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Everything posted by dstudley123

  1. So i host a server and publish it and limit it to allow just my friend to play on it. All is well for about an hour or two into the gameplay. At about that point my inventory bugs out to the point where i cant move any obects in it, or into my hot bar. Also terra forming with the pick does not work either. I have also tried entering workbenches and cannot, also trying to enter a crate just does the crate opening animatinon but the crate inventory does not show up. I...
  2. dstudley123

    RESOLVED Horse Messes Up Controls

    Doesn't even recognize his boy in this shit.
  3. dstudley123

    Cant find the anivl

    It most certainly does does NOT update properly. I have had to restart my to simple have the crossbow bolts or bow arrows appear in my crafting section. Without a doubt crafting is majorly bugged ATM.
  4. dstudley123

    RESOLVED Horse Messes Up Controls

    I have a friend that this happens to all the time. If you hit the C key twice (once to enter first person, and again to exit) it goes away. (Supposedly, as I have not experienced this bug myself)
  5. dstudley123

    Cant find the anivl

    Yea this works. Seems as though crafting does not update the way it should. When you gather a new item in your inventory It is supposed to give you the items that you can craft with said item. But it doesn't always update properly(or I should say rarely updates properly)
  6. Haven't really played solo. Has only been in my hosted multiplayer games.
  7. dstudley123

    I Can't download the game

    download through steam
  8. dstudley123

    Auto hotbar item placement

    a hotbar has always been a few extra slots that you need. aslo seeing the same item twice in "slots" is just confusing as fuck and is unnecasary
  9. dstudley123

    Auto hotbar item placement

    i agree that this should be a thing. i also think that items in your hotbar should not take up an invetory space. makes 0 sense
  10. dstudley123

    RESOLVED Wont let me play with my friend

    go to mutiplayer setting in game and make the game visible to other player, than go back into the settings and make it joinable
  11. dstudley123

    Auto hotbar item placement

    If your inventory is woring fine, i think if you just drag a non hotbar item that you would want in your hot bar, to that slot it will switch them out