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Nikki Severin

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Everything posted by Nikki Severin

  1. Nikki Severin

    Dev Diary #329 Guardian of Caves

    Ahoy Ylanders! Today, we spoke with our Art department about what's coming to Ylands! And we bring you a short peek into the brand new guardian of Arid caves! Conceptualizing the Arid Hyena The creation of our new hyena creature for the Arid region in Ylands started with the need for a guardian of the dark, mysterious caves. We chose a hyena for its reputation as a cunning and resilient animal, aiming to evoke a sense of danger and challenge. The goal was to create a creature that fits the harsh, unforgiving nature of its environment. This creature is meant to add a new layer of depth and excitement to the game, challenging players in unexpected ways. From 3D Model to Life: Crafting the Hyena We built the hyena directly in Blender, focusing on sharp edges and glowing green crystals to emphasize its role as a cave guardian. Following our pipeline, we skinned the model in Maya to ensure smooth integration with our animation workflow. The final model, with its intimidating stance and piercing eyes, meets our vision of a menacing creature. Every detail was crafted to enhance the creature’s unique and formidable presence within the game world. Animating the Guardian: Breathing Life into Our Creation For the animation, we reused the set from the Wendigo, as both creatures share the same skeleton. This approach allowed our artists to add more variations while enabling our animators to focus on other critical tasks. Creating a new animation set is very time-demanding, so reusing existing animations was a practical solution. By optimizing our resources this way, we were able to enrich the game’s animation quality overall. What are your thoughts? Are you looking forward the the hyena? Let us know! Stay Classy!
  2. Nikki Severin

    2.3.1 Patch Changelog

    ⭐ HIGHLIGHTS ⭐ Tutorial gameplay tweaked, finally everyone can jump across the first ditch in the starting chapter Audio is not broken anymore once you finish the Elmwood's Outpost story General bug fixes FIXED [YLD-52720] Fixed: There is no music in game after disconnecting at wrong time from Story Land. [YLD-52785] Fixed: VS: Custom tools: get/set obsolete position/rotation script tiles do not work with preview objects. [YLD-52717] Fixed: VS: new Set position tiles do not work correctly with animated single entities/GLs and Move to script tile. [YLD-52710] Fixed: Editor: Group templates supports Event listeners, Position animators and Rotation animators again.
  3. Nikki Severin

    Ylands on nintendo switch soon ?

  4. Nikki Severin


    Ahoy Ylanders! After the exciting news of last week (watch here ICYMI) we are back with another announcement: Update 2.3 is live now and packed with content! Are you ready to get your ELVEN EXPEDITIONS started? Random Encounter Objectives Random Encounters were given mini quests! Each Encounter now has a quest you can complete and to make sure you know exactly what to do, we included a way to track its progress. Luring lighthouse A new chapter of the story takes you to the Monsoonal region where strange things started happening. Could this have something to do with the arrival of elves into the region? It is up to you (and Horatio Reginald Elmwood, of course) to find out what's going on! Gamepad support FINALLY! You can play Ylands with a gamepad, including an aim-assist support to help you during combat. New Random Encounters created by community Ros Bobb has been given a makeover by our community. In each region, you can find new stalls, galleries, and houses made for Ross Bob! Quality of life improvements You may now use the free-placing feature for your blueprints, it can be freely rotated and snapped to ground at your will. And a few more things here and there EDITOR improvements Polished ease of use of input fields throughout the editor. Merged Terrain and Advanced Terrain Tools and split Game Logics into Basic Logics and Script Logics. Custom Enums are now a standalone Visual Script Category. Custom Localizations basic workflow introduced - create your own localization tables for custom games. Positions and Rotations in Visual Scripting reworked to be more intuitive. New Project Browser makes searching and opening Editor Scenarios much easier. Are you curious about other new features, fixes and additions? See the Changelog for update 2.3 here: 2.3 Elven Expeditions - Changelog - Changelogs - Ylands
  5. Nikki Severin

    EXPERIMENTAL Build - 2.3 Update

    Ahoy Ylanders, We've been hard at work on the upcoming update, which we titled Elven Expeditions. And before we release it, we bring you the experimental build! Available only to Steam users, the Experimental build offers you guys a chance to: test upcoming features & changes report any bugs & provide early feedback (#experimental_build room on our Discord server is a great way to do that) HOW TO TRY THE EXPERIMENTAL BUILD Go to your Steam library and right-click Ylands Select Properties, click the "Betas" tab, and enter "YExperimentalPublic" as the password (excluding the double quotes) This will unlock the "i_will_back_up_my_saves" branch. (Please note that you don't need to back up your saves anymore this is just the name of the branch). After selecting the branch and confirming it, Steam will begin downloading the new experimental branch SUPER IMPORTANT INFO! Any progress you make on the experimental build DOES NOT carry over to your live game!!! When you start playing experimental, we will now copy your live progress into experimental for you. You can try your actual progress in the new update right away (remember that you are playing in a separate environment so it will not affect your progress on live by any means). What WILL be copied: Adventure mode progress, All editor scenarios and tools, Non-protected workshop scenarios and all the blueprints you have uploaded to the workshop All your purchased blueprints All your local blueprints What WILL NOT be copied: Sharegames Rented servers (if you want any of those maps on experimental, you will need to turn them into singleplayer maps before you start experimental for the first time) Any workshop assets with global user data (leaderboards, game sets, etc) Do not copy any local files! Any TAMPERING with local data can lead to irreversible loss of progress!!! Not all features that will be released in the full release are necessarily available in the Experimental build. It is possible that some features available in the Experimental build might be changed, balanced, or removed before the full release. ...with that out of the way...onto the good stuff! Highlights Random Encounter Objectives We improved random encounters so now you are able to keep track of RE objective progress. We hope it will motivate you and your friends to explore ylands even more now. Luring lighthouse A new chapter of the story takes you to the Monsoonal region where strange things started happening. Could this have something to do with the arrival of elves into the region? It is up to you (and Horatio Reginald Elmwood, of course) to find out what's going on! Gamepad Gamepad controls is finally here for you. Do not forget that with gamepad we help you a little bit during the combat with the aim assist. Quality of life improvements You may now use freeplace feature for your blueprints, it can be freely rotate and snap to ground at your will. EDITOR improvements: Polished ease of use of input fields throughout the editor. Merged Terrain and Advanced Terrain Tools and split Game Logics into Basic Logics and Script Logics. Custom Enums are now a standalone Visual Script Category. Custom Localizations basic workflow introduced - create your own localization tables for custom games. Positions and Rotations in Visual Scripting reworked to be more intuitive. New Project Browser makes searching and opening Editor Scenarios much easier.
  6. Ahoy Ylanders! Today, let's for once leave the seas of Ylands and instead dive into what it's like to be a tester. In general, us testers get to shine when a new feature or asset is introduced and given to us in its raw state. Here it's important to keep two mindsets: one of a tester, but also one of a player. But let's get to the latter in a little bit. Generally, as testers, we basically have one important job - to grab what we've received and attempt to break it in any way imaginable. Already knowing all that is doable in the game, this is where we do that "all" and way more. We get to wreak havoc and investigate all that could possibly go wrong, and this is where being creative and imaginative really pays off. Finding as many ways to break every new thing as possible lets us, after all, try our very best to bring you everything in the most polished, pristine state after it's reported, fixed and retested. The mindset of a player comes into the picture when we also have to consider the question of: is this user friendly? As most of us already have our fair share of experience with games, we know fairly well if not only the usability but also design is something that would generally please a player. Overall, it's important to us that every new thing is easy to understand, can be used well, but also looks a way that would catch our eye as players. As such, not only do we find bugs, but also bring our own feedback to the table. When a release is knocking on the door, that's when the most things can possibly go wrong. Instead of testing rather specific things, we now have to look through every single corner of the game to make sure nothing has been broken in the process. Even things that until now seemed minor are important to test so that we can try our best to make the experience we bring you, our players, as flawless as it could be. And then the release comes, maintenance happens, and we have the job and last chance of checking that everything is fine, so we split the most important parts of the game amongst our lovely team of testers and go through all Story ylands, intro, shop etc., basically all that absolutely has to be in a proper state no matter what. And we have to manage in time so that you can get the finished product and continue sailing as soon as possible. Overall, seeing that progress that newly added things go through is really exciting, as it goes from a sometimes rather broken state to a finished feature and we get to experience all those stages. Sometimes that results in funny bugs that we would not otherwise experience while being simply players, which we then get to share with you, our community, afterwards. At the same time, it can be a difficult job since we're not just playing the game. It can sometimes take us days to find how a specific bug happens, which often results in us just doing the same thing over and over and over again until we figure it out, and then once more after it's fixed. It takes a lot of effort, thinking, and patience, but in the end it's always worth it. If you run into a bug or simply need help with something, let us know in our Discord! That's it for this week! Stay Classy!
  7. Nikki Severin

    Dev Diary #316 Notice Board Systems

    Ahoy Ylanders! This week, our programmer Radek will share a few insights about our internal system called Notice Board. This nice addition to our game is a digital bulletin board, crafted to enhance your gaming experience by bringing you relevant information happening around the Ylands game. Key Features Dynamic Content Updates: Keeping players informed and engaged is crucial, so we've developed a dynamic hub filled with content to ensure you never miss out on the essential happenings in the Ylands universe. Stay updated on upcoming patches, new shop content, latest features, and game changes. Visual Experience: To get your attention, we have designed an aesthetic board with a charming board theme. Our UI Designer carefully crafted the variants of paper notes that are easily integrated into the dynamic system we developed. Technical Aspects Originally the tool was required by the marketing team and it was intended to be just a place with brief notes served to the players updated approximately once a month. Because of this simplified design and underestimation of the potential size of that system, we encountered several complications during the development process. We chose a more simplistic approach inspired by the classic blog systems but we had to work with static data uploaded on the server. We chose the JSON file format for storage. The JSON file you upload to the server needs to be manually edited, which can be easy for a tech-savvy person, but can be a nightmare for the average PC user. That's why it's important to choose the right tools while simplifying the editing process itself, which was also underestimated at first. If you're building a tool that requires the work of others while giving you the ability to update content fairly frequently, reach for a database solution rather than static data and expose some simple frontend app with convenient editing tools. Unfortunately, we were limited by time and did not expect that the system would become such an integral tool. Fortunately, there are ways to automate these things, so we created a spreadsheet where the marketing team can update their data while keeping track of what has been published. They then generate a JSON file from that table and just send it to the backend server. While this process still requires the involvement of at least 3 people, editing such a spreadsheet and then uploading the final changes to the server takes much less time. In conclusion, we'd just like to point out that it's always a good idea to consider the importance and potential workload of such a system and invest time in developing tools and then working with them more efficiently accordingly. Since its release, the Notice Board has become one of the most visited places in Ylands. We are constantly working on improving the Notice Board and have some exciting additions planned for the next update. Is there something you'd like to see on the Notice Board? Let us know! Stay classy, ylanders!
  8. Nikki Severin

    2.2.1 Patch Changelog

    ⭐ HIGHLIGHTS ⭐ Tech Tree - When you select a known recipe in the Tech Tree, it will now also be selected in the crafting menu. Continue on your Adventure - Some of you who skipped the last two updates couldn't continue playing. Not anymore! Handbook Rewards - Some players didn't receive their rewards during multiplayer gameplay, but now they will have them back. Elmwood's outpost - A few Ylanders had their progress in this story Yland restarted; we have reverted it. Low memory optimization - You might have experienced a crash on Crimson Shores Yland - this issue is now fixed. FIXED [YLD-50689] Fixed: Handbook rewards: Collectibles rewards can be claimed for clients again. Affected players will receive all rewards they should have gotten after the loading of exploration map. [YLD-50630] Fixed: Reduced memory consumed by lights shadow maps to manageable amount. [YLD-50644] Fixed: Exploration map compatibility issues for saves made in before 1.10. [YLD-50645] Fixed: Editor: Freeze when you start PC only empty world. [YLD-50666] Fixed: Editor: Custom transactions in scenarios without gameset/scenario data never finished, always resulted in refund. [YLD-50674] Fixed: Editor: Is group tile does not work correctly in custom tools when you provide them anything else than Group/Entity/Game logic. Fixed: Entity thumbnails in inventory can sometimes disappear or get switched with different ones. TWEAKED Tweaked: Improved readability of table view.
  9. Ahoy Ylanders, In today's dev diary, we will look at a significant change in the history of Ylands development that fundamentally influenced the creation of new assets and significantly improved players' ability to personalize their game creations and equipment. In the initial stages of game development, it was essential for us to design a specific visual style that would be unique and have great potential to not visually age soon. This key aspect was further influenced by other particular requirements, such as the need for a smooth change in the time of day, weather, and editable terrain. With an increasing number of players and the amount of time they spent in the game, there came a need for a more significant variability in-game assets, even though the game already contained thousands of unique objects. After testing various options for solving this problem, we decided to make all game objects colorable. On the one hand, this decision was great because it potentially created infinite variations of current assets without negatively impacting the data size. However, on the other hand, it brought a tremendous amount of work for the entire graphics team. To preserve the original visual style, we designed a system that would keep the artistically stylized shading of the model while also adding the possibility to colorize this model with three different colors. We achieved this effect by adding a second UV set to each model, which contains information about which part of the model is colored with one of these three colors. The original shading of the model remained stored in the first UV set, which now only contains different shades of gray. The final visual of the model is created inside the game engine using a custom shader, where the black-and-white shading is multiplied by the defined colors. In the game, there is a database where each object has its base colors stored, so the resulting visual corresponds to the original one, with the new option to change this coloration anytime. This new feature allowed us to create even more beautiful and diverse game environments, and more importantly, it allowed you, our players, to unlimitedly customize your creations, such as building your dream house and coloring it according to your preferences at any time in the future. Do you use this option in the game? What is your favorite way to use it? Let us know! Stay Classy!
  10. Ahoy Ylanders! We're thrilled to share some behind-the-scenes insights from our 3D artist department about a new animal coming to the Taiga region in Update 2.3. This is going to be a great one so you will have to wait a bit longer for it. The Creative Journey: From Squirrels to Cows Our journey began with an open slot in the Taiga region, prompting our designer to suggest adding a new animal. The first idea was a giant squirrel, but animation challenges led us to brainstorm further. We then played with the idea of something prehistoric and herbivorous, like a dinosaur. Imagine that in Ylands! However, we soon realized that the best idea was right in front of us, especially with the upcoming 2.2 update bringing encounters reminiscent of the bygone cowboy era. Our designer, Pypse (who often interacts with you on our Discord), came up with a brilliant idea: a cow. Merging Utility with Aesthetics: The Taiga Cow This cow isn't just an animal; it's a symbol of our commitment to blending utility with aesthetics. It animates well, is great for riding, can be milked, and fits perfectly with the Taiga's cowboy theme. Deciding on the type of cow was challenging, with numerous breeds to choose from. We settled on the unique Highland cattle, known for its shaggy coat. Artistic Challenge: The Highland Cattle Model Creating a model of the Highland cattle required special attention to its distinctive, shaggy fur. Thanks to our team of experienced artists, we found a fantastic direction for stylization, making our cow model a work of art. We're excited to show you the initial versions of the fur! Bringing the Cow to Life: Sounds and Animations In the Ylands team, we hope you'll also appreciate the sounds and animations of this noble Taiga creature, integral to our thoughtful stylization process. We're in the process of creating those, so stay tuned! Thank You, Community Your feedback is crucial as we continue to develop and refine our game. We're grateful for your participation in the Ylands community. Your adventures, challenges, and achievements inspire us every day and we are so excited to hear what you think about this furry cow addition to Ylands. Happy exploring in Ylands, and we can't wait for you to meet our newest Taiga resident! Stay Classy!
  11. Hello Ylanders, We’re back with an exciting blend of news about our latest feature: Handbook Rewards. This addition is all about enriching your entire journey in Ylands, with a special focus on those initial, crucial hours of gameplay. A Rewarding Start We understand that the first few hours in Ylands can be decisive. Players who overcome the initial learning curve tend to find deeper enjoyment and stay longer. With this in mind, Handbook Rewards are designed to make the early stages more engaging and less daunting. By offering meaningful rewards for early tasks, we aim to help new players find their footing and uncover the true potential of Ylands. Rewards Across Your Journey But it’s not just about the start. Handbook Rewards bring value at every stage of your adventure. Whether you’re gathering essential resources, unlocking unique and powerful weapons, or acquiring special collectibles, these rewards are tailored to enhance your experience. Streamlining Progression A key goal of Handbook Rewards is to offer a smoother progression path. These rewards come in at just the right time to help you unlock new regions and tackle the challenges ahead. It’s about reducing the grind and increasing the enjoyment of each milestone you reach. While also giving you a long term goal to aim for in the case of Story Chapters or some more difficult Region conquering Diary Events. Looking Forward Handbook Rewards represent just one step in our ongoing effort to make Ylands more engaging. We see great potential in integrating this system with future features, like daily quests or login bonuses, to continually enhance your gaming experience. Your Feedback, Our Compass As you delve into this new feature, we’re eager to hear from you. Your experiences, especially during the early stages of the game, are invaluable in helping us refine and evolve the Handbook Rewards system. Thank you for being part of the Ylands community. Your adventures, challenges, and achievements are what inspire us to keep improving and expanding the world of Ylands. Happy exploring, and here’s to many more rewarding adventures ahead! Stay Classy!
  12. Ahoy Ylanders! Updates are consistently geared toward enhancing your gaming experience. Each update brings a combination of significant features and behind-the-scenes improvements to ensure smoother and more enjoyable gameplay. Let's delve into the journey of these features. Wish List Our wish list is a culmination of various sources, including community suggestions, insights from focus tests, brainstorming sessions with our designers, and feedback from our team members. We also take into account thoughts gathered from QA feedback sessions, creating a comprehensive pool of ideas. Priorities Every update is driven by specific goals, such as improving recipes for new players or transforming sailing into a thrilling adventure. We compile a list of approximately 40 objectives for each update, aiming for a balance between fun and functionality. Design The Feature Owner plays a crucial role in crafting a design document with mockups to visualize ideas. Some features are even prototyped using our Editor, adding a tangible dimension to the creative process. Design Review A creative huddle takes place involving the Project Lead, Producer, and Designers. Their focused brainstorming session ensures alignment with our overall vision and addresses any potential challenges. Implementation With a detailed plan in place, we share our ideas with the implementation team. Each feature follows a specific timeline, accompanied by status meetings and vigilant oversight to ensure a smooth transition from concept to reality. Feature Review We did it! Upon completion, the Project Lead and Producer evaluate the feature's integration into the game, considering its overall enjoyment factor. Other developers also provide feedback during this phase. Feature is Ready The moment of truth arrives as QA takes center stage. Rigorous testing is conducted to identify and address any bugs, ensuring the feature is polished and ready for release. As our team eagerly tackles the next project, they remain committed to resolving any issues promptly. We're excited for you to experience the new feature and have a fantastic time with it! 🚀🎮 And that is a feature's journey from the point of view of Production. Do you have any questions about this process? Let us know in the comments! Stay Classy!
  13. Nikki Severin

    EXPERIMENTAL Build - 2.2 Update

    Ahoy Ylanders, We've been hard at work on the upcoming update, which we titled Tremendous Techtree. And before we release it, we bring you the experimental build! Available only to Steam users, the Experimental build offers you guys a chance to: test upcoming features & changes report any bugs & provide early feedback (#experimental_build room on our Discord server is a great way to do that) HOW TO TRY THE EXPERIMENTAL BUILD *optional* If you've been playing for a while and are not a newer player, please delete the contents of this folder C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\Bohemia Interactive\Ylands\Crashes go to your Steam library and right-click Ylands select Properties, click the "Betas" tab, and enter "YExperimentalPublic" as the password (excluding the double quotes) this will unlock the "i_will_back_up_my_saves" branch. (Please note that you don't need to back up your saves anymore this is just the name of the branch). after selecting the branch and confirming it, Steam will begin downloading the new experimental branch SUPER IMPORTANT INFO! Any progress you make on the experimental build DOES NOT carry over to your live game!!! When you start playing experimental, we will now copy your live progress into experimental for you. You can try your actual progress in the new update right away (remember that you are playing in a separate environment so it will not affect your progress on live by any means). What WILL be copied: Adventure mode progress, All editor scenarios and tools, Non-protected workshop scenarios and all the blueprints you have uploaded to the workshop All your purchased blueprints All your local blueprints What WILL NOT be copied: Sharegames Rented servers (if you want any of those maps on experimental, you will need to turn them into singleplayer maps before you start experimental for the first time) Any workshop assets with global user data (leaderboards, game sets, etc) Do not copy any local files! Any TAMPERING with local data can lead to irreversible loss of progress!!! Not all features that will be released in the full release are necessarily available in the Experimental build. It is possible that some features available in the Experimental build might be changed, balanced, or removed before the full release. Please delete the content of the folder: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\Bohemia Interactive\Ylands\Crashes If you forgot to delete the content of the folder and the game starts as a new game contact us for help. ...with that out of the way...onto the good stuff! HIGHLIGHTS New Experimental! Brand new way of playing the experimental build, now your live progress is copied to experimental so you can try the new changes with your own character and with your own progress! You can also try out your Editor tools and scenarios and see if they work, please keep us informed! Tech Tree Progress through core and most optional recipes is now based on a Tech Tree, allowing for more a controlled and fun system of unlocking crafting recipes. Handbook rewards New rewards for handbook tasks and story (bear in mind some of them are placeholders in experimental). Some rewards can be obtained only through the handbook and nowhere else, so remember to claim them! Compass overhaul Compass is now always visible and has an all-new visual for increased contrast. We also added the detection of cave entrances. Proximity chat Players are now able to communicate via a built-in proximity voice chat in multiplayer sessions. Inventory context button improvements We felt the item detail window was too hidden, so we displayed it more prominently (replaced the "Used In" button). Used In was moved to the item detail window, along with several new functions (Link to the crafting recipe, ability to craft more of the same item, etc.) Alchemy changed to crafting The alchemy table now works as any other workstation (potions are researched in the tech tree as most of the other recipes). Region map is now single-player by default Do you often run out of space in the region map? Now all your maps are single-player by default. Servers are always accessible by a separate game list in the region map. This should double the space for your own ylands! Avatar frames Now you can change the borders of your avatar's face. You can gain some as a reward or buy some in the shop. Frames are visible to all your friends. Biotop polishing Flora and fauna are now region-specific. We also changed the visual (both terrain and new entities) of every region. There are now some new animals like hens, and many new plants, rocks, and trees. Random encounters Random encounters are now region-specific (except for vendors). Vendor encounters were rebalanced and their compositions were updated. Optional recipes were separated into smaller pools to reflect progress in the Tech Tree. We also added a new method for the optional recipe and exploration point acquisition (Interactive entities hidden in Random encounters). Quality of life improvements List of valid entities for inventory containers extended (or changed). Tutorial rebalanced for new changes. Items automatically removed from containers no longer drop on the ground Destroyed entities from REs no longer drop resources. Hardened items no longer fall to the ground when terrain is modified below them. Stumps can be removed using a pick tool. Empty categories in the Crafting menu are hidden until you learn their contents. Sailing speed rebalance Boats were rebalanced to be slower than most ships. Ship speeds were rebalanced for a more linear progression. The angle of optimal wind was increased and the negative effect of sailing against the wind decreased. The power of sails and engines is applied by an exponential curve - less power is required to reach a reasonable speed. Gamepad PC alpha version Early access to the implementation of Gamepad controls for you to try out. Bear in mind that some UI windows are still in progress and you will not be able to use the gamepad in them properly. But especially in combat or general gameplay, we would like to know how gamepad controls work for you. Also please try our new aim assist using the gamepad. Full gamepad implementation will happen during next year. Aim assist Players using a gamepad or playing on mobile are now being assisted with aiming. Secondary Interaction bound to E key We moved some radial menu actions to a separate hotkey. Feedback improvement You can send feedback messages with save files attached. Indicators for saving and bad connection Whenever the game autosaves, an indicator flashes in the bottom right corner. Should you experience issues with an internet connection, the game will display that as well. Also, losing progress when your internet connection is poor should be mitigated to a minimum. EDITOR: Custom tools folders Organize Toolbox neatly into virtual folders. EDITOR: Debug stepping alpha version Introducing an alpha version of a powerful debugging tool for Custom Games containing complicated Visual Script. Add breakpoints to Visual Script tiles, test the game in the Debug mode, and walk through the script step by step. This feature is hidden by default but can be enabled by /enabledebugging 1. Critical Blocking Issues: tech tree does not work properly in multiplayer handbook rewards can disappear in multiplayer Please note that not all texts are translated at the moment and some old texts are not updated yet.
  14. Ahoy, Ylanders! Embark with us on a visual journey into the realm of artistic creation as we unveil the process behind some of the mythical animals in the Ylands universe. Today, we'll delve into the minds of our talented artists: Karel, Filip, and Jakub, as they created the fantastical beings that already inhabit your Ylands experience. Wooden Golem by Karel "Research is key to capturing the true essence of the Wooden Golem. I drew inspiration from my favorite Lord of the Rings movie, blending majestic and dangerous Ents with dumb and heavy Trolls. The challenge was to strike a balance between enchanting and mysterious, ensuring these creatures seamlessly meld into the forest landscapes our players will explore." Stormfeathered Banty by Filip "Creating the Stormfeathered Banty was a challenge. I immersed myself in the world of flying beasts, drawing inspiration from our animator Matej and his pet hen, as well as the old Mayan kingdom. It's fascinating how ordinary animals and tribal art can breathe life into these mythical creatures." Emerald Scaleneck and White Burroworill by Jakub "When thinking of Emerald Scaleneck and White Burroworill, I drew my inspiration from the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail (easter egg) and the TV series Dinosaurs. Incorporating these comical ideas into these mythical creatures added an otherworldly dimension. It's amazing how a blend of fantasy world, funny animals, and artistic interpretation can create creatures that feel both cute and captivating." A heartfelt thank you to Karel, Filip, and Jakub for offering us a glimpse into the creative process that births these mythical creatures! For a deeper dive into our artistic endeavors, don't forget to explore our art developer diary in the future. Share your thoughts on these extraordinary creations, and until our next artistic revelation... Stay Classy!
  15. Nikki Severin


    Ahoy Ylanders, It is finally here! We know, we know, it's been a while and sorry about that, but we think the major improvements and over 200 fixes, additions and tweaks are worth the wait! Before you skip to those long requested features, let us thank you for sticking with us in 2023, you are making wonders in Ylands! Let's see what Update 2.2: Tremendous Techtree has brought for you! Tech Tree Tired of randomly exploring the world to find specific recipes? So were we. But now, we're introducing a much better way to get them - The Tech Tree! Finally, you can take technological progress into your own hands and be in charge of advancing through the tree and helping it grow. Wanna know more specifics about the Tech Tree? Go see this Dev Diary: https://ylands.com/community/topic/32592-dev-diary-298-big-technology-change-incoming/ And to help you get started with the Tech Tree, we have a competition on our Discord! Join in and compete with other adventurers for the limited Fox on Board pet. Join the competition here: https://discord.gg/ylands?event=1207664814902480976 Handbook rewards Handbook is great, but everything can be improved. That's our mindset in a nutshell, so what is the Handbook improvement? Rewards for you! Some of these rewards will be useful in your journey and some are Handbook exclusive. One of the exclusive rewards is a C.A.G. avatar frame that can be claimed only by helping Reginald Elmwood with his assignment. What are some of the other rewards? Go open up your Adventurers Handbook and find out! Compass improvements Behold! A brand new never-disappearing compass found its way to Ylands. Storm, fog, night or the brightest sunshine - worry not! With its updated visual, the new compass will always help you find your way... or cave entrances, as those too are marked on the compass from now on. (Our miners reported dozens of hours saved when looking for resource deposits.) Avatar frames Wanna treat yourself by getting an exclusive look for everyone to see? A whole new section of the shop is here and with it an immense dose of style! Choose yours and show it off for all Ylanders to see! Proximity chat Yeah, every game has some kind of voice chat, but where is the immersion? In close proximity. So, make sure to test this new feature out with your closest friends! At least in the Adventure mode, where you can only hear each other when relatively nearby. But worry not, when playing in Creative, you can hear each other regardless of how far apart you are. Mobile aim assist Yet another thing you've been asking for quite often. Here it is! Better aim for mobile users. Pew! Pew! Pew! Are you curious about other new features, fixes and additions? See the Changelog for update 2.2 here: https://ylands.com/community/topic/32773-22-tremendous-tech-tree-changelog-wip/ Valentine sale is ON right now! Our lovely Valentine's sales are still going on. Exclusive limited pet Fox on Board and discounts on more pets, recipes and, of course, the proposal emote! Head to the shop and send a gift to that special player.
  16. Nikki Severin

    2.1.5 Patch - Winter Fest Changelog

    Whoops, yep, it is 2.1.5. Edited, thank you! ❤️
  17. Nikki Severin

    2.1.5 Patch - Winter Fest Changelog

    ⭐ Highlights ⭐ Snowball fighting - find stacks of snowballs in Random Encounters and use them in fun battles with your friends! Christmas animals - you can meet new Christmas variants of specific animals on newly discovered ylands and tame them. Toy hunt - Christmas came early and you can already find presents hidden in the world of Ylands. Merry Christmas! New Assets DISCLAIMER: These assets will be available only during the event. Once you acquire/tame them, you will be able to keep them even after the event ends. New animals (exclusively in new maps in Adventure) Festive Terrorbird Festive Rhinoceros Festive Tiger Festive Bear Festive Wolverine Festive Penguin New items Toy Teddy Bear Toy Doll Toy Robot Festive Bait Thrown snowball New pet Socky The Shark New Achievements Having a Snowball (throwable) Santa's Little Herder Santa's Little Hoarder _______________________________ FIXES Fixed: The player's ship should no longer appear in the middle of the Elmwood outpost. Fixed: We fixed the problem with the safe in Ember Yland which did not unlock also Distant memory should no longer disable music for players. ADDITIONS [YLD-48435] Added Anti Cheat sanitation. Multiplayer will be a safe place again. [YLD-48791] Added: Editor: Trigger On player created / On player spawned on Spawn point. Added: Three new Achievements - SANTA'S LITTLE HOARDER, SANTA'S LITTLE HERDER, HAVING A SNOWBALL CHANGES Changed: All new festive items can be found in chests in random encounters, happy hunting! TWEAKED Tweaked: Resource price for unlocking the Adventure region is reduced. Tweaked: Some recipes in Adventure were not obtainable, but now you can find them in random encounters.
  18. Nikki Severin

    Dev Diary #284 Players Visit in Prague

    This is all true
  19. Nikki Severin

    ESPAÑOL Localización

    ¡Hola! Si encuentra algún error en el idioma español en el juego, publíquelo aquí. Publique una captura de pantalla del texto específico, si tiene una. ¡Gracias!
  20. Nikki Severin

    1.9 OCEAN ODYSSEYS - Changelog

    ⭐ HIGHLIGHTS ⭐ What's new: Sharks. Better stay in your boat! Underwater biotopes full of life and surprises Ships can take damage and even sink Useful new ship devices Friends' location is displayed on the map Sharks YES! Sharks are back and they’re more dangerous than ever - though you still have a chance to escape them. There are multiple underwater predators, waiting to pounce on unprepared explorers. Underwater biotopes Craft diving gear and explore underwater life. You can visit 9 new biotope types, gather new resources, discover new random encounters, and admire and catch fish from fish shoals. Fish shoals There are 18 kinds of fish shoals for you to admire during the long deep dive. You can even catch fish to get food or rare resources. Underwater environment lighting Small change for sure, but a welcome one. It makes sense that you want to see where you’re swimming, right? Oxygen management Take a deep breath for your underwater adventure. New diving gear will come in handy at this point, as it lets you dive deeper and swim faster. Underwater cave generation This is just the beginning of a largescale underwater adventure. While you may only find small caves at the moment, the foundation for cave generation is now in place and will be expanded upon considerably in the future. Ship devices When you want to experience a proper ocean odyssey, you definitely need as much information about your surroundings as possible. So let's build new equipment for your ship that warns you before you run out of fuel, tells you how fast your ship is sailing, enables you to find deep waters with random encounters more easily, and lets you know the status of your ship’s health. Damageable ships and boats Now there’s another reason for you to build cannons on your ships because it’s possible to attack players with your ship on certain ylands. But be careful what you wish for because what goes around, comes around – meaning those ships can fire back at you! Keep an eye on your ship’s health, and keep the Repair hammer and resources close because you’re going to need them. Not only in case of naval battles, but ships can take damage in a collision with obstacles and even in severe weather, better put down the anchor wen the large waves comes. PvP Let's play pirates! You’ll now find a new PvP setting in your server settings that lets you decide whether you want other players to be able to attack your properties from the sea or even engage in naval battles. Playing with friends Friends and clan members are able to see each other on the map by default. But if you’re a fan of hide and seek, just change the settings! We also tweaked the friends list, so it's now clear who can join in the game and who you can invite. An improved spawn system will summon you much closer to your friend's avatar. Now you can jump straight into playing with your friends without having to find each other on the huge maps! Loot container Dying in the game is unpleasant, that’s for sure. But it’s even worse if you die with a full inventory because collecting everything again is such a struggle. That’s why we’re adding a loot container in 1.9, which keeps everything from your inventory in one container. Editor improvements We’ve improved the Editor as well. Just a few small tweaks and add-ons, but we’re constantly working on it, so you can expect more improvements with every update. This time we focused on the user experience: Selected script tiles are now much more distinguished than unselected tiles Entity and Game Logic can now be selected directly from the Scripting Canvas using the new search option. It is possible to customize the colors of Custom Instructions and Variables for better script organization and readability. You can now customize the default data type of variables and parameters of Custom Instructions. Member variables can be now made public on all objects (not only on Storage). Improved search now highlights search text on instructions. New, long requested, Switch logical operator. New Group Template game logic for spawning groups from the script. 🎨 NEW ASSETS 🎨 Collectables: Octopirate Pet Puffer Captain Pet Turtle Diver Pet Hammerhead Pirate Costume Fish: Jellyfish Glowing Jellyfish Nautilus Sea Devil Sea Slug Catfish Electric Fish Tuna Sardine Halibut Sturgeon Moorish Idol Blue Tang Clownfish Salmon Mackerel Trout Sea Bass Sharks: White Shark Hammerhead Shark Greenland Shark Goblin Shark Leopard Shark Sawfish Environment: Green Seaweed (3 new variants) Red Seaweed (3 variants) Brown Seaweed (3 variants) Green Kelp Red Kelp Brown Kelp Green Glowing Kelp Tree Red Glowing Kelp Tree Brown Glowing Kelp Tree Coral Tree (4 variants) Glowing Coral Tree (12 variants) Glowing Polyporus Tree (3 variants) Mushroom Tree (5 variants) Glowing Mushroom Tree (3 variants) Giant Anemone (3 variants) Magic Coral Oxygen Coral (3 variants) Crystal Formation (12 variants) Lava Vein (3 variants) Black Smoker (3 variants) Diamond Deposit (3 variants) Cobalt Deposit (3 variants) Resources: Catfish Oil Glowing Protein Electric Tissue Sea Slug Slime Devil's Teeth Nautilus Bladder Coral Pieces Porous Sponge Kelp Fiber Tubular Porifera Hard Snail Giant Spore Esoteric Component Alien Component Elven Component Ancient Component Orichalcum Component Ylandium Component Cobalt Ore Cobalt Ingot Orichalcum Ingot Tools: Repair Hammer Hand Drill Fishing Net Shark Repellant Flare Stone Demolition Hammer Building: Shark Repellant Beacon Oxygen Harvester Navigation Table Depth Meter Speed Meter Hull Meter Fuel Meter Sonar Food: Baked Catfish Electric Nuggets Jellyfish Salad Nautilus Calamari Sea Devil Fillet Sea Slug Soup Scuba Diving: Kelp Flippers Zirconium Flippers Heavy Diving Gear Heavy Diving Gear Boots Heavy Diving Gear Pants Heavy Diving Gear Helmet Coral Breathing Mask Coral Neoprene Coral Neoprene Pants Coral Flippers Air Tank Clam Containers: Esoteric Relict Container Ylandium Relict Container Alien Relict Container Elven Relict Container Ancient Relict Container Orichalcum Relict Container Decorations: Esoteric Relict (5 variants) Alien Relict (3 variants) Ancient Relict (3 variants) Elven Relict (2 variants) Orichalcum Relict (3 variants) Ylandium Relict (4 variants) Ducks Painting Penguin Warrior Painting Vehicles: Pirogue Canoe Hay Raft Tire Raft Other Items: Repellant Liquid Capsule Ancient Offering Alien Cutter Elven Key Orichalcum Fingerprint Esoteric Powder Ylandium Wrench Lightstick (4 variants) 🔧Added / Removed / Replaced [YLD-35514] Added: Position of player's friends and clan members can now be seen on the local map. [YLD-35781] Added: From now on, any feedback that you send to us will also be visible for you in the Devs tab in the chat system, so that you don't forget what you sent. [YLD-28514] Added: Underwater caves. [YLD-34658] Added: Group template + spawn group script tile. Added: Added a system for notifying client about the session/server rules in Explore mode. Added: When launching the game for the first time, the language should be set to the language of the operating system (if we support the language). Added: New Repair Ship animation. Added: A simple indication of whether an item is usable or placeable under water. Added: CleanupKillSystem now processes all MovingBasis followers on the collided entity before the entity itself. It also clears parent transform id for the character being saved to ensure the former id is not kept and propagated to the character's FollowMovingBasis. Added: Many recipes for weapons and armors which were previously not craftable. [YLD-35299] Added: Editor: Double click in explorer will focus clicked object. [YLD-35798] Added: Editor: You can now disable chat in your game. (Disable HUD script tile). [YLD-35301] Added: Editor: "Default" color button to Color picker. [YLD-33887] Added: Editor: New WIKI texts. [YLD-36258] Added: VS: You can now set custom variables and instructions of entities from other entities/game logic objects. [YLD-36096] Added: VS: Pi constant script tile. [YLD-35952] Added: VS: You can now set default type for local variables (it will prefill new Set script tiles). [YLD-35766] Added: VS: Get game name/Get game description script tiles. [YLD-33710] Added: VS: On dropped loot event. [YLD-35865] Added: VS: Save/load now supports variables with Custom images and music. [YLD-34684] Added: VS: You can set now default type for each instruction's argument. [YLD-35302] Added: VS: You can now pick entity/game logic object/group from a list in a context menu. [YLD-34877] Added: VS custom instructions now supports custom colors. [YLD-34877] Added: VS: You can now change color of get/set variable tiles. [YLD-34991] Added: VS: Switch script tile was added to Logic group. [YLD-34029] Added: VS: Tile to play particles on an entity which will move with the entity. [YLD-33902] Added: VS: On bait detected + on baiting ended/interrupted events added to event listener. [YLD-35630] Added: Ability to open ship overview on boats with radial menu. [YLD-35630] Removed: Obsolete cannon command and fixed bug with reloading cannons with sandbox infinite items. [YLD-36848] Removed: Editor: "School of fish" particles. You can use "School of fish" entities instead. Removed: Breathing mask from Exploration. Reworked / Tweaked Reworked: You can now only fire cannonballs from cannons. Cannon reloading has been reworked - you don't have to open the UI to load the cannon now, instead, you have to hold a cannonball in your hand use it on the cannon. Reworked: The recipe list received several changes to include new resources from the sea. Reworked: Crafting advanced dresses now requires pigments. Reworked: Split CanControlMachineNow condition in Machine and adjusted cannon control+reload actions to use it. Reworked: Air tanks no longer need to be (and cannot be) manually replenished, they do it automatically. Reworked: Avatar can hold and use some one-handed items under water. [YLD-36540] Tweaked: Renamed Water breathing potion to Diver's potion. [YLD-36430] Tweaked: Animals are easier to tame by petting now. [YLD-34561] Tweaked: Changed bear bait recipe to 6x any meat. [YLD-35443] Tweaked: Movement bonus parameter unification. [YLD-34938] Tweaked: Key Action parameter unification. [YLD-36097] Tweaked: Custom camera's FoV override range is now 1-90. [YLD-35671] Tweaked: When joining a friend in their Exploration map, you should spawn close to him. [YLD-35394] Tweaked: Increased timeout to 90 seconds for group travel in Exploration to prevent disconnects before the game is started. [YLD-35805] Tweaked: Player feedback popup - increase text length from 256 to 1000 symbols. [YLD-35782] Tweaked: You no longer need to select a category in the Send Feedback popup. [YLD-35148] Tweaked: Unified visuals of switched levers. [YLD-34732] Tweaked: Make logs drop basic 1x1x1 log blocks on destruction. [YLD-34612] Tweaked: Hunger gain rate decreased slightly when sated. [YLD-34612] Tweaked: Satiation values of food. [YLD-33988] Tweaked: "Mouse cursor mode" is now available in more situations (like when driving car). [YLD-36818] Tweaked: When fishing, the fish caught is automatically put into players inventory. Tweaked: Animation changed how player holds hands mounted on Boars. [YLD-35349] Tweaked: Exploration: Sharegame islands which are no longer accessible to player due to ban from host are automatically removed from area map. [YLD-33876] Tweaked: Editor: Manual save (Ctrl+S / button in header) will always resave a game even though there were no changes since last save. [YLD-35721] Tweaked: Editor: "Small chat panel" was moved to bottom center. [YLD-35484] Tweaked: Editor: Sea level vertical mode is now set as default. [YLD-34884] Tweaked: Editor: You can now use simple expressions in custom grid size settings. [YLD-35294] Tweaked: Editor: Shift + double click in Explorer will open Visual Script window for the selected object. [YLD-34438] Tweaked: Editor: We now show only names of first up to 10 columns in Data set properties. (lot of lines were slowing down the game significantly). [YLD-33954] Tweaked: Editor: Test button will start test immediately now. Tweaked: Editor: New Custom HUDs are now visible by default to new players. [YLD-36060] Tweaked: VS: Added warning when you try to animate static object. [YLD-35975] Tweaked: VS: Open script window has now aligned the top/left corner with top/left script tile. [YLD-35488] Tweaked: VS: Show warning changed to Show notification with option to set notification type (info, warning, advice). [YLD-35501] Tweaked: VS: Names for "Unknown error" enums so you can now distinguish between them. [YLD-35760] Tweaked: VS: Searched text is highlighted in filtered script tiles. [YLD-35466] Tweaked: VS: Unified case of "NONE" word in script tiles. [YLD-34687] Tweaked: VS: Visual of script tile selection. [YLD-35305] Tweaked: VS: Clicking on literal tile will select first input field in the context window. [YLD-35284] Tweaked: VS: Zoom now takes into account mouse pointer position. [YLD-35132] Tweaked: VS: Added warning when you try to set up velocity to too big vector in Controller's script. [YLD-35134] Tweaked: VS : "Context menu" icon's position in tiles with a lot of arguments. Fixes [YLD-36190] Fixed: When the chat system wasn't connected, the list of players in multiplayer games would only show Bohemia IDs instead of names and titles. [YLD-35745] Fixed: Game Logic wiki link. [YLD-34915] Fixed: Player can appear under terrain after reconnect on owned ship near steep terrain. [YLD-35783] Fixed: When sending a user feedback, the game now waits on a loading screen until all the data are sent. [YLD-35571] Fixed: Exploration companion custom colors not saved correctly. [YLD-35518] Fixed: Lights on ship turn off after traveling between Exploration maps or loading a saved game. [YLD-33976] Fixed: Stackable items with the same color do not stack in some cases. [YLD-35373] Fixed: Opening a parent of a custom instruction of an exported Script Module leads into its visual script. [YLD-34341] Fixed: When interaction hints were displayed for the first time, some of them were not correctly horizontally aligned. [YLD-32881] Fixed: When registering a new account, the user is presented with the actual error instead of "validationFailure" when there is something wrong with the data provided by the player in the registration form. [YLD-34808] Fixed: Locked entities on ship cannot be unlocked after travel. [YLD-34865] Fixed: In-game hints should now correctly display an outline for the Chinese font as well. [YLD-34602] Fixed: Rhododendron can be planted in pots. [YLD-34602] Fixed: Tea tree, sakura, tall sakura, white cherry, tall white cherry and cactus can be planted in pots. [YLD-34742] Fixed: Pumpkin clothes showing under coconuts in recipe groups. [YLD-34602] Fixed: Tea tree can be planted in pots. [YLD-34720] Fixed: Coop settings in ingame multiplayer settings should show always properly now. [YLD-34602] Fixed: Some potted plants disappeared. [YLD-34681] Fixed: Get Custom Key Action State script tile in Custom controller's script does not work. [YLD-33439] Fixed: Parented entities are rotated after being replaced by another entity in their spawn chain (e.g. workstations placed on ships after being fed). [YLD-34630] Fixed: "Free man" achievement hidden. [YLD-34639] Fixed: Wrong entity is painted sometimes when there are multiple entities stacked on top of each other and you are painting in downwards direction. [YLD-34632] Fixed: Obtaining screenshot using F11 takes screenshot correctly with UI. [YLD-34585] Fixed: Placing a blueprint containing a vehicle should now finish properly, assembling the vehicle and removing the blueprint table. [YLD-34614] Fixed: Leaving an exploration game while seated on an animal companion no longer breaks camera and movement upon reentering. [YLD-34426] Fixed: Worn particles are visible over costumes. [YLD-30632] Fixed: Held items for NPCs spawned outside the camera view should no longer appear at origin. Fixed: Issue where ResetView in crafting screen would not correctly work from subcategory like 'misc'. Fixed: Pending Workstation crafting jobs can sometimes get desynced between server and client upon reconnect or between game sessions which results in error or wrong notification. Fixed: Energy objects that emit light should not have their third channel accessible for coloring. Fixed: The lamps are now colored via Wu instead of using an ad-hoc hack; this means recoloring an active light should not result in edge cases where other colors are changed as well (since other painting systems had no idea about the light color). Fixed: Adjusted focus implementation to use capsule sweep (togglable through define). Changed candidate evaluation to work with distance from the sweep center. Fixed: Access to possibly null progress object. Fixed: Multiple issues in mobile chat screen that resulted from earlier refactor - fixed Enter not sending message in Unity Editor, fixed message not being cleared on submit from the input field, fixed screen always opening on Dev channel instead of on the last one used. Fixed: Cancellation for tutorial flow and phases, hooked up to session quit event. Fixed: Firefly mesh - right wing weight set to correct joint. Fixed: Masking on ToggleGroupElement_Base. Fixed: Titles in player settings could not be set. Fixed: Some collectibles cannot be equipped (e.g. Strong Shark). [YLD-34617] Fixed: Exploration: Play may not get ever hungry if he was on Tutorial yland. [YLD-36389] Fixed: Editor: Save as after first save does not work correctly. [YLD-34055] Fixed: Editor: Flags have wrong selection box. [YLD-35258] Fixed: Editor: Group editing buttons are not correctly updated after finishing editing of Entity weld's pivot inside Group. [YLD-34514] Fixed: Editor: Size of particles on entities is not always correct in editor. [YLD-35371] Fixed: Editor: Toggling constraints settings via keybind is not changing label text "disabled" to "enabled". [YLD-35372] Fixed: Editor: Player can change locked constraints settings via keybindings. [YLD-35277] Fixed: Editor: Visibility setting in Explorer is wrongly named. [YLD-35319] Fixed: Editor: Moving objects in 2 axes does not work correctly when grid is active. [YLD-33987] Fixed: Editor: "Export to this computer" does not optimize game. Result should be same as if you export the game to the workshop. [YLD-33919] Fixed: Editor: Rotation gizmo helper lines have magenta color. [YLD-36770] Fixed: Editor: Path GL twist tool does not work correctly. [YLD-32375] Fixed: Editor: Entities blink on 0,0,0 position when you select them in catalog. Fixed: Editor: Undo/redo for adding widgets to Custom HUD/Window is not correctly stored into save. [YLD-35399] Fixed: Text scripting: It is not possible to add text script to all game logic objects. [YLD-36541] Fixed: VS: When you unlock a padlock with a keychain then you get the key chain in a "key" argument. [YLD-36447] Fixed: VS: ESC closes VS screen when script tile's context menu is opened. [YLD-36142] Fixed: VS: Context menu remains open while using search bar. [YLD-36060] Fixed: VS: When you try to animate static entity under animated group then it animates parent group instead. (it should just show a warning). [YLD-35924] Fixed: VS: Group object reference in a variable doesn't survive save/load. [YLD-35736] Fixed: VS: Game logic references from Script module's scripts are missing when updating Script module in another game. [YLD-34619] Fixed: VS: Setting value of wrong type to Custom controller's variable causes exception. [YLD-35505] Fixed: VS: Emote dropdown list is sometimes empty. [YLD-35463] Fixed: VS: Cursor does not change On hover over script tiles which have context menu available. [YLD-35048] Fixed: VS: Help button is not opening pop-up. [YLD-34776] Fixed: VS: Local player script tiles can be found in controller's script in a search panel. [YLD-34741] Fixed: VS: Time trigger elapsed time and Delayed instructions elapsed time is reset after save game load. [YLD-34706] Fixed: VS: It is possible to switch to client script of Entity/Logic storage even though it is not supported. [YLD-34604] Fixed: VS: Custom controller with parameter variables stops working in some situations. [YLD-34597] Fixed: VS: Entity + Game logic object does not work correctly as argument of Send Message To Server script tile. [YLD-34546] Fixed: VS: Spawning animated game logic object does not work. [YLD-34312] Fixed: VS: Transform rotation does not work correctly if you rotate around 2 or 3 axes. (you may need to adjust existing scripts). [YLD-34147] Fixed: VS: Placed composition sometimes do not update correctly references to Global storage's custom instructions.
  21. Nikki Severin

    Dev Diary #260 The Sound of Ylands

    Ahoy Ylanders! We often ask you to look at an image or read some new information, but this week, this week is different. And that's because we want you to listen! Let's set the scene. Just imagine you're on the beach of a beautiful yland, sun just starting to peek on the horizon, shashlik being roasted on the fire, coconut drink in hand, your ship anchored nearby and Track Number 2: Serene Sunrise starts playing... eh... what's Track Number 2 you ask? The answer is easy! That is the track that comes after Track Number 1: Adventure Awaits on the Ylands Original Game Soundtrack! The Ylands OST is now available for you to stream on Spotify, Apple Music and other music streaming platforms! We are extremely happy to share this with you and make the wonderful music of Ylands easily available for you to enjoy whenever and wherever. You may or may not know that the music was composed by a Czech composer Varhan Orchestrovič Bauer who hand picked the individual musicians who performed the tracks. Because we enjoy making fun of ourselves, we'll share a funny story from the implementation of the soundtrack... At one point, we started receiving feedback from players that they heard someone talking when they were inside caves. We thought to ourselves: "That's impossible! We never recorded any dialogue for the game!" So we really dove deep into getting to the bottom of the mystery. And indeed, there it was. When you walked into a cave, you could hear the word "Super!" at times, which was kinda creepy. So we went to consult our sound department and it turned out that they left in a part of the track, where the conductor complimented the great job of the orchestra with a single word... "Super!" That's it for today, Ylanders! Stay Super... and Classy!
  22. Nikki Severin

    Dev Diary #265 Ladies of Ylands

    Ahoy Ylanders, Some of you may have noticed that we celebrated International Women's Day last week. This year we decided to give thanks to all the incredible women who are part of the Ylands team. You can watch it here: Now let's talk about #womeningaming. We are grateful to have so many ladies on our team, as it is still not quite common. And it can be pretty scary to join an industry where you don't see that much representation. "As a little girl, I thought I wanted to be so many things. A lawyer, a famous pianist, a famous painter, or a teacher. Yet I also always imagined making video games as something that I would love to do. And I was right. Being part of the process of creating video games is one of the biggest joys of my life. Having a sketch you made become a real thing in the game that people can enjoy, helping someone who has a problem and making their day better, or planning future assets based on what our players want, all of these things are something I dreamed of doing. Taking something that brings me so much happiness (video games) and dedicating 8+ hours a day to making it better for other people is something that is incredibly important to me. I know we are not doctors, lawyers, or firemen. But I swear that there were moments when video games saved my life. When someone told a story and connected with me on such a level that I felt heard, understood, and less alone. The feeling of being able to give this back to the world, well it is quite something. Thank you to all players who give us a reason to do this, you're amazing. I always thought that you have to know programming or 3D art to become part of the game-making process. I never thought it would be a real possibility for me to work in the game industry. And I think a big part of that was not seeing many women who would tell me that there is a place for me as well. However, that is not true at all! Not only you can start at a position where you learn different skills you can also play to your strengths and go for 2D graphic design or like me put your people skills to the test. 😁 This industry has a place for everyone, you just need to find out what you are good at. I hope one day we will see more women joining our industry. And I want to thank all the ladies on our team for being an inspiration to me and other girls who might want to join the game development process one day." - Anna, Community Manager Now let's hear from them! "I have been playing games since childhood and they have always been one of my biggest passions. And the best way to be closer to passion and never let it fade away is to be a part of it." -Claire, Designer "I always wanted people to react to my job with "Wow! That's cool!". Jokes aside, loving your job is not a common occurrence and I wanted to love what I do. And I love video games with all my heart." -Nikki, Brand Manager So thank you again, ladies, thank you our players for giving us this opportunity, and thank you Ylands team and Bohemia Interactive for having us. Stay Classy! - Anna, Community Manager
  23. Nikki Severin Patch Changelog

    Highlights ❤️ New time-limited pet (available Feb 10 - 17) ⚪ Improved behaviour of inventory and radial menu on-screen buttons 📝 New login/registration screen 📘 Tutorial UI improvements Fixed / Added / Tweaked / Removed [YLD-42689] Fixed: Tutorial: Mobile: Health layout overlaps the hint box. [YLD-42718] Fixed: "Gather Alchemy Ingredients" task name overlaps over its box. [YLD-42411] Added: Flying Boar for Valentine. [YLD-42530] Tweaked: Adjust character naming screen. [YLD-42280] Tweaked: Errors during login/registration are now more specific. [YLD-42544] Tweaked: Mobile UI: Inventory, Radial Menu, Chat a Pause menu should work on release. [YLD-42497] Removed: The login screen upon the first start.
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  25. Nikki Severin

    Update 1.10: YMPROVED YLANDS

    Hey there, Ylanders! The new update is finally here! 🤩 For a while we were wondering what to call it. We knew we needed alliteration, that is what we do, but what should it be? Balanced Balance? Better Balance? First Fperson? None of the names really quite captured all the tweaks, changes and additions. What everything had in common, however, was improvement. And it is improvement done in the way that is uniquely Ylands. Hence Ymproved Ylands. So what's happening in 1.10? Mythical Animal taming Exploration balancing Beta version of FPS camera New Blueprints functionality Actions while mounted on an animal Main game modes renamed And many more fixes, tweaks, changes and additions! Mythical Animal taming We added new animal companions that are only for those of you who dare to complete special Random Encounters and follow a famous zoologist on an adventure! The reward is a Mythical animal for you to tame and have as a unique companion in Ylands! Main game modes renamed This change is one that will be obvious right from the start. When you launch Ylands, you will see that the Main Menu artwork is the same but the game mode name tags have changed. We realized that new players might not get much out of the current names, so we decided to change them up a bit to be more descriptive of the fun that is hidden behind them. The main change is that Exploration is now called Adventure - because this is our focus, not just showing you what is it like to travel somewhere, but to experience something more. We haven't changed our focus, it's still a game for all of the adventurers out there - explorers, fighters, and builders. Exploration balancing Since 1.5 we have been focusing on the adventure side of our game. For the last few updates, we've been working on a lot of the pieces that were missing, and now is the time to start putting all the pieces, especially the bigger ones, together. For example, crafting is now an even more rounded and complex feature, as everything crafted or manufactured in workstations takes a different amount of time to be finished. We have changed a lot of other details, like the map legend, weather, temperature system, and resource distribution system, so you will want to travel through all kinds of ylands, craft better tools to get everything done faster with greater efficiency, and be prepared for danger of all kinds - wild animals, monsters, and sunburn. Balancing for 1.10 took the longest time of preparation for this update, but it doesn't mean that it cannot be even better. Please share your thoughts about it with us! Beta version of FPS camera You asked for it, we sat down and worked to make it happen and here it is! We call it a beta because there are still small bugs that you may run into. But it works and fights in caves are now much more enjoyable! Go check it out! Actions while mounted on an animal We know there are a lot of things that you should be able to do while mounted. So we decided to kick it off with the most requested ones: eating, drinking, reading, and holding certain items. While you enjoy these, we will continue working on the rest of the actions from the list. Fishing Rework The previous update brought underwater and sea life into the game. Since then we knew that we needed to step it up with the way fishing works. Now you can experiment with different types of rods, biomes, and weather in order to get a more varied haul. Go fishing and catch what others need to dive for! Editor enhancements Apart from the new Blueprints, we have also further improved placing and transformation of objects. The Constraints setting have been simplified and new dedicated "Toggle grid mode" button was added, so there is now more control over the object movement directly from the main toolbar. Visual Scripting improvements As a basis for a larger scale improvement of the user interface and functionality of Visual Scripting, 1.10 brings its first pieces. Multi selection of script tiles, which allows you to move, delete and copy (even between canvases) large pieces of code effortlessly. Also no more whole stack movement, you can now "pop out" single pieces without holding shift. However, to comply with this change, we had to swap the buttons for panning the canvas, which is now moved by holding right mouse button (instead of left). Second addition - Context menu, works in same manner as in the Scene editor and allows you to perform all the script actions without remembering all the key bindings (copy, paste, duplicate, delete etc.). As always, the new update brings many fixes, changes, tweaks and additions that we implemented to give our players a better experience. We would love to know what you have to say! From our point of view, the effort to bring this update to life was summed up by our Producer, Libor: "Once we decided to focus on the balancing of the Exploration gameplay, we knew that there were two possible catastrophic scenarios. We will change just a few details and nobody will notice it or we break the whole game and it will be disastrous. But, as always, our designers found the right way and we are impressed with all those small details which Ymproved Ylands." Well, that's that. The update is out, now all that's left for you is to go and play it! And for us to wait for your feedback! And for us all, the biggest task is to... Stay Classy! ✨ Find the detailed changelog here: https://ylands.com/community/topic/31774-110-ymproved-ylands-changelog/