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Everything posted by Indomitus

  1. Indomitus

    Enough is an enough!

    This is exactly why I'd suggested BI somehow allowing volunteer moderators on the public servers. They have their hands full with development. Meanwhile new players just trying the game see this kind of behavior and it affects how they view the game. It's not a good introduction to such a fun game, and it's inevitably going to turn a few away. The coverage might be hit-or-miss with volunteers, but it would at least be something.
  2. Indomitus

    Can we bring horses on ships yet?

    Out of curiosity, since I haven't tried it yet myself... Does it glitch out the ship, or does the horse just not travel well? I have it in mind to try transporting some of the various predator animals (in a cage on the ship) for my private zoo that I'm building, and I'm not even sure it will work yet. I have been able to coax a couple pumas to the base from the island it's next to, Pied Piper style, but this is a little bit more ambitious than that.
  3. Indomitus

    Another funny screenshot thread...

    ...and baby makes 3. (They're spawning right into the cage.) I want more animals. I want polar bears. I want some of each, so I can let the extras go and make this the most dangerous island ever.
  4. Indomitus

    Age of players

    I'm 1 louder than Keyhonay. 45.
  5. Indomitus


    Did you mean how many Coyns, for purchasing online items?
  6. Indomitus

    Another funny screenshot thread...

    A quick glimpse into my very ambitious new base on NA 10. This is the zoo. (It's a petting zoo, if you're very brave.) Any ideas for what I should name them?
  7. Indomitus

    Playing the game fairly

    Yeah I wasn't really prepared for it. Didn't even realize it wasn't their boat until they started hitting it. I might have to start recording my visits back to spawn.
  8. Indomitus

    Playing the game fairly

    Yeah, starting to see the griefers flood back into the public servers. I just ran into one while visiting back near Spawn on NA 10. The person (username Channis? or something like that) was stealing a boat to smash it at sea. I offered them a couple bullets. One of them hit before they sank into the water and went offline. The boat didn't make it. This is why I make it a point to get off of Spawn island ASAP. Just wish I could do more to help the other legit players without giving up my entire game.
  9. Indomitus


    It varies, like every other resource. But it is less than the others. There is usually some that can be found deep in the caves on some islands. If you find one of those, you can end up with tons of it. If you're not patient enough to search (like me) you can collect valuable items and trade with NPC's to get it. There's usually at least one NPC who will have 400 gold pebbles available, which can smelt into 4 gold ingot, enough for a full set of Guardian Armor.
  10. Indomitus

    0.9: Comfortable Cooperation (08/06/2018)

    Regarding the numbering: Going from 0.9 to 0.10 is actually pretty standard. Remember those numbers don't represent a numeric amount. They represent a version code. The "." does not separate a whole number value from a decimal value. It separates a full major update from relatively minor updates. It's not unusual for software to have version numbers like 2.12.3 or something like that, where 2 is the full version, 12 is a smaller update, and 3 is a patch. It varies with every developer and every project, but there is always a numbering system.
  11. Indomitus

    How to share blueprints?

    A "simple" fix for that limitation would be to disallow blueprinting if it contains an object that can't be crafted in Explore. Creative and Editor would need to be able to distinguish them, but once they can, it could be as direct as a message saying "This construction contains items that cannot be included in a blueprint" and just not allowing the blueprint to be created as-is. Or maybe it blueprints everything except those items. Custom skins would be blueprinted as the default version.
  12. Playing online on NA 10, I am very far along. I have my propeller pack, guardian armor, fast ship, the start of a nice big fortress, etc. I decided to travel to one of the arctic islands to explore for Ylandium, since I can fly over the polar bears now. I arrived at the island late in the evening and dropped my anchor. I decided to sleep until morning. As I was selecting my sleep time, it said I was hungry. I knew that could wait until morning, even if I have to eat twice. During sleeping, the game froze for about 10-15 seconds. As soon as it came back at morning, instead of waking up, I got a message that I had FROZEN to death. (There was no previous warning about cold.) It would not allow me to continue or do anything until I logged out and back in. Spawned back at the starting island, and naturally started scrambling to get back to my stuff. Took a while, but I made it. While still on spawn island, I crafted a few things that I didn't really need, so I decided to leave behind for others. One was a sewing kit. I tried to place it in a wicker basket. It appeared to move over, but stayed in my inventory at the same time. I tried moving it back, and it moved like normal into a separate space, so I put it back in the wicker basket. The glitched copy remains in my inventory. I could move it around to other spaces, but could not use it to craft anything, could not put it in storage, and could not drop it. It's not offset in a weird way. It just won't behave. At the moment I have logged out and closed the game. I'm hoping a restart will dislodge the glitched sewing kit. We'll see. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  13. Indomitus

    How to share blueprints?

    It's still an early version of the feature. As much as people are liking it already, I'm sure it will expand as they get it stabilized.
  14. It's not really duplicating them item, though. It's leaving a ghost that can't be stored, dropped, or used. It only takes up a space in the inventory. I exited and rejoined the game, and the item seemed to be gone, until I tried using another container. Now I have a sewing kit and part of my guardian armor that show up as inventory ghosts from time to time, and the only way to get rid of them is to exit and rejoin.
  15. I took a break and restarted the game, and checked it again. This time I noticed that the issue is entirely the interface. On the main menu screen for the Dyeing stand, it is displaying my pigment amounts incorrectly. The number for black pigment and the number for white pigment are switched. Red, green, and blue appear to be right. (They consumed correctly, just not showing correct numbers on screen.)
  16. For me it has always happened when I right-click an item in my inventory to place it in the empty slot (#0) and activate it (such as selecting a stack of stone blocks to build, for example). It will put the stack in the empty slot, and it will be the active item for a split second, then the game will select the hand (#1) as the active item. I have not been paying attention to which slot is active before the selection is made.
  17. Indomitus

    how to build large wooden door

    I normally just search for "door" and it reduces the list enough to find the one I need.
  18. Indomitus

    0.9: Comfortable Cooperation (08/06/2018)

    On a more positive note, I love the expanded Protective Barrier size. It's huge. It's big enough for a large base plus docks for several large ships.
  19. I've also been seeing this with the Large Ship, in online MP.
  20. Indomitus

    New Ylands GUI

    You can still drag them to drop, and even CTRL+drag to drop stacks. It's just less obvious where to let go of them.
  21. Indomitus

    New Ylands GUI

    1) Or better yet, make the background outside of the box fully transparent. Make it a true HUD. 1.1) I am able to exit the inventory/crafting GUI by pressing ESC. The only time I was not able to do it was when trading with an NPC. And for that, I agree with this one. Should be able to ESC back to the main view in the game. 2) Yes, please. I miss the "Take All" button. With all the clicking there already is, we're going to end up with carpal tunnel. Need at least a few ways to cut down the number of clicks.
  22. Indomitus

    Too many locked games on top of the server list

    I had a really hard time getting that search to work last night. As I scrolled down, the list seemed like it was repeating, and I'm not even really sure how I got to the list of official Explore servers. Couldn't find it for a few minutes then suddenly it was there, looking the same as it had before. The new GUI has a few bugs, for sure..
  23. Indomitus

    0.9: Comfortable Cooperation (08/06/2018)

    When taking control of the helm of my large ship, there is no animation of him taking the wheel, and the compass widget (upper right) is completely missing. I tried logging out and back in, but the result is the same. I have no compass to guide my ship! I tried in Creative mode, and it does the exact same thing. This is a big problem.
  24. Indomitus

    0.9: Comfortable Cooperation (08/06/2018)

    Tall Conifers apparently now give enough logs from one tree to make an entire Tall Mast. Nice. The ship builders will love that one.
  25. Indomitus

    0.9: Comfortable Cooperation (08/06/2018)

    While moving items around inside a container (seed box in this case) the items do not change position until I close and reopen the container. (What can I say? I like my things organized.) I'm in MP, on Explore NA 10. Have not tried it in SP. EDIT: Exited and rejoined the server, and the problem stopped. Strange. If anyone is curious, by the way... It looks like the public servers have been wiped and restarted. Explore NA 10 has been, at least.