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Everything posted by Indomitus

  1. Out of curiosity, for all of the items that have been removed from the game (including these repair kits, and a few of the weapon models that I've noticed so far): 1. will the item models still be available through the editor 2. will they eventually be removed completely, and 3. will this affect compatibility for games and compositions that we have used them in I ask because I have an older game I've been working on sometimes that uses repair kits as generic boxes for deploying cannons by placing them and interacting with them. I'm sure something else could fit that same purpose, but I'm just concerned about compatibility so I don't lose all of that work. A few patches here and there are to be expected (still need to upgrade the UI) but I'd rather not start over completely.
  2. Indomitus

    UNDER REVIEW [YLD-18107] Infinite resources

    With a swing of a hammer. In this case, I set it up in a flat map in the editor because I haven't placed a barrier yet in my explore game. I used the war hammer, which might make a difference, because I did not see that available to craft in explore. It did give me ingot, though. I'll try it out some more later today, after work. We'll see. Maybe it's mostly fixed.
  3. Indomitus

    UNDER REVIEW [YLD-18107] Infinite resources

    @Adam Snellgrove As of Ylands Yncoming, this bug still exists. I can place 20 nails on the floor inside my barrier and "deconstruct" them to receive 20 iron ingot. I will test other combinations this weekend, but I think this bug is not yet fixed.
  4. Are we no longer able to collect sticks and wood directly from trees?
  5. Indomitus

    Some of suggestions and bug reports

    I strongly disagree. The spade is just a different tool for the same job. The spade will dig more at one time (perfect for building an underground base) but the pick will reach a greater distance away. Select the item in your inventory. Click the "eye" icon to inspect, and one of the buttons on that screen is "Break". It looks like there is no more option to break an entire stack at once.
  6. Indomitus

    0.15 First Impressions

    Does anybody else think the Rhinos are a little OP? Especially since they are all over the first "tier 1" island I went to. Can't evade them, can't outrun them, and can't outfight them with just the starting stone weapons.
  7. I've seen this in normal build, over numerous updates. Planting a large number of plants in a very small area causes that section of ground to become unstable and allows the player to fall through the terrain.
  8. Indomitus

    How to get Ylands 1.0 beta

    That would make sense, since we can share any custom games we build, and I expect it would be pretty cumbersome to make Ylands limit access to custom games based on something like that.
  9. Indomitus

    How to get Ylands 1.0 beta

    No Explore-style map generation in Editor? Or does that option only show up when the player gets access to Explore mode? And a question about the Beta: If we try it out and aren't comfortable with it, how hard is it to roll the game back?
  10. Indomitus

    Recently crafted and food value

    The crafting menu in general is not behaving correctly. The Recently Crafted menu, and the recommended crafting menu both appear completely unsorted. Both are currently unusable, and have been for quite some time. And when they are able to work on that, could they please look into a search by ingredients as well? It would be nice to be able to search for unlocked recipes that a specific resource is used in.
  11. Indomitus

    How did you find Ylands?

    Like most games I end up playing, I saw a video by a prominent Youtube gamer, and I thought it looked fun.
  12. Indomitus

    How long have you been playing Ylands?

    Since early 2018, not sure of the exact date.
  13. I know this happens for the stone hammer. Have not tested the other hammers yet. Every time I activate the hammer, it gives a message about not deconstructing objects outside the "active zone." I know this refers to the protective barrier, but it is a strange message to show EVERY time the hammer is selected. edit: I also does this when using the War Hammer, so it does seem to affect all of them.
  14. Indomitus

    Dev Diary #103

    Looks fantastic. My main question is this: Will the current "explore" mode still be available, in the Editor at least? Will this new Explore mode be available in the Editor, or do the random encounters cause issues with that?
  15. Indomitus

    What would your "hardcore mode" look like?

    A full water world sounds interesting. I was thinking more in general, a hard mode for Ylands Explore but that does sound like a challenge to build and play. Sounds like a specialized hard mode, kind of like Skyblocks is for Minecraft. Is yours for multiplayer or is it a single player challenge? Mobile or PC? As always I'm open to helping, time and attention span permitting.
  16. I've been giving this some thought, as I work on ideas for putting up my own private explore server. (It won't be full hardcore, but it will have limitations such as no gunpowder and no Ylandium.) For me, a hardcore survival mode would look like this: Stronger predators. Higher HP and attack damage. Larger detection areas. Line-of-sight detection if possible. (Plus more improved AI, which I think BI is still working on.) More predators. More dense populations and higher respawn rate. Handicapping if the player doesn't get enough sleep. Slower speeds. Higher hunger rates. Lower attack damage. In other words: Get some sleep! Very dark nights. (This is why I asked about it in the other thread.) Aggressive predators at night. Challenging Research Tree for recipes rather than the auto-learn Ylands currently has. No Ylandium. No gunpowder. Resources would be buried more, less obvious on the surface. Some kind of handicap or penalty for death/respawn. Lose all learned recipes? Or lose any points you made toward the next Research unlock? Drop keys and maps as well? Not sure, but there would be something. Some of these are things we can build in custom scripts. Others would need help from the devs. I've been doing a little work on a Research Tree structure for the game. I designed a series of "Research Table" workstations for gaining points, and so on. The main problem is that I would have to list nearly every recipe in the game somewhere in the script to manage them all, which is insane.
  17. Indomitus

    UNDER REVIEW [YLD-20141] Feature or bug?

    I feel you may be underestimating my ability to beach a ship.
  18. Indomitus

    Dev Diary #102

    Using the Interior game logic could be a problem if we want it over an entire island. Or multiple islands and the water between them. For larger effects, it would be better implemented as a "weather" option or something like along those lines.
  19. Indomitus

    Dev Diary #102

    Looks fantastic. Will it be possible for us to make our custom games completely dark at night if the game calls for it?
  20. Currently, the Car Trunk entities can be used as containers separate from a vehicle, but they don't trigger any Event Listeners that are specifically listening for Container events such as Open or Close. Can that be changed to make them trigger Container events?
  21. Indomitus

    UNDER REVIEW [YLD-18107] Infinite resources

    My feelings on that news are, of course, mixed. But it had to be done.
  22. Sorry for the late reply. I've been away from the game for some time. I set up a simple scenario to demonstrate (not a full game idea, just showing the issue): I put in a selection of different containers, and an Event Listener. The Event Listener is set to listen for players interacting with the Entity Class CONTAINERS. It simply shows a Warning message with each event that is detected. The events will trigger when the chests are opened and closed, and when the player used "E" to open the coal basket or seed box. They do not trigger for me when any of the Car Trunk entities are opened or closed. I've attached the Scenario file (not exported). CAR TRUNK CONTAINER DEMO.zip
  23. Don't the logs start when the game starts? They reset when you exit and restart the game. They should cover the entire time you had it running, including menus and all play modes.
  24. I've seen it too and I've gotten into the habit of using that one as my "new" each time if it's near the top of the list. First time it did it for me was when I started a blank scenario then opened one of my Explore maps to fix something. The blank scenario auto-saved apparently. Weird thing is, if I open that "saved" blank scenario, add something into it, then click Save, it will prompt for a new name.
  25. I saw this same issue. As far as I've been able to tell, it happens as soon as you have both a rock (large, medium, or small) and an event listener, and you reference the rock in the event listener. As soon as you do that, the whole scenario goes nuts. Every other logic and entity will have that same problem. The good news- if you have other things in that scenario- is it should stop if the rock and event listener are removed, and you exit/save and reopen your scenario. Bad news, of course, is right now we can't put listeners on those rocks until they fix it.