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Found 2 results

  1. since update 0.7 we cant take over logics from editor mode to the single player explore files.. this really sucks! since I want to use logics in my server and have more than 8 ylands in the server (creating a terrain in ylands only give the ability to generate 5 ylands..) so I have to use an single player explore file to play on the server with multiple people. but than again I cant use logics in the editor mode before the update you could save a logic as a composition and load it in the explore file and it would work. I need really need those logics for in the server! I want to build teleport to each yland so I can help people who are stuck or don't have resources anymore. so please either bring back those logics or make a command for admins so that we can teleport to people ( e.g: /tp ''yourusername'' ''targetplayer'' )
  2. chris88da

    Bohemia Player ID

    Hello Guys...where can i get a Bohemia ID for Admon Privileges?