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Everything posted by Indomitus

  1. If they want them to be underground, maybe islands should have more than one cave. One large cave system filled with mutants and high value resources, and some smaller caves and holes with basic resources. A couple could even be RE, such as a small mine with someone guarding it, although that would require integrating terrain into RE generation. Just a thought.
  2. Indomitus

    Ray casting

    Wonderful. I've spent all of my time in the new Explore mode, and haven't looked much at the Editor since the last update.
  3. Indomitus

    Ray casting

    I think a dedicated feature would be better since the trigger zones can't be set to detect terrain.
  4. Indomitus

    Not enough resources for multiplayer

    Not to mention that even without the trolls, if one player needs to make arrows, they're consumed 10x faster. I had a rough time with that, just playing on my own. For sticks, a happy medium could be to make the trees interactable again, but only a limited number of times per day. I think we've solidly established that even though the new explore maps can be fun for solo or small groups, the situation with resources is not really viable for larger public servers. I really think we need an alternate form of explore map, specifically for the public servers.
  5. Hit a tree without destroying it, and it stays daylight colors at night. Very minor, but it kind of breaks the lovely moonlight effect. On that tiny little starting island, it's like a beacon from anywhere on the island.
  6. As an interesting note to follow up, when I returned to that location on the spawn island to build a permanent base, the trees were no longer glowing. I guess unloading and reloading the chunk forced the shading back to correct values?
  7. Indomitus

    Not enough resources for multiplayer

    It's definitely out of balance. With the mutated predators that spawn at night, it's actually easier to farm ylandium on a tier 1 island than to get resources like iron or coal, which are pretty much essential to progressing in the game. Even something like sticks, if you need to craft weapons or arrows, can be relatively hard to find.
  8. Indomitus

    Where to find iron?

    I think it's not just the iron, but the resources in general. I found zirconium before I found copper (both in the caves of the tier-3 island). Maybe there's some on the other islands, but I never saw it. On top of that, I think it would be best to have an alternate type of explore map specifically for the public servers. These are great, and fun for 1 player or just a few friends, but once we have large numbers logging on to play, the map will be destroyed in no time.
  9. Indomitus

    Where to find iron?

    They're taking a holiday. You know, backpacking across Europe and such. ? Actually, they're out while they have their AI redesigned. From what I remember BI saying, I would expect them back next year some time, or whenever we get the new water simulation. They will be back and they will be more dangerous. But will they still fly?
  10. They block workstations, and pretty much everything else that doesn't involve them.
  11. My encounters so far with enemy NPCs are impossible to win (and impossible to lose). I think it is related to the map option of no damage from other players. This cannibal and I have been swinging at each other for a very long time, and nobody is losing any health. I even upgraded to an iron mace and an iron sword, and turned on his health bar in the Editor. He can't hurt me and I can't hurt him, but he'll still chase me around.
  12. The "overly friendly" part happens with both, but at least with a tamed horse you can mount it and ride it to another location, out of the way.
  13. Indomitus

    UNDER REVIEW [YLD-18107] Infinite resources

    Yeah, I confirmed for myself as well just a moment ago. Any hammer used with any item or resource still behaves this way when "deconstructed" within a protective barrier.
  14. By accident I found a bug that allows any item to deconstruct inside the protective barrier, if placed on the ground and hit with the demolition hammer. (Other hammers might do it too.) Roasted food items will "deconstruct" to the raw version. Roasted meat becomes raw meat, roasted fruit becomes berries (elderberries when I tried it), and so on. A pole will "deconstruct" and become a stick. Rope will become grass. Leather will become boar hide. Cloth will become 3 yarn. Yarn will become flax. Tools will deconstruct to the exact materials used to create them. Screenshots: If you try this with a stack, it will return the raw form of only 1 of the items and destroy the rest. I don't think the deconstruct ability is meant to be used for this.
  15. Indomitus

    Missing Skins , guns and armor

    Some have been removed. The Repeating Rifle, for example, can no longer be crafted.
  16. I think this is the same issue I just experienced. As I was adding beams and wooden blocks to my ship, the last item of every stack would simply vanish when I placed it. I was able to build, but I had to make exactly 1 more of each thing than I actually needed each time, to make sure the stack didn't run out. (It will be near the end of the log files, since I exited out right after, to submit this.) output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  17. Indomitus

    Daily Screenshot Thread

    Ship building at twilight, lit up by some funny rocks I found in a cave...
  18. For the sake of making arrows, at least, sticks do need to be more available somehow.
  19. I think the Mutated Alpha for each island should drop more than just 2 ylandium dust. That was way more of a fight than the average mutated brute.
  20. I started a new Explore map, this time allowing damage from other players. Here are the logs from my fight with an NPC (she didn't last long). And yes, I'm sure the logs will show that I did open it in the editor to remove a few bears that were between my camp and her camp. I wanted the fight to focus on just the NPC. This did reveal another interesting effect, though. I had first tried just moving the bears far away, but they were still triggered to chase me (from all the way across the island) when I entered their original zone. That should be in these logs as well. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  21. I was able to recreate it. On spawn island, use the stone axe to hit objects. Trees, bushes, tree stumps, and fallen tree tops seem to be affected. I was able to reliably "light up" about a dozen objects around my camp. It kind of looks like the impact "flash" effect is getting stuck. I'm playing through a new game right now, and I'll upload logs in a bit. (I'm actually trying to play through to fight an NPC and test the other bug; two with one stone.) EDIT: Here are the logs for this one. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  22. Of course I ran into him again, in the same Explore map. (His camp is very near to mine.) Attaching logs, as well as the game save itself in case that helps. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt 11-28 NEW V1.0 EXPLORE.zip
  23. I would like to request that when an item is removed, sometimes consider converting the model into a decoration instead of complete removal. The repair kits work well as functional boxes for "tool kit" items that a game might need. Keeping them as non-functioning decoration entities, which we could then add scripts to, would be very useful for a lot of game designs.
  24. Sounds like the "birds not working" problem all over again. And I agree. If the editor generates an explore map, it needs to be able to function like a regular explore map in all the main ways (of course we understand the exception for the random encounters). Creating mini-games is interesting and fun, but so is creating larger customized maps for community servers. And in the (current) absence of admin functionality, the added scripts are kind of a necessity if someone wants a public server that's actually manageable and sustainable. It's all worthless, though, if the "explore" part of it simply doesn't work.
  25. Personally, I will certainly want that level of control, so I'll be holding out for this option. In the meantime, I think I will suspend my autopay to Nitrado, since the server's not going to be running.