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Found 2 results

  1. Krzysztof Boniecki

    Submarines and torpedoes

    Hello. So as you may know Ylands have very nice looking underwater, unfortunately scuba diving are kinda slow so why not add a submarine to the game? Well in my opinion it would fit nicely to the game, also we could dive and explore underwater more quickly and without worries that we would run out of oxygen. Besides, submarines would be a great combat addition, there are servers where players like to perform ship combat, and ability to torpedo someone with submarine would be very cool. Please, at least consider adding it.
  2. sslazz.mcfisto

    Flying vehicles

    Hi. Currently cars are pretty useless in explore mode. Perhaps we can add a steampunk style helicopter or hover component to cars so that they can be used to island hop, or at least hop on / off ships? That way there'd be a reason to use them in Explore mode.