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Adam Snellgrove

Dev Diary #116

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Hey there Ylanders! 

We are preparing 1.2 in full speed and while last time we discussed some cool new assets, that you’ll be able to use or find in Exploration, today we’ll be looking at some new exciting possibilities with particle effects.  

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The main aim behind these changes is to give the Creator more control over her particle effects and how they appear in-game. One great change is the complete customization of colour of every particle effect giving you endless options of reinventing the look of each effect. Couple that with the ability to add any sprite to the effects and you have so many ways to mix and match, that you’ll be able to add an effect to absolutely everything (I sure have).  

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You’ll also be able to control the speed of the effects, being able to slow things down or speed them up to hilarious levels. You’ll also be able to set custom transparency levels and switch off different parts of the effect even through script, which is pretty neat.  

And finally, you’ll also be able to manipulate with the effects that weapons leave behind when you swing them and slash them and anything else that grabs your fancy. Weapons will also get new particles and you’ll be able to set custom particles to these. There will also be a new template, the “particle effect template” so you can reference your particles to different places without having to set it up manually there. 

So there you have it Ylanders, exciting new options concerning special effects in Ylands. I’m really excited to see, what you’ll create with these ?

And so until next time, stay classy Ylanders ?


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