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Posts posted by Energritz_

  1. 9 minutes ago, ComR said:

    Hello Energritz,

    My system is 10 years old for now... Yes, I know it's tragedy...
    i will make memory usage after start test, in fact I never tried to see how much is it, but as I remember it's around 2GB RAM in constant use. Wit hYlands it's 4GB, after 20-30 hours it's 4.7GB.

    My system seems to be pretty good as for so old system - for example I can play Hitman Absolution on ultra with around 40FPS (it's very good for me - I see no problem), It's enought to play GTA V on medium/high mix at 30 FPS, Watch Dogs on medium can be run on 30FPS. I cannot run new Hitman (it's around 4-8FPS with all graphics off - literally all haders off), I can't run Mafia III at all (all graphics off - gives me 2-4FPS or so),  GTA IV at High works pretty good - 30FPS. Total War series (Empire, Napoleon, Shogun II) on Ultra can run above 30FPS (again it's ok with me).

    After hour or so, Ylands alone takes 4.7GB of RAM after around 30 hours of exploring. When I start ne game, Ylands take around 4GB.

    And your kind answers:


    Hey ComR,

    • 16GB is not used straight away, but if you play for a good amount of time, all of your memory will eventually deplete. Thats just how Ylands is at the moment.
    • Yes, Keep settings to Low settings, this will help the Graphics process things easier.
    • GTX 760 can still keep up with the current  games, just make sure to keep settings lower, but higher than your current card. As for 2nd hand, is there a 2nd hand market in poland? try looking into local papers or classifieds, or swap meets.
    • Low Polly, I guess you can make things better with Low, Med, High, Ultra settings, other than that, AA but your trying to stay away from that.
    • As for Dx9, putting "-force-d3d9" argument in the start up section for games might work. Right click game in steam, Properties > Set launch options, paste in there, try and run it. It might work.
    • As for AA, i feel you here, again this is bad design for AMD as well, I've always used Nvidia and the option has always been there. I can only suggest voice this with the Dev's, to add an option in the video options.
    • As for VR, personally i find it gimmicky, Cool yeah.. but needs a lot of work. Its seems what you are mentioning is like a budget VR kit? again im not knowledgeable enough, but what i do know Proper VR needs a powerful rig.
    • Upvote 1

  2. 7 hours ago, ComR said:



    Firstly welcome to the forums.

    The system you have mentions is close to 6-8 years old, this is considerably old in the computing world, goods stuff for putting up with it till now.

    Not so long ago i had a similar system, but intel, that lasted 6 years, i miss that system.

    Anyway onto some points you have mentioned

    1.  When you boot up your computer, before doing anything else, load up Task Manager, wait 5mins, tell me how much RAM the system is using
    2. You have acknowledged that your Graphics card is dated, and your budget is $100~$150, what games does your current card run? i.e 30~60fps ideall

    Now answering your other questions:

    A) Officially 4GB minimum, 8GB Recommended, Plus Operating system memory. However i have a system with 16GB and after a good solid few hours 3-6 Hours, my memory is gone (but i do travel around a lot)

    This game loves Memory, so 16GB would be my recommendation.

    B) DX11 Capable card with 1GB VRAM minimum, or GTX 760 or above.

    C) Nope, it's low polly game, meaning its probably going to be the best you can get.

    D) We don't know, performance in theory should be better, however there is no known switches yet, maybe consult unity website for details?

    E) I don't think AA is even a thing? Your Graphics card provider should have an option to Globally turn off AA in its menu system.

    F) No idea, probably not until full release we won't find out.

    G) Sound like a very old format.. if you're thinking about VR, you need a system upgrade. If you're thinking of Triple Monitors (Surround)

    You would need a class GTX 9xx cards or AMD equivalent or 2 Cards from the Older generation of Cards.

    H) That would be nice, but currently saving and returning to menu is only option for now.

    • Upvote 1

  3. 21 minutes ago, SyxtySyx said:

    I don't know much about it, but what I have heard, is that "MAPS" are a huge file size hog.

    for instance, If you place a map in a boat for decor after you have sailed the seven seas, it retains in it's item file so much information as to add several times the information to your save file.


    So when the map is placed as an object e.g on a wall or similar, it keeps the record of where it's been? This would indicate that the persistence side of things is working at least.

    I actually did not know that, however i just used propeller pack to get around now, i have a ship but its steam powered and nothing built on it.. guess i need to check this out (on a closed server)

    The thing is players will do what they want, regardless if you tell them not too, it's something admins can't enforce for now, not until we can customize whats not allowed to be obtainable or craftable.

  4. I turned steam sync off, as it's known to cause issues with some games..

    @stealerr You're best bet is to load the game in the editor, if you are still on the same yland as when you started, once in the edior you can

    move around like how you are in game, find the ship and see if it looks any different.. if so then a forced rollback probably happened.

    If its recent, then a sync error might have occurred within the MP game, all i can say is backup you're saves if playing MP in future, to safeguard yourself.

  5. You can get programs to make Virtual RAM Drives, but it takes up your actual RAM for size, this is only  useful if you have the RAM in the 1st place, which most people wouldn't i imagine.

    Not sure if this still works on Win 10 or not. I have not used a Page file (swap file) in years... I use SSD's no HDD's and have 16GB Ram and the system runs fine.

    However recently i have found that playing ylands for long periods will reach this limit and ultimately crash the computer.. since then i monitor ylands for memory leaks..

    and thats the client, as for servers there has been reports of a few servers reaching 16GB Ram or even higher.. points to unoptimized early access product.

  6. My goal in this thread is to work out some of the performance issues that servers have or MP has...

    After being on this forum for awhile now, and from what i have seen on the forum and my experience of running a server

    I want to reach out to other server operators to get their opinion of the matter(s).

    This is what i have learned from other operators that seems to be uniform for all servers:

    TL:DR : Click on some other thread. no TLDR here.

    • Players AFK / Spawn / Dead bodies:

    This seems to be a universal issue, where being at spawn or just trying to login, having any of these entities lying around, takes a performance hit,

    ranging from additional loading times to Disconnecting at spawn because too many entities just sitting around

    this is not only just applied to living players but dead ones too, When a player inevitably dies, everything on said person is dropped

    (unless you use a custom map with custom rule sets, even then that has some cons for a public server, e.g no PB)

    if that said person had been gathering resources/materials for some time, think of the amount of items just lying around..

    This also takes up CPU cycles for processing, eventually bogging down the server.

    Resolution:  Admins that are active have done their best to Move / Remove corpses in and around spawn areas on their respective servers.

    Moving AFK / White living players to different location other than spawn range helps with this, sometimes opposite sides of the yland or

    even a graveyard of sorts..

    Then there's the guys lying in the dirt, if they are white (aka no gear) and haven't moved for some time, the assumption is made that they are

    no longer interested in returning, this is where "corpse cleanup" comes into action, while i personally hate doing this, but unfortunately for these guys

    they are taking up performance in CPU cycles... Vigilant Admins will have a schedule to "cleanup" said entities.

    • Player Item littering

    This can be seen everywhere, and its probably  the nature for this type of game, while out and about in the world, you will inevitably see items just lying around,

    holes in the ground, dirt and resources just lying around it, then there's trees, stumps and wooden pieces with bark, sticks, resin, seeds, just lying about being

    ignored.. even mountains having chunks taken out of them, and leaving waste around..

    While i can't really fault the players on this one, since deleting things can be chore and not everyone wants to pick up their mess (even though they should)

    i believe this is probably a bigger factor in causing issues and lagg/stuttering that servers have.

    Resolution: Manual cleaning.. this is a very long and daunting task for an Active admin of any server. And heres a very big problem with servers at the moment:

    The Lack of Garbage Collection , now remember all those items and corpses just lying around? well this is why. Garbage collection in simple terms is self cleaning of the world,

    E.g  If someone drops a bunch of items on the ground, doesn't matter what it is, it should in theory after say 5mins? disappear automatically like in many other similar games.

    Garbage collection in this sort of game is a vital necessity, without it well you are seeing what happens to servers over time.. Degradation and eventually a wipe or worse closure.

    Not only do items just sit and waste performance, any resources that have been mined just leave  ugly holes in the ground not regenerating, in addition to adding Garbage collection, natural

    regeneration is probably a must, at least on the spawn ylands, this is needed for new players to progress otherwise they will be "stuck" and probably just leave. which leads me into my next


    Regeneration of Vegetation / Resources

    Unfortunately for ylands there is no regeneration currently (exception for fruit bearing plants, animals), which is a bit sad for multiplayer.. even more so for servers.

    This includes, Trees, Plants, resources in the ground. This becomes a major problem for servers after a fresh map is made..

    Early players (that joined in on a fresh map) will have taken all the resources and (probably) kept some for their selves for exclusive use. (not uncommon)

    When new players join they wont have the necessary resources, such as iron, coal, and even cotton is needed leave the starter yland as cotton is needed to build

    some items to progress to leaving the yland, when they realize this and get no help, they will leave, because why bother playing if you can't progress? makes sense.

    Resolution: Manual Regeneration.. albeit a bit of a guessing game.. . Manual regeneration by an admin is picking the right resource and the right spot (or hole)

    that a player has taken, sometimes the entire area is picked/dug out clean, its basically picking the lottery of what gets replaced, on some occasions resources

    will remain and you can take and educated guess and replace that resource, but this task of finding and replacing is probably the most time consuming of all.

    Especially if you have ylands in excess of 6 or more, which unfortunately for me i do on my server, but i do it for the players and our little community, to keep things

    sailing along, I'm sure other admins probably do the same.. I hope.

    SaveFile Growth Theory

    There has been numerous posts about servers crashing out and resetting due to hitting a limit of sorts in relation to the Save File size. While this could be just

    pure speculation, it might actually have something to do with performance. Ylands has just one file that saves absolutely everything...which is just plain bonkers

    in my opinion.. Sure i guess it makes it friendlier, importing saves for the single player group, but i don't really care for single player, again that's just me.

    However think of it like this, All those items on the ground, Ground modifications, Ocean modifications, structures, Players, inventory's, Chests with inventories...

    ships, cars... Player maps (more on this later) are being saved just to a single file... if this doesn't spell out performance issues... then it's just poorly made..

    To me personally  this will be most definitely be the cause of more performance issues.. i have not heard other games doing this, i have hosted several servers of  other similar games, they never

    shoved all the data into a single file.. and they probably get why as well.  There is also the issue of Player maps... Once discovered there is a theory that data is being written to the file,

    however, when the player logs out the discovered map is gone and is blank when they return, but the data collected remains stored inside the file, thus when the player makes more

    discoveries on the map , data just will fill up more space.. now increase this for how ever many players you have..  watch your file size and see if it grows.. Naturally the file size

    will grow over time, such as discovering new ylands previously undiscovered.. but that should be all, in exception of maybe items and world generated objects.

    There is also another theory that, while the File size grows, It becomes more harder to connect successfully to servers, ending in more "Host unreachable" moments...

    Downloads fail and the "Blue sky" of waiting between Established connection and Downloading is really nerve wracking at times, especially if you have these problems..

    Resolution: Split World object data ( trees, resources, ground modifications, oceans, animals, generated structures,  etc ) dropped items to a world file, and the rest into per character files, which includes players maps, items, inventories,

    player structures, which includes any chests/containers/boxes attached the player when placed. I believe if this was done properly, performance of the server and game would improve dramatically, not having  everything restricted will not overly bog things

    down. The server would only have to worry about the world more often than not, freeing up cycles for speedy processing of only characters that are active, not having to go through everything including everything above and offline characters.

    Again this is just my idea of what could be a great idea, in practice its up to the Dev's to make or break the game.


    This currently what i can come up with that's probably most pressing issues with the servers currently, if other operators have any other ideas/theories please drop a line.


  7. 5 minutes ago, RedEagle_MGN said:
    There is about 60 online players in Ylands during prime time in every language so 12 is a lot for that :P 

    Well considering English is probably a dominant language globally, that should make sense, so doing math, 12 / 3 servers = 4 players per server, yeah kinda standard from what i have seen around here.

    Well at least servers that have good admins... What i hate is that people forget that the world is round, might be prime time somewhere and working time somewhere else.. without taking that into consideration.

    60 players is really quite dull... i worry about this game sometimes.. now even more with that number..

  8. 11 hours ago, kimbuck said:

    Well.  the same  just happened to me   except i fell through the ship  and  froze to death!   The  dreaded  "host unreachable"  message had   displayed  and  this poor parasite  rejoined  only to get the message that death had occurred!   Got the fal;ling through  earth   image then  snap  etc..

     situation is  i cannot  rejoin  that game  :(  ..all attempts   result  in a black  screen   with the  obituary message...

    Guess all i can do is wait until 0.7 arrives  and restart there and then,    or meanwhile find another  mp game thats not  infested with griefers..


    If it was on the DS that i run, lemme know where you fell and ill have a look next time with the editor.

  9. 2 hours ago, Mitch Treader said:

    Some good points, I'd be over the moon if the next up date included the ability to  save your map on multiplayer. For now I just draw what I've seen on a piece of paper. Not ideal, but at least it's something to refer back to.

    Good, Ive just screenshoted my progress before logging off, stitching up the maps as i go to make a big map, i stopped this awhile ago, as i now have a map in my head, since i used to travel alot for resources, it burns into your head eventually

    This is on a Dedi server to btw.

  10. 1 hour ago, kimbuck said:

    Also the  australian  internet is not the best ..i am in a country area  linked to the nearest  high capacity line   via  fence wire!O.o

    we have little  choice ... its between   Bad,  very  bad,  awful and  not so awful:D

    And  don't mention the  NBN ..i probably  will not see it  at my place in my lifetime ...which could be a good thing from what i hear about its  current  users !

    My  current  progress on the Aus server stalled after i  died on a moored ship and  cannot  get back in. Connection fell out and i fell through the  ship, it seems  ... 

    Oh well  lets see  if the 0.7  release helps ..  will play around on another oseas one  until then. ^_^

    Funny though, our 4G/LTE networks are some of the best in the world, probably because of the expensive and crappy data plans nothing can be saturated..

    for the last month i have been using 4G/LTE as my connection for a trial, I get 50/20 D/U compared to my home internet which is just 8/1 ... I think ill be switching to 4G shortly,

    Plans are getting better and i have found something that works.

    For such a great fun game, the development progress is sadly too slow.. go check the change log forums to get an idea..

    • Thanks 1

  11. 3 hours ago, Mitch Treader said:

    Guess I'd rather play with people in Multiplayer, I've tried lots of serves where no one ever comes on.... it's kinda like.................. Single player? And if I wanted to play single player........... then I would :D

    It's true i like to play with players as well, but how this are progressing development wise, having this now its probably a bit too soon, there is alot of issues with Dedi and MP in general.

    Probably why you don't see full servers or mostly empty ones, the game has been in development since 2015 its not 2018.. don't any kind of miracles any time soon... things progress here super freaking slowly..

    • Haha 2

  12. Hmm interesting find, I also use the propeller pack but have not encountered that "floating hopping" bug.

    The "Duplicate" issue is looking more like the server has goes into a "stalled state" the same could be said for the "floating bug"

    Is this a Dedi Server or a MP session?


    • Upvote 3