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Nikki Severin

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Everything posted by Nikki Severin

  1. Nikki Severin

    [YLD-29964] Clay pot on ships bug

    Hello! It is now in our system and we are looking into it! Thank you for letting us know!
  2. Thank you for the bugs!
  3. Hello there! @Yo HasLEGO would you mind providing us with your save so that we can have a better look into this? Thank you!
  4. Nikki Severin

    Community Feedback

    I will keep you posted once we find a suitable and objective solution And I will definitely look into the in game option
  5. Hi everyone! We are now looking into this! If there are any new pieces of info you think we should have, please do let us know
  6. Nikki Severin

    Community Feedback

    Hey guys! We are most likely going to implement a service that can collect responses from all of our platforms so that everyone has a chance to voice their opinion
  7. Nikki Severin

    [YLD-29921] Problem with my construction station

    Hello! We are looking into this and I will let you know once there are updates! Thank you for letting us know
  8. Nikki Severin

    RESOLVED Unable to start New Exploration

    Yay! Happy to hear that it worked for you! Have fun playing Ylands and do let us know if there's anything else we can do for you
  9. Nikki Severin

    Why I no longer don't believe in Ylands

    Hi there! Glad to hear you like what Ylands has been up to lately! Happy to hear any other feedback you might have! Have a fantastic day!
  10. Nikki Severin

    RESOLVED Unable to start New Exploration

    Can you check what your setting under "Controls" is? Is it on "Autodetection"? (see attached) If not, you can try switching it to "Mouse & Keyboard" which should help BUT it will permanently disable any controller or gamepad controlling so you will have to use mouse and keyboard only. If this doesn't fix the problem, please do let me know!
  11. Nikki Severin

    RESOLVED Unable to start New Exploration

    Hello! Sorry for the delay, the team is looking into this and I will let you know as soon as I have more information! Thank you for letting us know about this
  12. Nikki Severin

    [YLD-29951] Traders disappeared

    Hey everyone! Looking into this! Please give us a bit of time to go over the logs and figure out what's happening
  13. Nikki Severin

    New Community Warlock Nikki

    Sounds like quite the array of hobbies, wow! ?
  14. Nikki Severin

    Dev Diary #170 1.6 is out

    Thank you all for the warm welcome! Can´t wait to get properly into it and nerd out with you all! ?
  15. Nikki Severin

    Dev Diary #170 1.6 is out

    Super excited to get started! Thank you for having me! ?