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Found 2 results

  1. John - NEXFER

    RESOLVED Animals vs ships!

    Hi all, somewhat trivial bug, but perhaps a fix for the future - If you are sailing your ship/boat/raft, and you bump in to an animal such as a shark/seagull/vulture/horse etc - the animal acts as a greater or larger or denser object than your ship, and the animal is able to push or even throw your ship aside as if it weighed nothing at all. I think if a ship hits an animal, that animal should go flying, or perhaps die? However, I would quite like to be able to take a horse on to a ship - and sail the ship without the horse flipping it! The horse remains static as the ship begins to move, when the horse bumps in to the mast or another part of the ship that creates a blockage for its path etc, this creates an anchor effect. Also it would be nice for the horse to not die in the process if animals are made to die on impact! Thanks
  2. For example when trying to mine underwater the physics make it extremely hard. I think it deserves a remake.