Hello, after spending a long time gathering all the ingredients for the Zirconium rifle (those components were tricky!) I attempted to craft the weapon in the metallurgical furnace. However, despite having all the ingredients, I only have 4 items unlocked. Orchicalcum ingot, molten axe, mark 1 helm, heavy alien boots.
I don't understand the reasoning behind those specific unlocks as it comes off as arbitrary to me, as I've never held some of the items required. I've also read through your wiki page and couldn't find a clean answer.
Is this a bug? Why can't I craft the Zirconium rifle? What do I do to unlock this recipe and any others I run into issues with? I will no longer play this game until I understand what I'm doing and it makes sense. I can't afford to spend hours grinding a game simply on a whim.
While attempting to swap some movement controls around, sprint/walk/dodge/defend, I've run into an issue that I can't fix in game.
Every time I try to set a keybinding to what I want, the game claims there's a conflict. The default setting for sprint and dodge is shift. The game is now telling me setting both to Ctrl is a conflict and I can only set one or the other. Furthuremore, I also can not set these commands back to their original. When setting them back to shift there's conflict, and when pressing the reset button on any of them, conflicts.
I now have to choose between either dodging or sprinting, or suffer redundantly having to use an additional separate keybinding to do so. Is this intended?
I've basically screwed up the whole movement page's commands before I realized what was happening. The gif I made visualizes the issue, and you can extrapolate it to other things like walk (mount) causing same conflicts.
Uninstall didn't fix. If the file is stored somewhere on my computer I couldn't find it, but deleting that may reset them all.
I don't even want to mess with controls anymore now cause I'm scared. I just want to play the game the default way again.