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Found 1 result

  1. Hello folks! I wanted to share with you a smallish ship that I built over the past few days. Building off-grid is significantly more time consuming than building on the grid, but the shapes you can make are basically unrestricted because you can clip blocks into each other and rotate them however you like. While many of you probably already know this, it was something I discovered very recently. Here are some screenshots of the mostly finished ship, which I call the Gallant Galoot. The reason I say it is mostly finished is because I do not yet have the painting tool, so I cannot paint the ship in the way I would like. Other than that, the downsides to building off grid are, like I said earlier, that it takes quite a while to get everything to be rotated and moved just right, and even when you put the time in, you will still end up with lots of creases and lines as you can probably see. The other is that getting things to be symmetrical is almost impossible. I settled for "good enough from a distance" but even so, it took quite a while and I also used blocks on the grid as a sort of level to get curves and angles to line up, then deleted the "grid" blocks once I was satisfied. All in all, this is going to be how I build ships from now on. The last downside is that I dont think you can blueprint builds built off grid, so unless I am mistaken, the only way you'll get to sail on the Gallant Galoot is if I sail her to you. Anyways, I be wishin' you a fair wind on your voyages, Enchiladas!