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RESOLVED Friend cant join game


So this has happened a few times, after we finish playing, i carry on exploring and build a propeller pack, then when my friend tried to join the next evening, the game kicks me off my whole internet and my friend cant join and we have to start a new game. 

I am not sure if its because of the propeller pack or because i explore new lands without him and the game glitches

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Networking was completely redone and this issue should be fine in current version of the game.

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3 hours ago, Achilles77 said:

So this has happened a few times, after we finish playing, i carry on exploring and build a propeller pack, then when my friend tried to join the next evening, the game kicks me off my whole internet and my friend cant join and we have to start a new game. 

I am not sure if its because of the propeller pack or because i explore new lands without him and the game glitches

Hi there, sorry to hear about the issue.

Would you mind please elaborating on "the game kicks me off my whole internet and my friend cant join and we have to start a new game" for me?

Specifically, when the game kicks you off, does it provide you with an error message? Does it just freeze or crash etc? Further, please explain what you mean by your whole internet? Does it also disconnect your internet connection for browsing etc?

Also, your friend can join after you create a new save game and host it again?

If you wouldn't mind too much to help us get to the bottom of this, could you please explain step by step what you do to host the game, and at what stage these things happen? Launch game - click on continue - load game - error? Do you get back in to game okay on your own? Does it cause you issues the moment your friend connects? 

The more details you can provide to this regard, the faster the issues are likely to be identified!

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What I mean by when the game kicks me off the internet, i mean literally lol, my web pages wont load, my steam goes offline and all my other online apps stop working such as mumble and all the rest of it, until I quit the current game and go back into main menu (game is fine until friend tries to join then all this happens) then everything starts working again, its the strangest thing. I can feel when my friend tries to join it has a major lag spike or frame rate drop. 

So we play most nights, and most nights we start new games, I go into main menu, multiplayer, host game, put a password then he joins, and other then the frame rate drop as soon as he joins the game runs fine. 

As i mentioned the one time he was still in game and i made a propeller pack he started lagging immensely he said, we didnt think of it at the time, then a few times after i explored without him and made propeller packs while he wasnt there and when he tried to join it was doing the same thing, so i suspect it could have something to do with the propeller packs, or the exploring to new islands. Generally the game will work fine if i dont play much without him and we continue that same game.


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Great, hopefully the development has a read of this, I can't offer any solutions my self sorry, as I have no idea what could be causing it!

I've not yet had any of these issues apart from the lag spike when someone connects etc. Though I think others have reported similar issues to yours.

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Sure thing, we're here but I have to say we are at loss as to what could be the cause of this - I've never heard of anything like that before. I can't think of anything the game could do to affect the system as a whole. The issues has been passed over to the programmers so maybe they will be able to come up with some ideas. In the meantime could you provide us with the game log copied after the game kicked you out? Thanks!

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On 7/28/2017 at 0:44 PM, Aleš Ulm said:

Sure thing, we're here but I have to say we are at loss as to what could be the cause of this - I've never heard of anything like that before. I can't think of anything the game could do to affect the system as a whole. The issues has been passed over to the programmers so maybe they will be able to come up with some ideas. In the meantime could you provide us with the game log copied after the game kicked you out? Thanks!

Sure can do that, where would I find the log?

Edited by Achilles77

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14 minutes ago, Achilles77 said:

Sure can do that, where would I find the log?

As far as I know, if you were hosting it via the multiplayer method (not on the dedicated server), it should be in the C:\Program Files\Ylands\Game\Ylands_Data folder, and be named output_log.txt

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I'm getting the exact same problem. Included the brief internet disconnection when i'm the host (I can hear discord trying to reconnect each time my friend try to join my Yland).

My friend tried to host and launch a map we used to play on. But i couldn't join either.

Joining a friend's Yland only seems to works if it's a new map. Which is a bit annoying since you can't play on the same map and you're always forced to start again.

Dispite that, i'm really enjoying the game. It has so much potential. (But we're a bit stuck if we can't continue on our yland).



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