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Everything posted by Indomitus

  1. Indomitus

    1.2: Astonishing Adventures

    First thoughts after playing a bit this evening: #1: Me: Rhinos are OP BI: Let's add more! Me: No. Seriously, the maps are too small for anything that strong that's not a boss. They should be weaker or fewer. One or the other, because they're too strong to be scattered all across a tier 1 island. #2: Right-click while crafting in a workstation goes to recipe screen every time. Feeding the fire in a workstation forces it to recipe screen every time. Fix this please. #3: So I guess the diagnostic display at top-right of the screen is removed now? Or is it hidden under a new command?
  2. Crafting fur pants using Hyena Hide will consume the Sewing Kit.
  3. No, that's not right. The sewing kit is a tool, like the hammer or axe. It used to take wear and break like the others, but that was turned off for everything. Other Fur Pants, and other fur clothing using the Hyena Hide, don't make the sewing kit despawn, so this one shouldn't either.
  4. Indomitus

    How did you make the Biomes?

    Well, a biome is going to be something that's partially randomized. You'll have a definition for that biome, a set of objects and attributes that the biome should have such as plants and animals, terrain and resources. Determine what region of your map it will cover, then randomize locations for those things within that area. I think it's worth mentioning that things like this are never 100% random. There's always boundaries and parameters, but with certain things randomized just enough to make it look naturally random for the player. A sandy beach, for example, isn't going to have a jagged shape, but a rocky cliff face might.
  5. Indomitus

    Dev Diary #120 - Roadmap 2020

    It seems a bit surreal that the big water update is finally nearly here. Really looking forward to what we'll be able to do with that.
  6. Indomitus

    What are Yellow Sea Shells for?

    Hit them with a hammer and they'll give you pigments.
  7. Is there a way to block players using costumes? Locking their clothing slots is easy, but the player is apparently still able to use their costumes to hide outfits or uniforms that might be necessary for the game. If there's not a way, can we get one please? And it might also be a good idea to allow creators to block the use of pets. That seemed to create a bug in the testing of "Wacky Painters" earlier today where someone summoned a Gryphon, and when I wanted to summon my shark, it instead said "Summon Gryphon" (but I don't have that one). Plus I'm pretty sure it's been annoying and distracting for other players on Playlands any time I would summon Ol' Toothy. edit: @Adam Snellgrove I meant to put this under Editor Suggestions, but was a little distracted and I missed. Feel free to have it moved it to that section if you want.
  8. Indomitus

    Entity Template?

    In the listing for game logics, there is a search at the top. You can search for the name of what you're looking for. (Type "Entity" and you should see it.) After that, just place it into your scene. The easiest way (I think) to set it up is to create one of what you want to have in the template. Get all the settings right, such as if it's pickable or indestructible. Then open the template, and use the dropper you see there to capture the item you just made. It should show your item in the little preview image. And you can get rid of the original after that if you want. If you need to change any of the settings on the item, you can click that image and it will open an Object Properties window just like the original object, where you can change hit points, pickable, indestructible, interactions, and things like that.
  9. Indomitus

    Wacky Painters (in need of testers!)

    I think the testing went really well today. And no surprise to me, I didn't win any rounds. I can make them but I can't play them, lol. That was fun. I need to stop in more often. So from here I think the plan is to work it into 2 versions. One version would play on repeat until someone wins a certain number of rounds, and would be posted in the Workshop for players to host their own games with friends. The other will be stripped down to a single round, which would better fit the Playlands format (if B.I. is interested in it). @RedEagle_P1. suggested showing player totals during the round. To keep the code fast and efficient, I decided to just show the leader's score beside the leader icon at the bottom (and I turned off that ugly crown). That code runs every 0.2 seconds, and I want it as short as possible since I also have potentially several dozen blocks being triggered at the same time. Plus I don't want to clutter the UI. You also suggested it could be used to make a game like Scribbl.io. The big hurdle on that would be how to create the list of words, make it long and diverse enough to be fun, and (of course) translate it. It might be possible, but I'm not going to try that one. When I share this one, others can try whatever they want with the techniques I used here, and I'm sure they'll do some really cool things. I'll move on to other stuff.
  10. Indomitus

    Wacky Painters (in need of testers!)

    Got a wild idea today to help with decorating this game, and it might be something fun for creators to play with as well. I'm going to try using the same technique from this game to make another game that can make actual paintings, using a large canvas of blocks and a paint gun, and it will transfer it to a smaller size so they can capture it and use it as decoration.
  11. Indomitus

    How To Get This To Work?

    you can use the "IS ENTITY/TYPE" tile. IS Entity [Get Active Item...] Type [Zirconium Rifle] That tile by itself will return a True or False, and can go in the IF statement without anything else. Extra tip: Entities (the objects) have a Type and a Class. For this one, the Type would be "ZIRCONIUM RIFLE" and a couple Classes for it could be "WEAPON" or "RANGED WEAPON". A class for a stone block would be "BUILDING MATERIALS" for another example. And so on. It really comes in handy sometimes.
  12. Indomitus

    Wacky Painters (in need of testers!)

    I'll make a point of stopping in. That actually gives me a little time to optimize and add little touches to the script, like assigning random colors from the list instead of sequential as the players join. Would it better for me to try and host it, or make a share game? (I haven't tried using the B.I. servers yet. Just Nitrado, when that was an option.)
  13. If you edit the group, can't you select them all then use the Properties window to make items unpickable all at once inside the group? Not a perfect answer, but it could do a whole group at a time.
  14. Indomitus

    Wacky Painters (in need of testers!)

    I'm going to try to check in on P1's Discord to get things started, if there's anyone there evenings. I don't normally get home from work until after 6pm local time (Eastern Standard).
  15. Also: Some games are not awarding their XP. AND "Weekly Quest" is not working.
  16. Indomitus

    Counting killed players

    You're better off using a variable inside an Entity Storage, with one storage for each player. If a player leaves, you would have to manually adjust the array to keep everything lined up.
  17. Indomitus

    Skins gone

    I remember that as well. Some skins were removed, and others were made into separate items in the game. Either way, if you paid coyns for them, you should have received those coyns back.
  18. I've been giving some thought to our ability as creators to build translations into our own games. I've come up with a few ways it could possibly be done, but one key piece we don't have access to is the player's localization. So here are 2 possible ideas: 1. Add a Localization Enumerator (all the languages Ylands supports) and a tile that returns the player's specific value. With something like that, we could devise ways to build indexed lists for the languages we're able to translate. 2. Add a logic object that can act as a data structure for holding our translation values. For each item, we would provide a unique index name, and the translation for each language we plan to use. Pretty much just a lookup table, indexed on item name and it would automatically apply either the player's localization or the one we set as default.
  19. Indomitus

    Text in editor too small

    Need to adjust the color scheme of that as well. White text on a light color background does not make for good readability.
  20. This does bring up an interesting thought: Could we get a way in the scripting to show or hide interactions for specific players based on our own criteria? (For example, if RedEagle and I were both next to a tree, and he had a special label or role to allow it but I didn't, he would see the option to saw down the tree, and I wouldn't, at the same time.) (edit) AND... I believe we've asked before for some way to make custom interactions take time to complete. Timed game mechanics like lock picking, computer hacking, machine repair, or some kinds of looting could be very cool additions to competitive game modes.
  21. Indomitus

    Counting killed players

    There's a Custom UI object in the game. You can drop one in, like dropping in a trigger zone or spawn point. You can then open the properties for it, click to Edit the UI, and add text objects on the screen where you want them to appear. Then in the script you can set the text in each one for each player. If it's different for each, then just set each one's separately. If you want one to show the same thing to everybody, then you make a loop that goes through the players and sets each one with the same value. There's a bit of detail involved in making and using a custom HUD, and some pro tips that people on this board can give you, but once you know what you're doing it's not that hard. I would add screenshots and step-by-step details, but I don't have access to the game right now and I know I would miss something. And by the time I get home, somebody else will probably give you a solid answer.
  22. Indomitus

    Explore Map Size

    Just to dig this one back up and keep people aware of it... Are the Devs working on a solution to this serious missing feature? There's no good reason for it to be absent from maps we generate in the Editor. There might be reasons to limit it to PC-only games, but not for it to be completely missing.
  23. Indomitus

    Freecamera in-game

    Freecamera won't make the game load in distant chunks. It will be able to go out as far from your character's position as your render distance allows, but then the map will just stop. To load anything beyond that, and view it with freecamera, you have to move your character.
  24. Indomitus

    Wood duplication exploit

    It's not intended, and it does this for nearly everything, giving us an exploit for infinite resources. It was reported last July (if not earlier) and is still waiting for a fix.