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Found 2 results

  1. Joseph Carriere

    Better chat system.

    Hey there, so, I'd like to make a suggestion. A better chat system, like having the ability to scroll up to view previous messages sent by you or your friends. Thanks.
  2. Repro: Start game and go into some worldTake screenshot (F12 default). It should show message.Screenshot should be saved. Example path: "c:\Users\XYZ\Documents\Ylands\Screenshots\October 2015\Ylands_151009_011018.png"Delete last directory "October 2015"Try to take screenshot again, but no message shown and no file created. You only get short freeze as game create screenshot, but can't save it.Desired: Game should be able to create path, when taking screenshotNote: Game create this directory when going to main menu or from main menu. At least what I know. How I found this issue: I take some screenshots by accident (I have bound CTRL+F12 to video capture and game took screenshots).I want to get rid of those screenshots so I remove whole directory "October 2015" presuming that game will handle it.Build: 0.01.11067