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Found 1 result

  1. Greetings, I purchased a extra copy of the game and tossed it up on my rack server after making a few modifications to the client graphics settings, since I don't need nore have one of a xeon rack server. I had this client running now for aprox 4 days non stop. Once in awhile I would need to restart it due to unknown reasons, " clients could no longer connect ". I was poking around today on the newbie island because I died on the island where I reside. I logged in and found I starved to death this happens frequently. However I came across this on the starting island. You should take note on the amount of animals running around, actually they teleport short distances because there are so many. And they seem to only keep multiplying more and more. This is not limited to only this angle of the cam, it is everyplace. Perhaps there should be a check sum put in place when a animal is to be spawned and up the inc and if inc >= limit end. Best way I can say it. Perhaps this has something to do with the ever increasing ram usage. Let me know what you think, thanks.