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Posts posted by spiritchaser28

  1. 3 hours ago, p4rr said:

    so 'welding' means that blocks placed on grid merge together so the pc doesn't have to think about the 'inside bits' ?

    I used to think it counted as one block, but that's not the case. It's a bit more complex to explain. Apparently optimization has to do with how it is displayed and a number of other factors. A while back some computer geek that understood Unity well tried to explain it to me but I got lost in the explanation LOL. All I know is it is better when welded, but in certain cases it's better to weld certain elements together for the best optimization. On Houses and buildings for example, it's better to weld all the roof elements, and then walls, then floors, windows.....from what I understand the welds are better optimized if they consist of the same types of blocks. It's never a good idea to weld things you interact with like doors, chairs, beds chests, etc unless you don't want people to use them.

    With ships and cars it's different because you can go from totally unwelded to welded in seconds and the program figures out which items to not weld. With Houses that are freebuilt it is also different because the blocks will weld over a set time, but its still possible to take one block out of it and replace it with another if you wish because it sort of places the building in construction mode when you are adding something or taking something away. 

    That's the best way I can explain it....I'm probably missing some details

  2. 8 hours ago, p4rr said:

    do free-placed blocks have bigger impact on performance that blocks snapped to grid ?

    In general, the more collisions (blocks placed inside each other) a build has the laggier it may be performance wise, welding optimizes the build but if it has a billion collisions it can still lag. With ships it basically welds when you assemble and unwelds when you dissasemble. Free placing doesn't always have collisions

    I don't see many collisions on your ship so it should be good to go


  3. 4 hours ago, TonyPearce said:

    These strange things happened in some island(Exploration mode).

    Like this one:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2794546839

    And this one:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2794538009

    It seems that they were in right place at the beginning.

    Is this on an older map? I have seen this before when an update occurred on one of my islands. It was like the land shifted.

  4. 42 minutes ago, 6Cowa6Bunga6 said:

    talk about blast from the past with your screenshots. !! 

    when has there not been some sort of underground digging. that was always a favorite things of Ylands. The digging
    Though early yland days it was easy to find tunnels with firstperson 

    I think everybody learns to dig fast and make fire when they are in colder climates. Shelter and warmth is crucial to survive in those first stages on those sorts of starting maps


  5. 1 hour ago, SlumnIt said:

    Correct; She's playing exploration mode. Which those "maps", "ylands", or whatever you want to call them, do not show up in the Editor.
    And I don't want to do anything that might prevent her from completing the achievements, which are available in exploration mode.

    Well...on that note it wouldn't be called "Exploration" if everything was revealed. Editor made maps can reveal the entire map like @Mello1223 pointed out, but Exploration DLC is a different game, and it requires exploring.

    On a side note I believe it is planned in the future to have editor made maps available in sort of an "alternate dimension" of exploration.....but it will still be 2 separate games. Traditional exploration has PVP areas and it would be unfair advantage if the map owner had some advantage over the players visiting the map....But in the future plans of adding editor made maps to a second version of exploration it might be fun to explore in a different way.....with certain rules in place for each map....but I'm pretty sure they want to keep those sorts of maps separate from the original exploration/survival updates so people aren't just handed a ton of gold, resources, and overpowered weapons from the jump to carry into the actual survival game

    Hope that made sense

  6. 5 hours ago, Hunter-Over-Fire said:

    I'll start. Remember when the Mummy was a SKELETON?

    Ales had talked about this once in a stream when the question was brought up about bones. Apparently in some Eastern cultures bones are offensive to some religions. It was sort of the reason they had them removed from the game...they are considering bringing them back, but the game is worldwide and for kids so they endeavor not to offend any particular people's beliefs. I think this is also most likely the reason we do not see cows and bulls in the game....in some regions around the planet they are considered sacred.

  7. I agree.....I dislike taking the gold out of the pouch sometimes because it can sometimes use inventory space you need and what happens is you get things like a bunch of log shipments laying in front of Morten that you have to come back and pick up after you put the gold back in your pouch

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