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Everything posted by zarwil

  1. zarwil

    ship stuff by zarwil

    More spam inc: Trying to build something smaller this time. The hull is about as long as the large ship and only goes one block deeper in the water. It's built around a small ship so that a captain's cabin can be placed behind on a level that is a couple blocks deeper than the ship deck. This way the overall design can be lower and sleeker.
  2. I posted this elsewhere and it was recognized but I decided to post an official bug report because this makes the editor unusable for me. Originally this bug only affected ships that were created before the update, but now I just found out that ships created after the update can be bugged as well (this is what prompted this post). When I try to change the position of any block that is part of the ship with the Move widget the inputs are ignored and the object behind the x/y/z controls is selected instead. If you position the camera so that no block is directly behind the controls a green square is drawn indicating that the Select widget is active instead of the Move widget. When I use the rotation widget the block is both rotated AND moved at the same time, like if the selection widget was dragging the item at the same time as it is rotated. I tried to build a new ship from scratch to avoid these bugs, but after a few hours the editor froze. After I saved and restarted the game I found that the new ship was bugged as well. The bug is tied to specific ships and remains if you save it as a composition so I have provided the composition file of the ship that just got bugged. If this bug does not appear on your end then I guess my PC has created a unique bug because I don't see anyone else mentioning this Hopefully this can be resolved soon because the game is unplayable for me if I can't build ships in the editor SMALL SHIP BUGGED.rar
  3. zarwil

    ship stuff by zarwil

    I'm not sure if you can attach welded parts to a ship - might try later. My problem is that I can't move blocks with the movement and rotation widgets, and it's pretty much impossible to edit anything without them. Basically if I try to move a block by dragging the z-axis controller downwards the game just selects the block behind the z-axis controller instead of recognizing the input. It's stuck in selection mode even if you actually have movement or rotation widgets activated. Even if I could detatch and reattach the welded hull I still would need to edit some of the many items which are not included in the weld and those are affected by this bug. Edit: Played around a bit and your idea kinda works if you create a new ship and copy the welded part of the old ship on to the new one. I think my new plan is to copy the welded hulls of the bugged ships and edit them however I like, then copy+paste the finished versions on to new hulls that aren't bugged. Thanks for the idea!
  4. zarwil

    ship stuff by zarwil

    Okay so with this update I'm unable to change anything on my old ships, so any progress is stalled. I did however find out that with the new welding function you can copy the 'welded' part of a ship and place it outside the bounds of the ship part. This means you can detatch your own hulls from ship parts which is pretty cool To experiment with this I created a ship cunstruction site based on the hull from the previous post ? Here are the results: This thing below is a workspace used for bending beams. In the olden days ship builders would heat up beams with steam to soften them and then gradually bend them to their correct shape using poles stuck in the floor. Cranes lift the beams into place to be bolted on to the ribs You can download the composition from the workshop here: https://workshop.ylands.com/asset/1066
  5. zarwil

    0.12 Update first impressions

    I'm having trouble using the movement/rotation widgets in the editor. Whenever I want to use the x/y/z axis controls to move or rotate I always end up simply selecting and dragging the object behind. The only way to move around objects is to click and drag, but the widgets inputs are ingnored completely. Not sure if this is related to the update or if I forgot how to play the game.. Edit: This seems to only be the case with exported ships. When I create a new ship hull and place blocks I can move them just fine with the widgets, but on my old ships I can't use widgets on blocks, even if I place new ones.
  6. zarwil

    0.12: Smooth Sailing (15/04/2019)

    Nice! Thanks to this update my ship can finally sail!
  7. zarwil

    Dev Diary #69

    How about the scale widget in the editor? Are you considering the ability to scale different objects?
  8. zarwil

    ship stuff by zarwil

    I remove the "skeleton" beams after. They're mostly there as a guide for the outer beams. If you look closely at the second to last stage you can see a flush red interior.
  9. zarwil

    ship stuff by zarwil

    So the ship I showed earlier is pretty much finished. I'm just waiting for the coming update to be able to share it. In the meantime however I thought I'd show the evolution of a small English frigate I'm building. It starts off with a keel and the outline of the decks: Added ribs and a rough outline of the ship's top-down profile: More ribs and the "face" of the aft gallery: Finished "skeleton" outline of the ship: Some of the horizontal beams laid out with preliminary paint scheme: Beams finished on one side: Here's the (almost) finished version of the hull, with updated paint scheme: I also added some sails to get an idea of how the finished ship will look: And here's the full version line-up: Obviously it's not finished yet, but this has been a really fast build so far compared to previous efforts. I'm getting pretty good at building ships with this technique ?
  10. zarwil

    Brand New Game: JUGGERNAUT!

    Man this looks crazy good!
  11. zarwil

    Dev Diary #63

    You mentioned in a previous dev diary that you will improve sailing in the future. Please don't make the sails rotate with the wind as some have suggested! It would ruin my rigging ?? *Edit: Will you fully implement the scale function in the editor? It would be epic if you could scale obejcts like sails so you could make larger ships without the sails looking stupidly small!
  12. zarwil

    Large Explore Sharemaps?

    I second this! The options for island size, biome and count should be there when you create a normal explore game!
  13. zarwil

    Get Scale

    Is this being worked on? I would be over the moon if you could set the scale of sails!
  14. zarwil

    Dev Diary #57

    Does this mean for ships that you cannot blow holes or destroy specific parts of a ship with a cannon when this is implemented? Like everything on the ship is considered as one piece and can only be destroyed as a whole?
  15. zarwil

    Ray tracing reflection

    Hahahah feeling pretty stupid now
  16. zarwil

    Ray tracing reflection

    Is it a mod or can you do this in the editor? Very cool!
  17. zarwil

    Dev Diary #59

    That's a bummer I was away from 0.7 untill 0.11 released so I never caught why It was removed. I can't remember any severe first person bugs from 0.7 days. Will there be a better way to aim cannons? Aiming cannons through port holes on ships and other tight spaces is pretty rough and would be much better from first person.
  18. zarwil

    ship stuff by zarwil

    Lets just say I have failed a lot of times Usually I don't continue working on a ship unless I'm happy with the skeleton so most of my projects barely get started. I am also a huge ship nerd so I have a pretty good idea of how ships from 1600-1815 looked. Search for inspiration on google. By the way I think yours looks pretty good! Also it always looks worse from below because the shadows are cast differently and enhances the "steps" between the beam layers. And one more thing, make sure that your skeleton "fits" outside the ship component so it doesn't stick out from your hull when you're done, that would be an unfortunate thing to find out once you're finished!
  19. zarwil

    ship stuff by zarwil

    The ship is coming along nicely! I've probably spent around 80-100 hours on this so far. Progress is slow but steady (because detailing is boring). Will release it to the workshop after version 0.12 releases. This is the first ship I've (almost) completed using this method and because of that the hull is not completely proportionally realistic. If this were a real ship it would capsize immediately (just like the warship Vasa, us swedes are experts at this!)
  20. zarwil

    ship stuff by zarwil

    Yes this is very common. What causes this is that your ship has been placed slightly off center in one axis. This happens when you move things too fast. To fix it just click the ship hull component and drag it one step in each axis direction to make sure it's centered on the grid in all directions. Sometimes it takes a bit of work to get everything centered but I have never failed to fix it. Also don't forget to remove the anchor lever and ladders on the sides!
  21. zarwil

    Dev Diary #58

    You can always step back and play other games for a while until you think the game is "ready". I was gone for 10 months until a few weeks back. Personally I'm very hyped for the 1.0 release because of the influx of new players it will bring.
  22. zarwil

    Sun castle

    Kudos on building a realistic keep! Have you watched shadiversity on youtube by any chance?
  23. zarwil

    ship stuff by zarwil

    I just made a nice video showing how I work but when I was finished windows movie maker crashed and the video is gone Can't even start movie maker now. Will have to recreate it some other day, but basically the gist of it is that I build a keel with beams on a ship hull part then select the beams and move them a bit above the ship hull part. After that I build "ribs" on top of the keel that form the rough outline of the ship (like how you would build a real wooden ship). I then use the ribs as a guide to place beams around. When one layer of beams is finished on one side I mark them, duplicate the beams, rotate them (180 degrees around the axis of the keel) and place on the other side of the ship. It's easier to see on a video and there is a lot more to it than that but there is too much to write. EDIT: I rebooted my pc and the video was thankfully saved
  24. zarwil

    ship stuff by zarwil

    It takes a huge ammount of time. I might upload some unlisted videos and post here later tonight.
  25. zarwil

    ship stuff by zarwil

    Alright it's been a while and I've discontinued the ship I posted about last time, however I felt inspired this weekend and decided to use what I learned from that project to create a new ship. I improved upon the building techniques I used last time to actually make it feasible to complete a full hull and the results can be seen below Since the hard part is pretty much done now I'm feeling pretty confident that I'll actually finish this one.