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Everything posted by DarkoTHC

  1. DarkoTHC

    2.0.5 Patch Changelog

    The bane of my exisistance.
  2. DarkoTHC

    Dev Diary #279 Help Us Craft the Crafting

    Sort crafting list by items "available to craft" or "Include recipe with missing ingredients" Having chests linked to the workstations is a must either by local range or manually assigning a specific chest to link to a specific station. Having a more specific way of unlocking recipes for example buying recipes from traders or even using coyns or exploration points; Possibly even a branching system for example acquire so much iron to unlock all the iron stage...
  3. DarkoTHC

    RESOLVED Exploration DLC Redeem Code

    This has now been resolved due to a follow up email.
  4. I recently recieved an exploration giftcode via email that seems to have bugged I can provide all information nessacary to prove and remedy this situation I'm unsure if that will need to be provided here or also via email due to the nature ofo the support needed.