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Everything posted by Houp

  1. Houp

    Fix the lights please

    Hi, it seems to that you have hidden Range/Spot angle parameters. Try to show them with a dropdown arrow next to TYPE: SPOT LIGHT
  2. OK01.zip Hi, I have tried to remove Undo/Redo history and resaved it. Please try it if it does help you.
  3. Houp

    Create group with code

    Hi, we plan to improve Custom tools in the next update. You have great suggestions! (not only this one but also the other ones) Thank you. (we read all of them)
  4. Hi, popped out tiles should be easy to delete. They should be selected after popping up. (so you need to just press Delete) OR you can hold ALT when dropping script tile to already occupied slot. It should replace the one underneath. ----------------------------- I think you (and I am sure I would) would hate it. You would delete your tiles while editing them by mistake. -> However, behavior change 1.10 - 1.11 is there by mistake. We will think how to improve it.
  5. Houp

    how to create sphere

    Hi, yep . The last hot fix patch have fixed one broken thing (which would affect some Mystery ylands and REs) but broke any tool using global variables/custom instructions - so in fact probably all tools.
  6. Houp

    how to create sphere

    I agree. We are looking into it.
  7. Houp

    how to create sphere

    I see. I tried to share it with google drive. (link is in the previous commit)
  8. Houp

    how to create sphere

    Hi, while developing custom tools I have created tool which can make "domes"(without overlapping blocks). The script is not anything which you should use to learn anything (its quite messy) but the tool should be useable. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dFHgr5qpqzE4e2DOMiDZh8vIvG8oBVCq/view?usp=sharing DOME CREATOR.zip
  9. Houp

    Formula Based Position Editing

    Hi, predefined sizes are in "grid size" (multiplications of 0.375 m). Mostly you want to use those. Custom size is set in meters because otherwise it would be a really difficult to have movement step equal to 1 meter.
  10. Houp

    Dev Diary #250 There be ghosts!

    It will be possible in 1.11 which is not out yet.
  11. Houp

    Broccoli Tree House Building Aids

    Hi, these generators looks really great! I am looking forward what you will be able to do with custom tools.
  12. Houp

    Light me on fire, please.

    Hi, there should not be any difference between adding a particle to NPC and to a player.
  13. Hi, colliders on objects have just one side active. In most cases it is enough and you can have half of active "colliders". If you want to hit also object itself than I would suggest to use Overlap sphere script tile with really small radius.
  14. Houp

    Destroyer of Worlds

    Bonus note: you may check "Object brush tool" to quickly make natural underwater flora.
  15. Houp

    Destroyer of Worlds

    Hi, maybe a feature "Regenerate ocean surface" is something which may be helpful for you. It will fill holes in the terrain. Water volumes are meant more for pools/lakes on the land. Placing underwater animals is now quite limiting to ensure that AI will work correctly for them. You may try to place sharks in the safe spot first and then move them to more narrow places. Houp
  16. Hi, I know there is probably lack of documentation for this feature so I will try to explain here: Normally only Global storage, Entity storage and Game logic storage have unique IDs and they will update from the placed compositions. Any other game logic objects and all entities will not update. There is no simple rule what should update and how. (missing/new objects in new composition, already modified objects in current game etc.) For easier use of Game set we have introduced Script module game logic. It can reference only Game logic objects and only those with no world representation (eg. no Particle effects, Barriers, Trigger zones, ..). Create Script Module Source Reference all GLs you want to have updatable Click Export in properties of Script Module Source Create composition with Exported Script Module. Past it in the different game B Fill references to objects in target game/world (like Particle effects, Barriers, Trigger zones, .. entities) .... Go back to the game with Script Module Source Update referenced Script Module game logic objects Export it again Place it in the game B It will update local copy of script module with new values but it will keep all existing references to local objects (from Step 6) ---- Last note: In VS, custom instructions/variables can have different scopes (Member, Module, Global) If you want to have access from other objects in game B to instructions/variables from the Script module then set scope as "Global" If you want to have access just among GLs from script module to each other then chose scope "Module"
  17. Houp

    Event Listener. Game Update vs. Timer

    "On update" triggers once per frame -> you have 80 FPS then it triggers 80x in one second. You have 30 FPS then it triggers 30 times per second. "On fixed update" does not depend on your FPS. It will trigger the same amount of times per second each second. It may trigger even 2 or more times per one frame. "Fixed update" is used for physics/movement of objects with collisions. Those events are not Ylands specific. You can for example check: https://learn.unity.com/tutorial/update-and-fixedupdate#
  18. @Spyler.X : for "engine error 400" - please try to repeat export now. It should work now for you. Regarding issue with Entity templates: Can you send me your game (or composition with just problematic Entity template)? I would like to look into it.
  19. Houp

    Event Listener. Game Update vs. Timer

    Hi, it depends: Time trigger + script delay with small time delay may result with more than 1 triggering per 1 frame. (one long frame on slow PC) Event listener + On Game Update event will trigger only once per each frame. So: A) you are fine to track movement once per second -> I would use Time trigger B) you want to track movement once each frame -> I would use Event listener + "On game update"
  20. Hi, those should be 2 separate issues. At the moment I can answer the part about templates and destroying referenced objects on export.. Problem is caused by custom variables/instructions with scope set as Global in scripts of referenced objects by templates. I agree that the error message could be more informative. For Entity templates you should not need to have those variables/instructions available in other scripts -> the game prevents you to reference scripts which will not be available in playtest/after export. Bigger problem are Group templates where is valid to have references among objects in the referenced group but it will still prevent you to playtest. At the moment it is not possible to use "destroy on export" feature for Group templates. It will be fixed in next update.
  21. Hi, thx for reporting an issue. It should be fixed in next update.
  22. Houp

    Is there no way to find group position?

    I hope I will be able to influence others to have it in the next 1.10 update. However, no promises.
  23. Houp

    Is there no way to find group position?

    Hi, unfortunately there is not this feature (yet). You can "hack it" - place Reference point in the group's pivot position and use "Transform position <reference point> <0, 0, 0>".
  24. Houp

    Darker Environment

    Hi, in custom games you should be able to achieve desired effect with Post process game logic object.