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Found 3 results

  1. Food Recipe It would be great if we could make a various kind of dishes using more than one material. That being said the starvation meter needs a upgrade. Farming Would require improvement to fit the food recipe suggestion that've made. With more diversity of seeds like rice, wheat and fruits. And make it more complex with irrigation or temperature requiriments for example, plating a temperate plant in a desert island wouldn't rise. Fishing Mini Game Fishing in this game quite boring process and not useful since fish meat doesn't raise the starvation meter like it should be. Breeding Animals It's really tough to find leather after you kill all the animals on the island. Blueprint of Ships and Cars After trying to blueprint my ship from the old game I was playing with my friends I realised that It isn't possible to craft the hull and masts. Blueprint from cars and ships should be implemented. Survival Smooth Terrain Tool Landscape it's really important but in survival mode we still lacking of a smooth terrain tool after mining or flatting the place things get a lil bit ugly. Health Bar I know it's a Zelda reference but sometimes I feel it doesn't fit the UI. Vending Machine It's a great concept for a multiplayer game but it implies making a currency. I'm not sure about it since I didn't play on any ylands server just with friends. The other sugestion that I have it's asking about the community opinion with some kinda of survey in game. There's a lot of complain about the micro-transactions at steam's review page as far I've played I didn't use the shop for skin and it's not necessary to enjoy the game. I do not have much time to reply or make a more detailed post about my suggestion. I've seen a lot of these suggestion on the forum and tried to upvoted them to get devs attettions. Thanks for reading good exploration for everyone.
  2. Ok so, i may sound a bit nuts but i do not care =) I dream of having a "Noah s Ark", to be able to tame and breed animals on my Ship if i would like, which of course would require also that, by breeding them i could slaughter them by food chain order, so that i could feed them accordingly with one another. (wolves would eat rabbits, felines could eat goats, etc...) That also means i would like to really be able to plant seeds for plants (not trees, that sounds stupid) ON my Ship for my herbivores, so that my food chain would really be complete. Right now it is possible to use Pots on ships but you better harvest them before moving or else, they just stay in place in the air =) What do you think guys? Anyone else wants a Noah s Ark? Vote and UpVote if you agree =)
  3. Jared Diamond

    Germs? - Suggestion

    YLANDS is a great game, through my efforts I'd like to ensure it stays that way. In Rust, by facepunch studios, almost every server has atleast one or multiple Zurgs, a large groups whose main purpose is to attack smaller groups, I think it'd be smart to avoid this in YLANDS. But how? by creating disease! make it so that people in large groups are more susceptible of contracting disease. I would refrain from making it impossible to group up in big groups but just make it harder for people who wish to do so (which would most likely force people to be in smaller groups). Maybe make disease spread through animals which you have to hunt in order to feed yourself? (Another suggestion is to add the ability to domesticate and breed animals. which could ultimately eliminate disease over time?). There are animals in the game which are foreign to your island. For example if you spawn on a grassland island the common animals you'll find are; wolfs, bears, goats, and the list goes on. if you were to venture to an island that has a different climate and therefore different species of animals, the disease they carry could slowly kill you. Let me know what you guys think, my feelings wont be hurt ;), so be as critical as you want. If my suggestion is redundant then say it is. Edit: I am unsure if I like my own suggestion so I'll leave it up for others to decide. I think the idea of germs is too complex to add to such a simple game, but I could be wrong.