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Found 1 result

  1. Hi, I started new game after my last one when game started to crash every time I loaded it. After many hours of exploring, building and farming - just the same - quality on lowest. Game starts with 40FPS, after few hours it's 15FPS, next day 9FPS and then crash and constant crashes load by load... Well, Ylands are unplayable for me after few hours. My system in short is: AMD Phenom II x4 965 3.40GHz 8 GB RAM AMD Radeon 6850 HD, 1GB VRAM Win 7 All the best, Bartosz P.S.: Is my system really too bad?? I can play Watchdogs and GTA V on High and 30FPS... I know my system is very old, but it's usually ok for my needs... And... if you see a problem, please, tell me - do I need a different processor (please, specify which one, what series - price is important for me) or 4GB graphic card should help me? Thank you in advance. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt