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Found 1 result

  1. Hi Guys, I did a little digging under my large ship to try and get it to move (figured the area wasn't deep enough), although it was apparently just bugged as I ended up having to create a new large ship to get off the starter Yland. Anyway, I swam under the hull of the ship with the shovel to try and clear some of the sand. When I came up for air, to my surprise I was stuck inside the hull with only my head sticking out (shown below). Luckily after restarting the game a few time, creating a new game, and then coming back to the old game about an hour later my character finally loaded in standing on the deck. I didn't want to try and recreate it, as it was a pain trying to get out of the hull last time, however quite a few times that I had come up for air from under the hull, and even while just shoveling sand underneath the game spawned me on top of the boat before the time that I got stuck. It could be some of the polygons aren't facing the right way underneath maybe?