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RESOLVED Chest Inventory Window Closes


Hi there,


I've been having a problem when opening chests/containers and then left-clicking on an item in my inventory which brings up the item info window (where you can chose to break, equip and drop the item). However, closing this item window then leads straight to just the main inventory window rather than back to the chest/container inventory window.

Is this intentional or am I doing something wrong? It's really annoying when trying to move lots of items back and forth.

Also, is there a way of moving half a stack of items or individuals items from a stack into/out of a chest/container as well as dropping a whole stack of items from your inventory?



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2 replies to this bug / suggestion

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All mentioned problems should work fine in current version of game.

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This sounds more like a bug - I'll look into it, thanks for the feedback! :)

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