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Found 3 results

  1. Hi guys, Simple suggestion but one that would bring substantial improvement to quality of life. When writing a scroll, paper (Hopefully books one day 😉) could we have the ability to change the name of the object in question? This way I can see exactly what the scroll/paper is before i decide to pick it up. Thanks!
  2. When selecting a custom build with the camera, there desperately needs to be an indicator showing you where your selection is beginning, maybe a highlighted 1x1 square indicating a starting point? When you get into large selections, this is almost a must. Have you ever tried selecting a ship? You need to select some random spot under water and guess that you have gotten the ship within the boundary. Also, after you finish the height selection, there should be another editing option to click and drag selected sides of this selection to make final adjustments.
  3. Antimidation

    Many suggestions here

    I am enjoying the game so far and I've done my share of early access play over the years so I know what to expect, or not to expect in this case. There is certainly a lot to be done and I do not expect everything to be in game or working properly. These are some things I think might make the game better and easier on players. Some of these might already be in the works but it doesn't hurt to reiterate. Global placement standard when building - All free place objects, that is, any item or object (props?) that is not a direct building material, needs to come into the world on the grid, in a straight line. Most of the weapons and tools come into the world perfectly vertical...which is good. Now you need to make everything else the same way. When you free place with the hot key, V, you can then rotate it and shift it around anyway you want, you can set it against a wall, lean it on a fence post, etc....but all objects should come in on a 45 degree line. One build mode for everything - Ultimately I don't think free place and placing things on the grid (blocks) should be two separate things. There should be one build mode, maybe V can place you in a mode with editing tools and all the rotation tools you are used to in free place but you can move around hardened objects as well. Condensing all those tools into one place would be helpful. Base stats, visual stats, numerical values - Are we perhaps going to get an idea of what kind of values weapons and clothing have as far as the mechanics of the game goes? As it stands now, the 5 hearts for health is a rough estimate....i'm not even sure wearing different armor does anything to help me survive against a bear attack or from falling down a cavern vs. not wearing anything at all, there is definitely heat and cold in game so one would assume the values of clothing deal with those types of mechanics. I think having base stats would clarify and help people visualize what they are made of, in a manner of speaking. If an iron axe does more damage to a tree than a stone axe, what are the values? Having us be able to find ways of increasing our health might be something cool as well....Link went on quests and beat powerful foes to get more hearts...(hint, hint). Will there ever be any rpg elements to this game in the future? Server options- If i am able to make my own game, there should be more server options available. Some examples might be; Setting up how many hours of daylight vs. night time, aggression of enemies, will beds be able to be used, etc. Give us all the doodles and doodads for maps- Probably something most people talk about, the map should have more interactive power, we should be able to place markers and way points. Our friends should show up on these maps as well. Maybe even have an option for drawing on the map. Officially making a group- Perhaps there could be a way of making a party in game and seeing that visually change on screen, a picture of your friend next to their health...etc. Perhaps there could be thresholds that friends could have over people that are not part of your group, being able to enter locked doors, opening storage units, riding your horse, etc. Horses- I have a sneaking suspicion that horses are just the start of something bigger as far as pets, mounts, and live stock go. The only problem is, their A.I. is horrible right now...they wander off and spook easily without much effort. There needs to be some commands to go along with the taming of these animals, first off...you should be able to tie the horse to something and have it stay still if you want. Add some nifty saddles, and water troughs we can make to the game and give us a way of rigging the animal to a tree or a fence. As I say this i realize you may be working on this right now but I am excited to see what you game designers come up with. Interact with crows nest on ship masts- It would be great if we could climb the masts and get up in those crows nests, you cannot climb the jacob's ladders which come with the masts, you should be able to interact with those. Maybe you could just give us a slew of new things to build our own masts and our own crows nests, either way would be great. Naming my ship- I have already created my own sign and stuck it on the ship physically, but it would also be cool to name it officially by typing it in once you have made the ship so it show the name when you hover over it. Retrieving arrows that have been fired/Throwing spear- Both of these features should be in game, also being able to retrieve the spear would be great as well. The option to throw the spear would be like going into battle mode with the bow or you could use it as melee weapon with left click. All the tools and most of the melee weapons should work under water....maybe give us a spear gun? Harpoon? Buried treasure- Finding maps that lead to treasure chests, a note in a bottle that hints at a hidden stash? Aside from finding the random points of interest on the islands, these would be welcome adds. Don't be shy about diversifying the ocean! Thanks!