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Found 3 results

  1. I propose to improve the system of digging. The fact is that in order to dig an even katlavan or beautifully level the surface on a slope, it is necessary to know well how teraforming works and not to make a single mistake. It is also practically impossible to raise the level of the ground evenly. This is a steep cliff. Here is an example. I need to level the slope in order to build a house on a flat surface. I can level the slope while the height of the back wall is not very big. After I can not align ... Then there are three options. The first: You can take a bayonet spade and dig straight, but then you can’t see an even slope like your ears .. Second: You can climb higher on the slope and dig there with a bayonet shovel clearly down and this is the only way to get an even break. But it is worth once to dry up, as smooth lines will not get. Plus, the edges will not be very smooth .. Third: You can smoothly align layer by layer. dropping to the level when the shovel can level. But it is a separate pleasure to find the right level of alignment for the new layer, not to mention the fact that it is really long. Maybe I’m a perfectionist and take a prank, but maybe I’ll find those who agree with me I suggest 1. Make the digging slower. It really doesn’t believable quickly. Huge amounts are dug in one stroke, which leads to difficulties in leveling. Since one movement makes a big hole! 2. Include some kind of binding when digging. So that the amount copied depends on the location of the levels nearby. For example, if there is some kind of protrusion on a flat surface, then the shovel aligns it in accordance with the level at which I am standing. And if such a protrusion is in the vertical plane, then the bayonet spade does not align it to level with the flatness, but makes a hole! It is difficult to explain ... In general, a shovel has a leveling mechanism on the edges. And I would like to see something similar for the bayonet. That's how crooked I could explain. I just want to be able to dig even holes and cavities.
  2. Hey Ylands Team and Community, The best part of this game is creating your own scenarios/games and play these with friends (my opinion) and thats why I spent the most time with trying things out in your editor, but I still miss some features. I know this game is not finished yet and you have planned a lot, nevertheless I wanna make a whishlist for some futher possibilities in your editor: 1. The possibility to transfer islands (not just objects... with terrain!) into editing maps. 2. Easier terraforming there you can set that the terrain dont get up higher than a ceartain hight (to pretend unwanted hills etc. if you hold left-click for terrain an area faster) and bigger sizes possible. 3. An overview of your map in the editor and maybe editing basic settings for this map in this overview (like the "generate new terrain" option, but you can set climate zones in your map and auto-generate islands on certain places (you can choose where on the map) with configurated and all individual sizes (very little islands should be possible too), but without deleting your existing map). 4. The possibility to have multiple maps in your game (like different game levels). Maybe these things are already possible and I just dont know that... Let me know if there is something I can already do. Thanks for your amazing work! LG Fapi24
  3. revisoryvirus

    Here's some Feedback

    Hey! I've played the game 60+ hours now and I have some feedback. - I do a lot of inventory management, and it's getting a bit tedious. We have 45 slots in our inventory. 17 or so spaces are used up by tools, repair kits, soil/herb/seed container(+), a weapon and a map. Every time I farm for wood, my inventory is filled with bark. Bark does only go up to 20 stacks, and I don't understand why. Bark is not very useful. You can use it as fuel or make bark armor. Wood pieces go up to 200 stacks and are what I use as fuel if not coal. So when my inventory is full of bark, the best way to get rid of them is to make a chest and fill it up with bark. #barkbarkbark - The other way to get rid of bark is to use the "destroy" function, but I can only destroy one at a time? I may be dumb here, but I can't find any way to "destroy" a whole stack, it would help a lot. Maybe a warning message first if you have butterfingers. - Would be great if the green lines showing the electricity was hidden, and only visible when used special goggles (or the engineering helmet). - If you make a cube out of stone panels (or stone bricks or whatever), and want to fill it with dirt, it's not going to be easy. The reason is the dirt goes through the walls, I really wish they didn't. - I bet this one is a faq, but a water bucket(or a water gun(thingie) made with the locksmith table) to make water features in a garden or make a river, would be great. - If your ship is stuck or you may be clumsy with a pickaxe or a shovel and dig in the sand in the water by the shore. It will make big ugly rings in the water, and it's no way to fix it. The sea will now permanently have a big outline in the water, and it looks weird. - It can be sometimes difficult to notice how hungry my ylander is if the chat box is used a lot, a hunger bar would be appreciated - When seagulls collide with my ship, it's the scariest thing ever. The ship get's flung everywhere!(pretty sure you know this already ) - When I traveled to a Yland, the underground cave was blown up! Monsters were on the surface of the yland, and those "red-glow-in-the-dark-crystals" everywhere. When I went and collected all the crystals I could find, and killed radioactive animals, the lighting was all over the place. It went dark, light, dark, light and so on. But I was still outside, but the game thought I was in a cave. - In the crafting menu, we have some panels. I wish there was a panel for crafting stations. - I made my base in a rainforest, I can't play with the sound on. The rain is SO loud! A weather effect slider in the volume options would be awesome! This is only what I could think of right now, great game! Looking forward to new features