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Igor Q.

What is Ylands mobile going to focus on?

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I'm a little interested in the vague plan on Ylands mobile. I understand it will heavily focus on the playground but apart from that no other news.

My reason being is I'm a game creator  that works both in group and solo and I'm already working on my 6th game now (the others being CastleHunt, Firelord, Pirates vs Indians, and some unpublished games).

Will featured games by users be accessible on the playground?

What kinds of games is the Ylands playground going to focus on? Duration, engagement, multi vs single, etc?

What kind of "soft limitation" should we expect? (Since phones are much weaker than computers)

Lastly, I understand right now there are local "files" that can be saved into a game. Ex: Warrior Level 10. And everytime you start that game (even if it's fresh) the local file will remember Warrior Level 10 solely for the map file/version.

I would like to know if this will expand to "global variables". So for example, if I make 1 game that can unlock a golden hat, if I make a new game, players who have unlocked the golden hat before can transfer it over.

I think this would also be especially useful if someone ended up making an MMORPG in Ylands and being able to transfer character stats from 1 version of the map into a newer version.


Thanks for your time

Edited by Igor Q.
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Hey Igor!

Will featured games by users be accessible on the playground?

Yes. Not right at 1.0 but we would definitely like to present games made by the community there. This was the actually the initial idea behind this features.

What kinds of games is the Ylands playground going to focus on? Duration, engagement, multi vs single, etc?

The first iteration of games are meant for 5 players (now temporarily 3) with duration around 1-1.5 minutes. When players come with Ylands 1.0 we need to see how this works and based on that we will later release same guides for creators.

What kind of "soft limitation" should we expect? (Since phones are much weaker than computers)

This will as well be part of some guidelines. For example due to net traffic there are some general rules how many animators should be active at the same time etc.

Lastly, I understand right now there are local "files" that can be saved into a game. Ex: Warrior Level 10. And everytime you start that game (even if it's fresh) the local file will remember Warrior Level 10 solely for the map file/version.

What you're asking about will be added in the next update :) 




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