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Found 2 results

  1. Kristin Mca

    [SUGGESTION] Hunger Bar+

    Seeing some complaints about the food (and having posted about food previously myself) it seems like there should be a hunger bar (like the health hearts, but how hungry you are) that is 0-100%, with 0% meaning you're actively dying of starvation and 100% meaning you cannot eat any more. Then you could completely do away with the "I'm hungry" messages, the little drumstick bars, and people being confused by what the food tiers are actually worth. I'm not gonna lie, definitely copying the idea from Minecraft, but it's a good idea when you have this kind of game mechanic!
  2. Jaci

    Quick bar

    I would like to suggest that items not automatically fill up your quick bar. It can be frustrating to set your bar with items you need... then have items you pick up automatically replace them with things you don't need..such as grass etc. Perhaps there is a way and I've just missed it? Sidenote: love the game