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Everything posted by Christal

  1. Christal

    Daily Screenshot Thread

    And so funny haha
  2. Christal

    Sun castle

    @T2S? ^^
  3. Christal

    Daily Screenshot Thread

    Let's not forget our epic memorable, sorry for leaving you @MyPa553ng3r_P1
  4. Christal

    Daily Screenshot Thread

    What happened to my friend Boni?
  5. Hi Ylanders, it's been a long time since I shared anything! My house, with a corner for newcomers. What it takes to cook, sleep, and find some useful accessories And here, just a little temple with plants, that people hastened to loot haha See you soon for a new sharing!
  6. Christal

    Daily Screenshot Thread

    Have fun like children
  7. Christal

    P1 the story build Spyler

    It's SUPERBE. I like every detail, especially the niche and the cat tree. I would like screenshots in game, like the autumnal atmosphere that I really enjoyed
  8. Christal

    We need better boat hulls .. a suggestion

    1- It's possible to be ejected in the air ant to die from the fall. 2- Also possible to fall through the boat, into the water, then to die frozen. 3- You can, like me, be propelled to the other end of map, or even beyond..! 4- Difficult to walk on, even with the anchor down. 5- It's sails while going staight, without being able to turn.
  9. Well... I'll come back to what I said! I just placed an old blueprint, dating before the update. And there, no problem with alignment! Everything is changeable, inked in the grid, without the need to demolish everything to rebuild! Is this the update? Or is there a particular reason?
  10. Christal

    Daily Screenshot Thread

    Great! I have to visit you!
  11. Christal

    Daily Screenshot Thread

    When my house is in a Christmas ball
  12. Christal

    0.11: Peak Performance (19/11/2018)

    Thank you for allowing us again a more precise construction!
  13. Christal

    RESOLVED how do you get resin?

    it's the left button yes
  14. Oups, I realize my mistake! Obviously nothing can be aligned, since we place our building freely... Sorry, subject closed
  15. and that there isn't hope
  16. Christal

    Daily Screenshot Thread

    On the roof of the world, looking for a new ylands
  17. Christal

    forum multiplayer

    @bb cakes_P1 yes, I saw!
  18. Christal

    forum multiplayer

    Tu es sur l'île de spawn? Ou tu as migré?
  19. Christal

    forum multiplayer

    Oui moi aussi, j'avais précédemment un serveur avec @T2S mais il est en "pause" actuellement (Cataplasm) ^^ Sinon, je ne joue pas à Ylands pour le moment, mais je suis de près le développement! Ça va, t'as trouvé avec qui jouer?
  20. Christal

    forum multiplayer

    Salut @jeunekeum54, désolée pour ma réponse tardive, peut-être que je ne serai plus d'aucune utilité à ce stade, mais si tu as une question ou besoin d'aide, je suis là Je ne joue pas beaucoup en ce moment, mais si besoin, tu peux me demander! Ça fait plaisir de voir quelques français actifs. Merci @RedEagle_P1. d'avoir pensé à moi
  21. Christal

    Swimming Anyone?!

    I really like the idea! I also tried to make a swimming pool ing... I like your realistic style
  22. Christal

    Modest living room

    Nothing like a good fire for cold winter nights
  23. Christal

    Dishonored Game Harbour

    Wow, it's like being in the real pub. Good work!
  24. And I don't see your "about me" either