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About JethroKi

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  1. JethroKi

    Hang boat from ship?

    I like the idea of being able to attach the small boat on to a large ship. I think that would be a neat addition.
  2. JethroKi

    NPC idea

    True I'd agree with the fact that it may be tedious if the npc characters served an OP function to the base. They may not have to serve a purpose to production or efficiency at all but something to breathe life in to potential villages or towns. I've always enjoyed building villages but at the end of the day I've created a ghost town. I think simply having a "human" presence would add a neat element even if they were cosmetic in function. Or even if their...
  3. JethroKi

    NPC idea

    Hello, Ive just discovered this game recently and I've been watching some videos of gameplay and checked out some creations made by players on the forums. I'm very excited for Dec to get my hands on the game. One thing I think would be a nice addition is the ability to add human life to the game through npc characters. I've created lots of buildings and villages in mine craft before and the one thing it has missed is life. I thought it'd be neat if, for...