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Found 6 results

  1. WolfganGt3

    RESOLVED Ocean Invisible

    I have had this happen two times now. The water on a non specific square of ocean is invisible. Usually dealing with rafts. log.txt log_clean.txt
  2. Cooked Food Bug - On two separate occasions I was killed and all the (raw) food in my inventory was dropped onto my grave marker. When returning to my grave, my food had turned into it's cooked counterparts. Ocean Bug - On one game world I started a part of the ocean along the island was not loading, upon further investigation I walked into the part of the water that wasn't loading and there was in fact still water there. However the water inside the non-loaded part of the map was on a lower elevation compared to the rest of the ocean. Only the water was invisible, I could still see the sand and coral below. Terrain Bug - Parts of the terrain from time to time tend to disappear. This happens on a very small scale usually, normally a tiny triangular shape of the ground's mesh hasn't loaded and it is possible to fall through causing endless falling. This problem has only occurred for me when I start a project of mass terraforming. Animal Bug - Sometimes the animals become stuck. They do not react when I approach nor do they run when I attack them.
  3. Hunter-Over-Fire

    Thoughts on the Ocean

    The Ocean is a vast and visually appealing part of Ylands, being pretty much the only way to get around. The ocean is deep and mysterious, darkening as you descend further and further down to pick up that one oyster to fry up on your ylandium stove for dinner. Sometimes, the ocean isn't deep enough, and sometimes it isn't mysterious enough. Heck, it isn't even that dangerous! I suggest to you Ylands Team, that you atleast glance apon my list of ideas. 1> Dangers As we all know, the ocean in Ylands will most likely never kill you, even with sharks involved. You're more likely to die to fall damage when turbo dismounting from your crow's nest at high speed. My first idea is add more threats. Atleast add more shark variants. But what I really want to see are different fauna, other than sharks, such a eels are barracudas. Maybe even the octopus or squid that I'm sure everyone's screaming about. The octopus and squid would hinder your vision if they decide to ink the waters, maybe even being able to attack your ship. Perhaps more dangers could consist of fire coral or other things alike Listen, I want to fear the ocean! I want my guts to knot up inside me as I contemplate whether or not it is worth it to dive down for treasure! I want to look at the ocean as the monster that keeps me up at night, not the lullaby that puts me to sleep! 2> Encounters I've seen some pretty good encounters in my life of diving in Ylands, but after a few, they just seem to repeat. The same old tail-end of a plane wreck filled with oysters and ylandium lanterns, you know? Also, if the waters are a much bigger threat by this point, I'd expect that the new encounters are worth the risk. The first though that comes to mind is something like a shipwreck that much like in minecraft, yields some sort of map or clue to a hidden treasure elsewhere. Other encounters may even be the lurking area of a massive kraken or megalodon that yields valuable treasure when defeated. Maybe other encounters could strieght up give you treasure for free, or so you'd think. Thinking about the Pirates of the Caribbean, how about a certain treasure that de-buffs the player when it's collected, slowing them, reducing their defense, etc. I want to dive into this pitch-black void expecting great rewards for conquring every odd against me, not to collect another pair of denim pants from the tail of a plane! 3> Sub-Aquatic Environment So far, the bottom of the ocean is flat and drab. Even if I don't find an encounter, I still want some sort of reward. How about better sub-aquatic terrain? Sure, glowy bits and bobs are cool and all, but they are nothing without terrain! I want to see massive pillars, sea caves, and trenches. Craters perhaps? Vegetation plays a big role in the beauty of the ocean too. Seaweed isn't something to toss about the room randomly, rather, make organized pockets. Maybe in the deeper parts of the ocean, such as caves and trenches, there could be bioluminescent plants that emit light? Maybe some of the plants can emit warmth, cause even with warm stuff on I still struggle with freezing temperatures. Other details may spruce up the environment greatly, especially collectable items that give people a reason to swim around. I also suggest giant clams, coral, sea-anemones, and more fish particle effects. When I swim in the ocean, I want to see it full of life and wonders, and not a vast flat and sandy waste with the occasional sea-urchin and oyster! 4> Fishing I know I've certainly covered fishing in the past, but It's something I'd definitely love to get into some time. Fishing should be more worthwhile, yielding rare items and more fish variants, rather than the basic fish item. Perhaps there can be specialized fishing zones, market by the fish particle effect, that enhance the yield of fishing? I'd love to see that someday I'll be fishing off the bow of my ship, only to see that the bait on my line had attracted a large predator. Listen, if fishing is going to become better and more yielding, then it should also have its consequences. Fishing could wear down your rod overtime, or even attract any sharks or enemies that happen to be nearby. Maybe fishing could yield complete and utter garbage at chances. When I fish, I want it to be a sport, not a hand me. I want to experience fishing like a hurricane, not a light breeze! 5> Surface Environment Sometimes, what's beneath the tides isn't it all. There's still one particular location that seems incredibly devoid of decoration, that being the surface. Sure, Islands occupy the surface, but that is only the bigger picture. I want the smaller details. I'd heard talk of NPC enemy ships being a possibility, so what about friendly NPC ships? How about the occasional sea merchant that sometimes sails through, dropping anchor while the player is close to trade? The sea merchants would sell various items depending on the trader. The sea merchants will spawn at the edge of a map, and de-spawn when it sails to another. They would be marked on the map to make locating one easier. One other surface-related idea would be random clusters of floating barrels. Thinking of Sea of Thieves, it's enjoyable to hop out of the ship in order to loot food, planks, and cannonballs from these. He barrels would have resources in them. I wouldn't know what since the surface is practically considered the safe zone of the ocean, so I'd imagine the look would be somewhat low-grade. When I explore the surface of the ocean, I want an adventure, and not some traveling montage! Those were a few of my thoughts and ideas for the ocean of Ylands. Again, I love this game, and would love to see more of its ocean's. Stay classy Ylanders.
  4. DW's Gaming N Animation

    Using Dirt

    I tried to make my own land in the ocean but it wont let me build up in the water. Is this suppose to happen or should you be able to build up dirt and make your own land out in the water?
  5. Well the pic talks for itself, nothing new and absurd.
  6. Oh Yea Mr Krabs

    Fix Connection Lag In The Sea!

    Hey! Absolutely love this game but me and my friends are having issues with connection lag in the ocean. I have a good connection of, Internet speed test 27.60 15.62 Mbps download Mbps upload Everything is perfectly fine when any of us hosts a game and were on an island, no one experiences any kind of connection lag but when someone steps onto a ship in the ocean, things start to act up. There are several annoying events that occur when one of us is on a ship in the ocean, - Player can no longer see other players, animals and other objects (fix is to re log, but is recurrent) - Ship becomes completely black, no visual on ladders and cannot interact with the ship (fix is to re log, but is recurrent) - Player teleport off ship constantly (Only host can properly move around the ship) These three are the most recurring events that occur when a player is on a ship in the ocean and are really annoying lol! I really enjoy playing this game and recommend it to all my friends but this is a really big issue! We all have powerful gaming computers and good connections but when it comes to being in the water on a ship, everything just breaks . Really hope these issues can be fixed so we can truly experience Ylands and all its glory lol! Cannot wait until you send out the dedicated server tools which may fix these issues!