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Found 1 result

  1. Deadeye_Rob

    Coconut Radio

    Hi guys, So after spending countless hours playing on multiplayer Explore servers I have reached a conclusive question. "Even on a largely populated server, why is it so difficult to find and communicate with other players" Minecraft addresses this problem by making it's in-game chat feature globally broadcast to all players on a server. Im thinking Ylands can do one better! Whilst global chat would solve the issue, it might make communication too easy. The feeling of being alone and stranded is a charming feature of the game. I suggest that if players put in a little work, they can craft themselves some type of Radio. Using the Radio would open a dialogue box where you can tune in to other player's radios and send-receive messages in both real-time and in an Email format. Its an idea that I'm sure could do with some refining but let me know what you think guys! Thanks Rob