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New things for the future...


The   game is  currently  being  optimized   and  therefore  they are fixing whats there and  not  cluttering up the  game  with newer things.

However ....:D ...in the future  these are things i would like to  game to add:

Crafting  cement...( using   clay and  broken  marble  and  water) ...  there could be  pre-designed  shapes    like  doorways   archways  and  such  that appear transparent  when you place them...   you select one  and "add" crafted  s cement  ..and it  appears   and  becomes  solid...

More pets ...a  bat,  vulture  ?

More clothing  variety .. for  females..

Ability to  place  seeds for  crops  in  rows   ....

More  flowering  decorative  trees ...perhaps  fruit  trees that go through a  flower  and  fruiting and dormant cycle

Glass  blocks!

Sheep   and  chickens    which can be   "farmed"

Ocean creatures   such as  whales and  dolphins....


Any  more  suggestions  from others?  :D

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ok   more  ideas from the coffee infused brain....

Building  blocks rhomboid shape .. for  building walls etc at  different angles.

A basic  ship hull that is a small rectangle... so you can add to it building  shapes to its sides and  ends to create different style  boats..    ( barges, modern  ships...)

Larger   windows....    and  also  varied glass shapes..  perhaps  windscreens  for  ships and  vehicles

Different  types of  controls  for  ships   ..ie a  control panel that has  anchor and  steering  combines in one  unit

Ability to plant  grass  etc  that would over time  change the soil color from brown to  green....  ( fertilizers? )

More  animals  ... such as  deer, or    moose,  elephants?

Areas like   swampland  in tropical areas.....  with  crocodiles?

Bridge building   blocks...   

Icebergs  drifting around  polar  regions....    ( don't  call your  ship "titanic..." )

Risk of  being  struck  by lightning  when  outdoors in a storm   .... 

More  ores/minerals ...   aluminium...Lead ....silver....  and   uses for them in crafting

A craftsman station ..where  gold/silver/wood/hides  etc  can be  crafted into  decorations  ..ie  chalice,  trophy's, furniture ..eg thrones ...  curtains..

Curtains for inside windows that operate  like the sleeping bag  script  .. they  can  be opened and  closed.

Signage   that.s readable    like  " danger!   "  that's  readable  from a  distance. 

Anyone  else    like to add to this?  :D


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Patterns for the paint gun. I want wallpaper!

We need a few of the editor controls in game. The pull handles for fine placement.  The ability to make things unpickable within your barrier.

Co-op barriers for playing with groups,  some way to allow your friends access to build under the same barrier.

Triangle glass and ice. Larger glass panes. 


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Here are the members of the P!  server  think tank,  brainstorming  ideas  for suggestions  :D



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