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Everything posted by spiritchaser28

  1. spiritchaser28

    Can we make eating/drinking available while sitting?

    I always loved sitting down at a table or around the campfire with friends and discussing things. I think this animation is long overdue. It sort of looks awkward standing up to drink and eat
  2. spiritchaser28

    You into Fishing?

    I was hoping the harpoon would at least do something or some underwater weapons would be involved in this update and we could have shark steaks for dinner. Making them invincible enemies seems a bit much. Bolt action rifles don't even damage them from above. At the very least let people defend themselves with other means than repellant. Or here's a fun idea....shark bait so we can tame and ride them underwater.
  3. spiritchaser28

    Update 1.9: OCEAN ODYSSEYS

    I believe you can repair it
  4. spiritchaser28

    Rants on the New Ship Blocks

    I would disagree about the speedometer. I think it will finally settle the debate about top speeds of each ship and allows the players to know how many engines it takes to reach that top speed. I always felt sorry for players that spent all their resources building 30 engines on a catamaran when the top speed is achieved with only 3 engines. Also with the new damgae system in place the top speed goes down once the ship is damaged so it's a pretty good gauge of other ship issues that need repairing.
  5. spiritchaser28

    Better Swimming Quallities

    It used to be warmer.....not sure why they changed it. I agree it needs to have more temperature resistance to colder climates
  6. spiritchaser28

    Ideas on a Sky Update

    I know for a fact that Ales had mentioned adding flying vehicles to the game, but he also mentioned before they introduce flying vehicles they would like to incorporate some dangers to flying in the sky. The reason they nerfed the propeller pack was it made the game far too easy to fly around and not face any real threats. Maybe we will get dragons or pterodactyls or some other flying menace. Whatever they decide, I am looking forward to seeing it. The last update certainly introduced a ton of danger to being in the ocean, and it was well worth the wait. The oceans are now full of life and dangerous mysteries. I'm certain the skies will be part of a future update. It's all about balancing out the game now.
  7. spiritchaser28

    Fallout 4: Vault-Tec Modular Blueprint Set Development

    @Deadeye_RobWhere can I find a Nuka Cola? LOL Love the reference. Was wondering if the vault will have an underground greenhouse? You mentioned having a cup of tea.
  8. spiritchaser28

    Dev Diary #218 Sea You Underwater!

    Thank you Ales and the rest of the team! This looks like it's going to be an amazingly gorgeous update!! Also many thanks for listening to what players wanted included in the game. I know it takes a lot of time and effort but your team is on top of it all. I look forward to all the new surprises
  9. spiritchaser28

    Fallout 4: Vault-Tec Modular Blueprint Set Development

    Getting vibes from that movie Army of thieves.
  10. spiritchaser28

    Cannons and Catapults

    Wait we can no longer shoot fish from the cannons? Bummer..
  11. spiritchaser28

    Eating Animation

    Wait ....catfish???
  12. spiritchaser28

    Building any vehicle - How to undo

    Nope not craftable. Only sandbox item or creator cube can get one.
  13. spiritchaser28

    Building any vehicle - How to undo

    annhilator...but you have to anhilate the wheel, anchor and ladders before you can use it on the ship hull
  14. spiritchaser28

    Dev Diary #217 Sea Experiments

    Question for this next update. Will there be new Mystery Ylands to explore and will there be new achievement awards? @Nikki Severin Also will ships we have on other maps be taking damage when we are not there? I mean if it is saved and the ships are fine and we come back a week later will we find that they have been sunk? I see this as a possible on multiplayer maps but on singleplayer map saves I would think the answer is no?
  15. spiritchaser28

    Building any vehicle - How to undo

    Unfortunately at this moment you cannot take away a ship hull or car chassis except by destroying them.....I am hoping the new update will rectify this.
  16. spiritchaser28

    Dev Diary #212 Things that keep coming up...

    All I can say is bring on summer! Woohoo!
  17. spiritchaser28

    Dev Diary #216 Roadmap 2022

    wonder if the fishies will be piranhas in the tropical region
  18. spiritchaser28

    Dev Diary #216 Roadmap 2022

    Look at that deep sea diving suit and fishies!!!!! I can't wait!
  19. With the ship summoning system I don't really worry about multiplayer. Unsummon the ship and nobody can steal a thing. Maybe they can loot your remains if you get killed, but the ship is in the cloud..... I get your gripe about being able to access boxes and chests through walls though. It shouldn't be possible....my thinking is it's the type of blocks you are using....are those basic wood blocks?....I know they had an issue with paint a bit ago......mainly painting one side and the other side being painted as though the block was not there. I thought they fixed this issue but it seems to relate......I mean it's as though the blocks are not there.....even though the blocks are visible. It may benefit you to place the containers and switches/levers/anchors etc a bit further away from the walls.....I personally don't care if someone boards my ship and steals something because I have a ton of supplies and 6 backup ships fully loaded.....but some players just have the bare minimum needed to survive so I understand your position.
  20. I know that last week they were doing some work on the forums and creator pages. Perhaps they aren't finished yet. The site went down for a few hours.
  21. spiritchaser28

    Is iron found in starter island?

    @Nikki Severin Maybe there should be a part of the tutorial that teaches people how to scavenge the iron on the starter map. Hold a log, right click a ladder, table chest or chair on the starter map....BOOM iron ingots and nails. It's true they can build a boat without iron but too many people seem to get hung up on the idea they need iron to leave even though that's not the case. I talked to ThePyPse about this and thought it would be a good idea to just include a tutorial about how to make the basic small boat (without iron)
  22. spiritchaser28

    Is iron found in starter island?

    Well they do need to claim a boat to leave the map....the small boat requiring 15 grass rope, 5 poles, 5 cloths, 25 logs and any hammer will get them off the starter island map easy enough.
  23. spiritchaser28

    Annoying noise

    Tell ales we are still waiting for the refinery to be a bit more pleasant in the sound department. God the noise it makes
  24. spiritchaser28

    Unable to dig near water

    This must have been way before my time. When I started playing a couple years ago the water didn't do all that.
  25. spiritchaser28

    Welding Lag

    Yeah the pixel cubes are fantastic for small builds, but they are all different entities with colliders. I generally try to keep the pixel cube builds to a minimum count. The largest I have built with them is a small guitar. I wouldn't use thousands of them because of the lag it can induce. I stick to using them as things like buttons on a stereo or other such builds. @Mello1223 has made some impressive things with pixel cubes, but he will attest it took hours to load.