! ) : GIVEMEKEY -unlocked locked iron doors in sector 1, behind the door are buttons for quick pickup of available suits, and the possibility of quick teleportation to sector two GIVEMEENERGY -adds 2000 energy to the player GIVEMEMP3 -unlocks the possibility to use the mp3 player without obtaining the first crystal (this option is automatically opened after obtaining the first crystal) TPSEC1 - this code teleports the player to sector 1 TPSEC2 - this code teleports the player to sector 2 TPBUN1 - this code teleports the player to bunker 1 TPBUN2 -this code teleports the player to bunker 2 TPBUN3 -this code teleports the player to bunker 3
  16. Mello1223


    update 0.5 uploaded to the workshop.... fixed bugs in bunkers two, fixed a couple of bugs found in other parts of the game...opportunity to try the first part of the bunker 3, added temporary bonus codes...
  17. Mello1223

    Toxic gossip

    @jchob I also have enough of my problems, but I won't let anyone make me a thief!!! I don't care if red have problems with yourself, let them solve them at some doctor, and not in this way!!!
  18. Mello1223


    for creators... actual in game 23 global storages +/-everyone have +/- 30 variables... lot of instructions... and lot of my lovely animators
  19. Mello1223


    and one very important piece of information !!! I don't know who it is but someone bought energy in my game from real coins .. this way I would like to thank this person very nicely, even though I really don't know who it is .. I really appreciate it !!! but I want to tell you, it's also in the game, there is no need to buy anything .. I don't create a game for money. I do it for players who like my work and also because I enjoy it... again,thank you very very much!!!
  20. Mello1223


    hello ylanders .. in the last two days I haven't contacted you at all, nor did I make any updates, but you still don't have to worry .. I'm still working hard to develop the game ... but for some reason I decided not to add so many short ones here videos, instead I will stream regularly on youtube on my channel ..the point is that when streaming, I create proof of how I create the game myself, twice ... one copy on youtube, and one on my computer.when exactly will i be streaming i can't know exactly but i will try to do so every time i create my game...before finishing, I will try to create a short clip of how the game was created, I hope you will like it .then i post here and don't worry ... I will keep you informed about the progress .. and I will always add photos, and the necessary things for the here such as bonus codes and other necessary information .. peace! have a nice day!
  21. Mello1223

    [Completed] Santa's Workshop

    it looks really nice .. i'm looking forward to testing
  22. Mello1223

    Toxic gossip

    ok..can i ask you??? you blind??? or have you some personality problem??? look here!!!
  23. Mello1223

    Toxic gossip

    I have no problem with you, and basically with your community .. the problem was created by red, when he unjustly called me a thief, there is nothing more to it .. have a nice day .. (btw .. I'm really curious about your opinion that you will have in two maybe in three months ) peace!!!
  24. Mello1223

    Toxic gossip

    take a look at all the posts in this thread, and then find out how your leader goes against his own rules .. how he tries to tell me that I stole something from him when it is not true .. when he does not have good arguments, he prefers to change the subject quickly .. yes, there are a lot of good and friendly people in your comunity, with whom I am still in contact .. but your leader is not as like as you think about him
  25. Mello1223

    Toxic gossip

    by the way @RedEagle_P1., you don't have to edit or delete your posts. I have it backed up...