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  1. I haven't seen many posts about the single player explore experience and I'd like to hear from folks as to how far they are actually able to get in single player explore mode recently. I've played over 300 hours in single player explore mode and only one game out of around 8 was I able to get close to exploring the whole map before the game became unplayable. That was the very first game I played and it was before the last update. So folks, how far have you been able to get and how recent was the experience? I'm asking because most of the recent posts have pertained to multiplayer problems. In my experience the game remains playable as long as I stay on the starter island which usually is only until I am in need of a material such as rubber, sulfur, saltpeter or copper. The more of the map that I explore the more unplayable the game becomes. I have also noticed that the longer I play per session the more unplayable the game becomes in that particular session. For instance my most recent game ( i decided to give it another shot after the recent hotfixes to see if they had any effect) I have discovered 4 islands and after about 40 minutes even if I stay on my home island the entire time the game becomes unplayable for me. The disk becomes 100% busy alternating between ylands.exe and system with windows antimalware service executable becoming more active than usual as well. At this point I'm forced to exit to the loading screen in order to save my progress and this takes approximately 5 minutes and up then after I am back at the loading screen fully exiting the game take another period of 5 or more minutes just to exit the game. I have never seen a piece of software act like this and it defies all logic. Also I'd like to ask the devs, what on earth do you have my hard drive doing for that long period of time? the save game file is not large enough to account for that amount of disk usage. I only ask because i'm not seeing many reviews on steam that have more than 8 or so hours of playtime. If i only played 8 hours of single player my review would have been positive as well.