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Found 1 result

  1. Ok so, i may sound a bit nuts but i do not care =) I dream of having a "Noah s Ark", to be able to tame and breed animals on my Ship if i would like, which of course would require also that, by breeding them i could slaughter them by food chain order, so that i could feed them accordingly with one another. (wolves would eat rabbits, felines could eat goats, etc...) That also means i would like to really be able to plant seeds for plants (not trees, that sounds stupid) ON my Ship for my herbivores, so that my food chain would really be complete. Right now it is possible to use Pots on ships but you better harvest them before moving or else, they just stay in place in the air =) What do you think guys? Anyone else wants a Noah s Ark? Vote and UpVote if you agree =)