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RESOLVED [YLD-10463] (0.9) Dyeing stand not working right


I have not tried all the various colors, but when I dyed some items white, it consumed the black pigment instead.  (Online MP,  Explore NA 10)

There was also a momentary glitch where it only displayed the contents of my key ring as items that could be dyed.


Edit:  It might or might not be relevant that I was using the _White, _Black, _Red, etc pigments found on the color golem.  I have not yet crafted my own pigments.




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I took a break and restarted the game, and checked it again.  This time I noticed that the issue is entirely the interface.  On the main menu screen for the Dyeing stand, it is displaying my pigment amounts incorrectly.  The number for black pigment and the number for white pigment are switched.  Red, green, and blue appear to be right.

(They consumed correctly, just not showing correct numbers on screen.)

Edited by Indomitus

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I have this same bug. Dying black, shows the pigment to be consumed as white, but it consumes black pigment correctly.

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