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Found 2 results

  1. Loopy144


    Hiya, I've only played the demo so not sure if some of these are already in game: allow animals to be kept in fences to breed and produce livestock and additional food (milk, truffles) guarded by a dog so the wolves don't eat them. Clothing has stats to effect temperature, overheat in furs and too cold in nothing? limit the inventory and introduce rucksacks, makes it more realistic. Maybe have horse saddles or carts (for humans and horses) to carry more goods. can I take my horse on a ship? A hidden craft list of all things in game that become visible after they are found or crafted, could be like a notebook that the player carries to tell them what they have found and if they have found everything. thank you for such a great game, I'm looking forward to the release next week.
  2. What she discovered was that when you feed the wild horses they become friendly, but if you keep feeding them you get to name them {I would never have found that out}. Add that to the interactive part of waving for the horses and them looking around then coming when she hails them. Then she is able to rides them, and she is in a little girlie heaven! :-) You created a little gem with this addition. Now you need the same feature for taming and naming pet dogs, naming pet bunny rabbits.etc I can see a real potential in this area for sales. I also think that she is learning so much from the crafting of items that it's not just a game but educational for her and creative to. A very pretty game!