I've been searching the forums and probably looked right past it, but do Ylands created in the editor have caves? I wanted to try to build a HUGE Yland, so I set the land mass to max and I now have a land mass that feels more like a continent... Now I have a game going and for the life of me though, I can't find any cave entrances. I was able to get a map going and I have a huge section of the Yland searched, and no caves. Which means no Ylandium dust to build all the fun toys with. I also noticed that there are no special little spots scattered throughout the area, you know, those abandoned secret areas with a bunch of little treasures to help you on your way. Not that I miss the death rock, but finding the paintings and old camp sites were kind of fun.
But the caves, are they there and I just need to dig down to them, or do caves not exist in the editor Ylands yet?
Thanks for any info you can give me.