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Found 2 results

  1. I am playing using a Windows Xbox 360 wireless controller. No matter what I do, the input from the right joystick makes my character look around VERY slowly. It takes 10-20 seconds for me to pan from left to right. I've tried turning off all Steam controller configurations and making all adjustments to sensitivity from the Ylands game menu, I've tried using Steam community configurations for the game, I've tried creating my own Steam configurations, and I've even tried using Pinnacle Game Profiler. Nothing seems to affect the rate at which I can move my field of vision (and almost nothing reliably overrides the way the controller is configured to work by the game itself, either. Alternate key bindings are mostly ineffectual). Game pad support for this game is bad enough, but I would persevere if I could at least look around at a normal speed. I'm sorry, but I'm a game pad person; nothing you can say will convince me to play with a mouse and keyboard, so I'm highly motivated to solve this problem! I haven't attached any of the suggested files, because I'm not sure they would be of use in solving my problem. I will attach them later if necessary.
  2. Hi, Just got the game today and I was instantly hit by the strange camera angles. Is there a reason why you can't look directly up or down? It looks like you can look further down in 3p but even then if you look directly down in 1p then change to 3p you not only get a bit more range but the camera also shifts to the right. I haven't even started to build but I can see this getting frustrating, it just feels like the player is wearing a neck brace.