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Everything posted by seansniper27

  1. still rains inside ship when i build a house on it it ruins immersion. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt FAKE PLATYPUSLAND.zip
  2. seansniper27

    ship rain

    when they build a house on the ships they are not rain/snow proof it really ruins the immersion of the exploration when it rains and snows inside your ship cabin output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  3. seansniper27

    KNOWN ISSUE Raining inside the ship

    2020 and that bug still has not been fixed
  4. seansniper27

    UNDER REVIEW [YLD-7094] Rain inside cave

    so i find it funny that BIA knows about this bug but 2 years later still nothing has been done abou t it wtf heres my save file JUST WHAT I NEEDED.ylandsgame.txt
  5. seansniper27

    Strange animal spawning.

    this morning around 6am i was flying around in a desert cave and came across this MASSIVE cave room and it was FULL with mutated wolves prob 200+ so im flying around (i had made the mining lamp as well to see in caves like daylight) getting the crystals for lighting my pathways at night and for directional referance. and boom i hit the spacebar twice i drop prolly 100 feet and die so today my main focus is to gear up with arrows food and repair kits and hunt me some muties. or bring lots of dirt to cover them whitch works well ;P....................wish me luck