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Found 21 results

  1. Antimidation

    RESOLVED Water behavior

    I'm sure people have run into this issue where you dig on the ocean floor or dig somewhere where you interact with water and it leaves all these fractured spaces where you dug. I made the mistake of digging up sand near my coast and it seems to have caused the ocean to sink in parks but not stay even. I tried evening out the bottom of the ocean with the flat shovel but the area is still sunken....as if one huge swath of ocean is one step down from the rest. Any work around? Is water going to be more fluid in the future? I'd imagine it filling in any gap you were to dig but it acts more like jello.
  2. Terry Harris

    RESOLVED Raining bug

    Even though I have a roof it still rains inside my house. If I dig a cave and stand inside it doesn’t rain inside there.
  3. I took a couple of snapshots of being able to visibly see the square surrounding the desert island that designates where the max size, render distance limit, or something of the island is. It was on a desert biome, I've been to one before and it hasn't shown. This was on multiplayer, but only the host and I were on when it happened (he was afk on the starter island). I haven't tried to move back out to sea yet, as I was about to get off anyway, so I don;t know if it will have any effect on trying to leave. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  4. Me and my friend discovered some bugs while playing Multiplayer (I try to recreate these bugs with screenshots and videos later): The wooden raft begins to float in the air when the water level gets lower due to digging and building. Sometimes when picking up items, plants etc. you're character gets stuck in the picking up animation or completely freezes. Map resetting when disconnected (known bug) The water has a very weird behavior when the sand beneath it is modified. Sometimes it completely disappears. It also sometimes generates holes in the water. Every time i walk past a sail on a ship i get teleported to the side and fall from the ship. The ship is a little glitchy in general, when im not in control of the ship. (This doesn't happen to the host) Another bug from the ship is that when i climb up the ladder, it keeps the swimming animation until i jump. (This is only visible for myself, not for other players) Sometimes items that are picked up or crafted are not visible until you scroll the inventory. These are all bugs we found for now, im gonna update this post if we find more.
  5. Major boat bug, UPLOADED IT TO YOUTUBE : this happens while jumping in a boat in front of a mast, the boat will sink and you will die! Please fix this, ME and my friend lost everything.
  6. Hi Guys, I did a little digging under my large ship to try and get it to move (figured the area wasn't deep enough), although it was apparently just bugged as I ended up having to create a new large ship to get off the starter Yland. Anyway, I swam under the hull of the ship with the shovel to try and clear some of the sand. When I came up for air, to my surprise I was stuck inside the hull with only my head sticking out (shown below). Luckily after restarting the game a few time, creating a new game, and then coming back to the old game about an hour later my character finally loaded in standing on the deck. I didn't want to try and recreate it, as it was a pain trying to get out of the hull last time, however quite a few times that I had come up for air from under the hull, and even while just shoveling sand underneath the game spawned me on top of the boat before the time that I got stuck. It could be some of the polygons aren't facing the right way underneath maybe?
  7. On occasion (almost exclusively when near land) a large square portion of the sea will disappear. The area still reacts accordingly but there is no graphical indication of the surrounding area. Best comparison is to minecraft when a chunk does not load. You can tell that an area will have the issue as the water does not flow the same as the surrounding water (for example if there is a storm) and is slightly lower. These spots will remain indefinitely (the two I came across have not corrected even with a reset) and can be moved through freely.
  8. So when building underwater and looking up, a plethora of image artifacts pop up and glitch all around the screen.
  9. Hi, What are you doing? I can understand that you need more time to get rid of bugs and luck of content, but selling the game as it is now it's unfair, don't you think? It's not a big deal for me, I really like Ylands and I'm here almost from the start, but imagine new players, who buy "officially 1.1 version" and... there is no birds anymore, there is no sharks or fish of any kind, water is not working anymore, trading with npcs is broken again and fighting strange creatures also doesn't seem right. Not only that - whole world seems to be smaller than ever and from 5-7 islands we've got, one is "starting island" - empty, always the same and really not needed. I'm talking about solo, adventure mode of the game, of course. Why not to state clearly that solo mode game is in alfa, if you are going to do something with it at all? New people will try or see this on YT and abandon the game for good. Why you do this? You are adding new content again and again, but mostly only, let's face it, skins. Last time you added some very nice new recipes, few animals and plants, but content isn't so important if game itself doesn't work... I understand that you are listen to multiplayer community mostly, it's ok, but it would be good for all of us if you could fix most important issues first? I hope that at least you will say that you are working at water, birds, fish and bigger worlds... and that you haven't abandoned modding and "model making for all" ideas? I'm sorry, but I'm just sad. It's very frustrating when I see that in fact people gave up and only people from multiplayer community still patiently playing bricks and wish for water. I'd love to write for once something great about Ylands, but you seem to be not interested in returning content or fix engine flaws. All The Best, ComR
  10. DW's Gaming N Animation

    Using Dirt

    I tried to make my own land in the ocean but it wont let me build up in the water. Is this suppose to happen or should you be able to build up dirt and make your own land out in the water?
  11. Why is it still not possible to generate water in the editor? The only way to get water on the whole map is the generate button, but it also generates islands which I don't want. I want to create my own islands and have them in the ocean. This is not possible. About 11 months later in development and there is still no such feature. I wrote a thread about it sometime after the release on your steam forum. The second way to get water is to use the terrain sculpt water tool with a radius of 5. Seriously? Am I supposed to paint an entire map until I have an entire ocean? Every inch of a map, with a small brush? Also the flatten tool flattens at different levels even though it shouldn't. Atleast you would think it shouldn't. Can't say I am amazed at your development team. After all the game is not only advertised as a "unique sandbox adventure game" but also as a game creator, and tools to create water is such a basic feature that it should be in the editor already. I could sculpt islands in the ocean but it just makes the islands look very odd as the sculpting tools aren't very good.
  12. ---Crow---

    Water system

    Will there ever be bucks/pipes/removable water? say I want to make an underwater house, I could use a bucket and clear the area? Thanks
  13. Shaping water is an exercise in madness.
  14. I've been playing around with the water feature in the editor and created little well for my village I am working on and yesterday started to get a lot of lag and this is what I discovered tonight. If I go into the play scenario feature , the water is not showing up, but the character acts like they are swimming. Some how the little bit of water I put in the ground under the well grew all on it's own. output_log.zip output_log_clean.zip
  15. Items in bold are in my opinion, the most critical issues. GENERAL BUGS When destroying a ship, the sails, ladders, anchor switch, and helm control should also destroy. (Currently they float in the air where the ship once was) Sometimes items in inventory will vanish but still occupy the space. So users will see a warning message about there not being enough space, even though there is at least one empty slot. When dropping a miners hat on the ground it will sometimes sink showing just a tiny bit of the upper portion of the hat that is too small to interact with. When placed on blocks, it will pass through the blocks to rest on the terrain below it. EVERYTHING WRONG WITH MULTIPLAYER It takes too long for the server to register that a user has logged off, thus they can be killed long after they have logged off, even behind a BP. Locks for helms are useless outside of a PB, this means any ship can be stolen easily; it only takes a few wacks with a stone hammer against a locked helm to destroy it, then a new helm can be added and the user can run off with the ship. Griefers like to point them away from the island, open the sails, then jump off and swim back to the island letting the ship sail away. Lag gets worse as the server gets older, so any new server has a limited life span, often very short. Unless the server owner spends a lot of time removing trash from the ground that has been left all over the island. Dead bodies from murdered and starving offline players does not help either, esp since they cannot be removed in-game. Junk items should auto despawn after x number of minutes, this includes wood chunks, bark, sticks, unplanted seeds, sap, broken grass, etc... Basically, anything that can be easily regenerated. Limited items such as stones, iron, and clay should not despawn. The size of the save file also seems to contribute to lag, or the size of the file is an indicator of things happening in-game that contribute to lag. Dead bodies cannot be removed if the player never logs in again. So anyone killed within a PB gets to remain a perm structure for the plot owner to stare at. Even the admin remove tool will not get rid of them. Dead bodies are also blamed for excess lag. In short, a corpse should disappear within minutes. Followup: We now know that player data is tied to a player body. So if you delete a corpse using the editor, you delete all player data and when that player returns, s/he has to restart. We need an option to remove a corpse without removing player data AND a choice to remove both the corpse and the data. We need to be able to see the latency to servers when browsing the list of servers. By default, the servers should be ordered according to latency. Currently the default is by game name I think. Ordering the list of servers by the number of players does not seem to work. It's possible that it is ordering by the total number of players that have ever joined the server rather than the current number of players logged in. BUG: In MP, items placed using free-placement-mode on the ship sometimes instantly vanish rather than being placed. BUG: Hitting a bird with a ship results in all kinds of madness, somehow a tiny bird is able to create chaos on a ship. BUG: Maps reset with a relog. This is a non-issue atm because map data gets saved for each user in the game save file and a lot of map data in that file can drastically effect the performance of a DS. Ideally, the issue of map data storage should be addressed before stabilizing the map in MP game. BUG: Ships can sometimes be turned on their side by jumping down on them from a fair distance. This seems related to the seagull bug - essentially, if something hits the ship hard enough, it can be pushed into a position that renders it useless. I don't know if this is an editor issue or a DS issue. If I create a trigger in the editor to display a message, it works fine in single player. But when I pull that map into a DS, that message will no longer appear. Other triggers will work, for example: spawn entity. THE EDITOR Key mapping in the editor should be 100% independent from keymapping in the game. With my custom key mapping I use my mouse buttons for movement but this interferes with the editor so I have to constantly change key mapping when going back and forth between the editor and testing the map in-game. There is an editor section of the keymap, but it alone should be used when in the editor, instead it *and* the other controls are used. In the editor, add the ability to include the broken protection barrier to a player inventory. (This is very important for creating custom MP players) BUG: In the editor, there is an option to edit the HP of items placed in the world. However this does not seem to function in-game. No matter what value I enter for HP, the default HP is registered in-game. You can test this on the lantern which can be broken with just a few bare hands hits, even if you give it 15000 HP which is the same HP as a ship, it will still break right away. I would love to see a trigger option for "remove entity". MY WISH LIST An option to exit a game without saving progress (this can help alot if a bug is encountered during a play session). Custom key mapping should be 100% reflected in the displayed tool tips. So if the tool tip normally showed left click but custom key mapping is left-shift, then the tool tip would correct to show left-shift too. Edit: This seems to work as expected for keys, but it does not work when customizing the mouse. Pots don't work as expected. I should be able to plant a seed *in* the pot. Currently, planted seeds touch a pot but are not *connected* to it mechanically. You can see this if you try to plant a seed on a pot that is on a boat, the boat and the pot will move, but the planted seed will remain there floating. I Would like to see an option to "pin" tool bar items in the top row of my inventory so that my tool bar items are not scattered around my inventory. Please add borderless window option (forever requested, in any game ever made). I'd like to see an option to disable the incredibly annoying screen flashing when freezing. Edit: This has been addressed by the devs, looks like they are planning for a fix I would like to see the water level even out to a default level when editing the stuff below the surface. Any removal of dirt or sand changes the water level locally. If I swim out 30 feet from shore, drop a couple of dirt, then dig the same dirt, there is now a large perimeter around that spot in which you can see that the water level is lower than the rest. In most cases there are multiple layers of water. This makes it difficult to build oceanic bases unless those base builders are okay with things looking odd or make it a point to never remove dirt or sand from the ocean. But in most sandbox games, players want their areas to look nice and the option to dig anywhere. I would like to see two additional support forums on the community site, one for servers and one for editors. Editors can work together to help troubleshoot editor issues and ask/answer questions. The server section can be used for the owners of servers to promote and discuss their public and private servers. The workshop site should allow for textual content by the author when posting a scenario and commenting by scenario subscribers. Some scenarios might need a guide but there is no room for text beyond a tiny 250 character description. Feedback would be nice too, especially for improving the scenario. Rating the scenario is nice but it doesn't offer insight on how to improve it and for this subscribers should be able to comment. I wish we had the option to map our keyboard for emotes. The radial is nice for controllers, but I should be able to map a key to my keyboard too for a one-press function. It takes way too long to pull up the radial and select an emote. Some new commands for DS admins: /setborder to set a limit on how far players and objects like ships can pass - can help with performance issues. /removeall <item> to quickly remove every type of a discarded (not placed) items, like debri from mining and tree chopping. /removeallhere <item> same as the former but removes all of an item currently loaded within a preset distance from admin. FIXED: OPC Starvation. (OPC = offline player character) Issue with players hiding behind fluid names to grief servers. This was fixed by adding the ability to ban a user by Bohemia ID. Ladder teleports users to other random locations. Within a BP, accidentally using a hammer on a container will cause all items in the container to vanish. Items in the container should return to player inventory or drop to the ground. I'm repealing this suggestion because it's the only way to get rid of stuff en-masse. For example, if you have a stack of 1000 sand in your inventory, have fun clicking 1000 times to destroy it, or place it in a basket protected by an orb and then hit it with a hammer. Forced new character when old character is still alive and well. WISH: I wish the helm and anchor switch could be *centered* on ships. - I'm repealing this because this is already possible by going into first person to use absolute positioning. Limited resources are fine for single player, but in MP, anyone that has not joined a new server early on, will not get clay or cloth unless at the mercy of other players. This is not "fixed" but I removed it from the list because I'm convinced that the Explore map was not designed for MP and this issue can be resolved with a custom world made with the editor. Boats cannot be protected with a lock. Finally fixed! Yay! The Protective Barrier (PB) does not prevent editing the land, thus any base can be griefed. A nice looking base that took hours or days to create, can be ruined in a matter of minutes. If the base is on water, or on a shore, the water can also be glitched by simply digging in the water. Fixed in 0.7. In the editor, add an option next to the "pickable" option for "can't be destroyed". This means lanterns can be protected too (An issue with glass items in 0.63). Added in 0.7.
  16. Hey Ylanders Got the game a week ago and had some time to playing around with it. Really loving the game and first i want to thanks the full team for the hard work in this unique game and also thanks for the communication with the community (which is not commonplace in the gaming-industry). Thumps up for this! I know am not the first one who is complaining about the water topic and honestly i think there can't be enough talking about it, because it is such an important feature for creative Ylanders which are working on maps. Water should get a own terraform category and/or at least maybe u can make it so, that there is a button like "if this is active water can only be added up to sea level". Alone this future would help us a LOT! Additionally maybe a slider from, lets say as example -100% to +100% or -1000% to +1000% while 0% is at sea level. With that it could be possible to add water lower then sea lvl in caves or higher then sea lvl on mountains! This would make it a LOT easier to work with water because in the current state it is more then frustrating doing this. I really stuck completely with mapping cuz of the current water tool. You also could make it so if u switch from editor mode to character mode u then can edit "live" while everything is animated like if u switch to the editor play mode. Or just "allow" "live editing" in editor play mode and if u switch back to editor mode that everything u edited in play mode gets saved. So far from me. Any opinion is welcome. Heads up Ylanders Chris
  17. revisoryvirus

    Here's some Feedback

    Hey! I've played the game 60+ hours now and I have some feedback. - I do a lot of inventory management, and it's getting a bit tedious. We have 45 slots in our inventory. 17 or so spaces are used up by tools, repair kits, soil/herb/seed container(+), a weapon and a map. Every time I farm for wood, my inventory is filled with bark. Bark does only go up to 20 stacks, and I don't understand why. Bark is not very useful. You can use it as fuel or make bark armor. Wood pieces go up to 200 stacks and are what I use as fuel if not coal. So when my inventory is full of bark, the best way to get rid of them is to make a chest and fill it up with bark. #barkbarkbark - The other way to get rid of bark is to use the "destroy" function, but I can only destroy one at a time? I may be dumb here, but I can't find any way to "destroy" a whole stack, it would help a lot. Maybe a warning message first if you have butterfingers. - Would be great if the green lines showing the electricity was hidden, and only visible when used special goggles (or the engineering helmet). - If you make a cube out of stone panels (or stone bricks or whatever), and want to fill it with dirt, it's not going to be easy. The reason is the dirt goes through the walls, I really wish they didn't. - I bet this one is a faq, but a water bucket(or a water gun(thingie) made with the locksmith table) to make water features in a garden or make a river, would be great. - If your ship is stuck or you may be clumsy with a pickaxe or a shovel and dig in the sand in the water by the shore. It will make big ugly rings in the water, and it's no way to fix it. The sea will now permanently have a big outline in the water, and it looks weird. - It can be sometimes difficult to notice how hungry my ylander is if the chat box is used a lot, a hunger bar would be appreciated - When seagulls collide with my ship, it's the scariest thing ever. The ship get's flung everywhere!(pretty sure you know this already ) - When I traveled to a Yland, the underground cave was blown up! Monsters were on the surface of the yland, and those "red-glow-in-the-dark-crystals" everywhere. When I went and collected all the crystals I could find, and killed radioactive animals, the lighting was all over the place. It went dark, light, dark, light and so on. But I was still outside, but the game thought I was in a cave. - In the crafting menu, we have some panels. I wish there was a panel for crafting stations. - I made my base in a rainforest, I can't play with the sound on. The rain is SO loud! A weather effect slider in the volume options would be awesome! This is only what I could think of right now, great game! Looking forward to new features
  18. Re-fund

    Ship Stuck!

    It seems like the water surrounding my ship is bugged out, which you can clearly see in the picture I posted (the water in front of the ship looks like its kinda chopped off). I can't move my ship at all and I already checked the bottom, there is nothing touching the ship making it unable to move. I think this happened when I accidentally placed some dirt onto the ship causing the ship to tilt forward. I removed the dirt and the ship returned back to normal but apparently this bugged out the water for some reason. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  19. For example when trying to mine underwater the physics make it extremely hard. I think it deserves a remake.
  20. h2stipandav


    Hey, output_log.txt After playing Exploration for some days now I've had some struggle and I have some suggestions : 1) Finding any copper. There's none on my home yland, neither on the other two I've visited. The other two were mountainous and I couldn't find any ore on them. Also I have found no ore in caves. Many dirt, sand veins look like they might be copper and I've wasted a couple of pickaxes on testing them. Shouldn't the ores be a little more common (+smaller) and could someone show me a screenshot of copper ore please, as google has never herd of "ylands copper". Dirt: Sand: 2) I placed my large ship in too shallow water. Spent hours digging water below ship deep enough and encountered several crashes.(spade) Also nearby shallow visual water filled the canal I had created, but physically the water never left. I could drive my little boat on the "sand", also herd splashy sounds, when walking in/on it. h2stipandav crashes.zip 3) Each time I die on another yland my boat is left there forever. There might be a way of changing your respawn location or yes, I can get my boat back with a raft. 4) "Stone chunks" stack up to 100, as regular/smaller "stone" stacks to 20 and many other stacking imbalances? 5) Had trouble placing a "Clay urn" and couldn't enter the container? Finally I got it placed in "v" mode. But is it not meant to be accessed? 6) Waking up from bed. Don't know if intended, but waking up from bed needs in addition to a mouse click pressing any of the movement key (sometimes multiple?) (WASD). Otherwise, character goes back to sleep. 7) Dropped wind indicators on my anchored ship, but they stayed floating in air (not even falling down after i sailed away.) On second though I should have placed them in "v" mode i guess. (lacking information on this, and currently my only ship is @ another yland.) Bonus: Visited the Tutorial yland and felt totally lost the whole time. A little more paths and signs maybe? (Where to after cave? Where to after lions? Up to that bridge? Seaside red flag is really poorly seen) Got it done, although it could have been more spontaneous and educational.. I get the idea of "find everything out yourself", but some stuff is just too hidden for random players like me, as there is nearly 0 public guides for this game? For example; I have no clue, how to make something to write with?