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Designated Drinker

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Everything posted by Designated Drinker

  1. just posting a few pictures of a map graphical glitch and a possible chisel bug the map one the two tiny ylands it is showing are not there just ocean, pretty sure this is from some other part of the map and it somehow got glitched there chisel possible bug is it takes 5 repair kits to fix it up from used status, where everything else from broken only take 3 or 4 and the 3rd one when switching to hide all the interface if you go into your bag and select an item it...
  2. there is a bug so be careful when opening a deep mine if you place iron ladders on the earth going down a mine 9/10 times when using it you fall through the earth, my little fix is place a massive log longways down the mine and put the ladder on the log.
  3. Designated Drinker

    Will this work?

    So i found a nice pattern that is even and i am happy with how the base of the hull is going to be set, but i am building the entire ship out of brick/clay/stone, before i put in the hours will it bug out/does stone weight the ship down make it go crazy? i have not seen a stone ship yet so curious to know if it is doable before i sink the time in.kinda scared my chests/workstations will vanish and i will lose all my items. i wanted a castle ship
  4. Well firstly i don't know about anyone else but messing around with the editor for over a week now, i seem to have gotten the hang of most the things, designing a big map is a major problem without having anyway to save a location see my plan was to make dozens of complex caves throughout the biggest map with five islands, the problem is i can't go straight to these locations there is no way to save them so once i finish the cave add mobs and...
  5. Designated Drinker

    What is your favourite survival food ?

    well i would say combining the foods to make a meal that makes your hunger go away for even longer, as for raising animals i built a fence opened the gate and punched two goats to get them to run in the pen shut it, now i have 6 goats, and the two i punched well they remember me lol.
  6. Designated Drinker

    Exploration Mode Question

    does each exploration mode, have at least one of each biome? i have uncoverd 10 ylands and i need a jungle one for a rubber tree, i was thinking because i found 4 desert like ones it should be inbetween them and the temperate one?
  7. Designated Drinker

    No rainforest biom?

    has three crazy caves that just drop down, be cool if i could share my map seed the caves on this explore mode are strange
  8. Designated Drinker

    No rainforest biom?

    finally found a jungle biome! after a week of real playing 6+ hours a day, yea it is cool i think my explorer map has a lot of ylands, i found the jungle yland way above the desert one and there seems to be loads of unexplored map space i can sail to so i think i'll end up with 15+ ylands, the jungle map is the otherside of the map where i started real far away y
  9. Designated Drinker

    No rainforest biom?

    it's hard to find the center of the map because i can't zoom out that far, and i think my starting yland was on the edge of the map because i could not go west hardly at all without it saying turn back no more ylands, here is that cave
  10. Designated Drinker

    No rainforest biom?

    yea there is a cave entrance but i don't have the tech to really be going inside it yet, so i need some damn rubber,saltpeter that is only half of it on the other side there is more with mutated animals
  11. Designated Drinker

    No rainforest biom?

    you can make your own but the biome effects don't work rain storms,feeling cold ect, the thing that totally put me off creation mode was the inability to save and jump to a location on the fly because if you are building a map on size 5 you wont find locations, and size 5 is just one massive single biome more like a continent, anyway on my exploration i have just looked on two out of my four desert like biomes so far no jungle at all 100% fog of war reveal, but i...
  12. Designated Drinker

    No rainforest biom?

    i am currently going around my desert ylands i have 4 of them hoping there is a rainforrest area on them does not look good for me though
  13. Designated Drinker

    No rainforest biom?

    did you find one/ because i also cant find one and i have 11 ylands done with
  14. Designated Drinker

    Exploration Mode Question

    yea i cant progress and i really don't want to cheat, if i do have one then for sure there is only one i have 11 ylands so far
  15. Designated Drinker

    Exploration Mode Question

    but there is always at least one tropical rain forest one right?
  16. Designated Drinker

    Will this work?

    i was about to but i have not finished it yet i am trying to find a jungle yland but i am not sure if i have a jungle yland i have found 10 ylands and none are jungle i need a rubber tree, anyway i quickly used unstuck before i died and now i am on a random yland i guess i can build a boat and find where my ship is by looking at map and sail fog of war, i should create a backup save file for sure
  17. Designated Drinker

    Will this work?

    that is gpood to know but all them hours i put in, building the ship and i just logged in the game after yesterday logging out at night on my ship in a room on my ship i should say, and i log in i am in the sea in freezing water at night being chased by sharks and my ship is running away OH MY GOD! find where i died is going to be near impossible
  18. Designated Drinker

    Playing in Editor mode

    you press o to go into that mode and o again to exit
  19. Designated Drinker

    Playing in Editor mode

    escape then return to editor mode? if you save in editor mode then go to main and play it then you can't because you have kinda published it then
  20. Designated Drinker

    aim arrows colour change

    Ability to change the colour of the aim arrows, you can't see it in the snow at all, and i struggle to see it on a normal yland in the day, not bright enough, and can clash with some terrain, so an option to pick the colour you want for it and make it a little brighter(when i first started playing the game it took me days of playing to realize i even had aim arrows)
  21. Designated Drinker

    Grow "Grass" to eliminate dirt "spots" on map - Beautification!

    yes but you cant place it in other locations like you can dirt, even though i would like to see the speed that dirt/gravel and stuff gets put down reduced, you could land on the moon if you keep your finger on the place dirt for more than a few seconds and people are trying to landscape most the time not build a mud mountain, maybe a 0.5 x speed and a 1.0 x speed on dirt/gravel placing.
  22. Designated Drinker

    Moving around on deck must be made safer

    i agree with you on the railings they dont protect you from going over, so i had to raise mine up with blocks, if you think that is unsafe try jumping in the air while your ship is moving full steam =)
  23. Designated Drinker

    RESOLVED Who or what stole my car?

    explore mode for me is super fast at saving when i exit, the game will get stuck on the loading screen when i exit the editor after saving and clicking yes on the exit to another save, so now when it asks if i want to save i click no and make sure i save it myself before exiting editor.
  24. Designated Drinker

    Will this work?

    Hull is done manage to max it and have even squares, taking way longer to build this ship than i thought though, glitched the anchor inside the flooring Got the mast on in explorer mode via editor, since you are right you cannot put the mast on top of any item without the editor
  25. Designated Drinker

    Will this work?

    oh man i didnt think of the masts and i spent hours on the ship yesterday, maybe i will run it with engines?