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Found 2 results

  1. So this is a toy gun asset I've been working on. It's fairly low poly, with a moving trigger, magazine and pump. I made it to try and match the Ylands art style as much as possible, and I would like your feedback on how well I have achieved that as I I would like to eventually import this into the editor for use in a custom game mode that I want to develop. However at the moment I notice that it is not possible to import your own custom model assets. Instead every game mode that can currently exist is reliant on a small list of preset assets which is extremely limiting, especially for anybody who wants to make something unique. I would like to know when this will change, as one of the things I am most excited for with this game is the possibility to truly make custom content to share with others, but right now for aforementioned reasons, I can't help but feel like everyone will in essence be sharing the exact same things over and over again as far as items and aesthetics go. If a release date on model importation cannot be given, I would really like a rough ETA because I don't want to spend a ton of time developing a custom game mode only to have to wait years for something as basic as model importation. Thanks for reading.
  2. Fish720

    Item Models

    I killed a Leopard and picked up its loot, the skin item model when in hand goes through the characters body. (Looks Hillarious, had a good laugh) Also the meat, your character holds it in the center of the meat, would be a lot better if you held it on the bone. To be honest there was a lot of item models that clip through the character model. The hit box for the spear is very off I think, tried to kill my friend but couldn't hit him at all, but he could hit me easily with a stick. I went on the explore game mode only and I made a raft to try get to another island, but after being at sea for 5 whole minutes of travelling I didn't find another island. Not sure if that's because they haven't been added to the game yet. I was playing online with my friend and created a "server", but we had to make it with dashes or with the letter "A" at the start because there is no scrolling function on the server finder. It also goes straight off the screen because there are too many. I think something that could be added to the game is (once you select an item you want to craft and it shows you the materials) you hover over the materials and a "pop-up" tells you an example of where you can find them, because I had difficulty finding things and had no idea what I was doing really. I have finished the time trial and will be buying the full game once I get paid, really hope I can help with any feedback I can give because I think this game has a lot of potential. I would have added screen shots of some of the things I mentioned, but I didn't think of it at the time.