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RESOLVED [YLD-6891] [YLD-6892] 0.5 Bugs list


Hi all,

So I love the updates, they are great fun, but sadly I must post the bugs as usual and bring down the mood :(

If anyone else has something that I've missed, feel free to contribute to this thread.

- Ship compositions

All ship / boat compositions that I had saved, and all those from the workshop (I've tried deleting them and re-downloading etc), are bugged beyond belief, they appear to be over layering hundreds of ships on top of each other. This causes them to create immense system lag while hovering over them in the editor, and if you attempt to spawn one, the system overloads and freezes up completely (requiring a reboot). You can see the attached picture for an example, or simply try download any ship compositions from the workshop and spawn the composition in the editor to see it first hand.



- Ships / Boats in multiplayer (dedicated server)

As soon as you step foot on a ship in multiplayer, the screen starts doing a weird shaking thing that does not stop until you relog, and even still then persists if you go back to your ship, I spawned these ships using the cube, so it is possible this is related. I first noticed this while using an anchor on a ship, however, since then it has happened just by landing on a ship. Further, it seems that there is an issue with the interaction between the new waves system and the ship floating, as the ships with these issues, are not moving with the waves. After this bug happens, moving around and trying to walk or swim all bugs out. I can record a video of it if needed, it happened while I was streaming so it can be observed there as well. Most recently, I fell under the map when this bug occurred, and became unable to log back in until I rebooted the server, as it was becoming stuck on "raising oceans 33%". Also, whenever using an anchor, it says "failed", though this bug seems trivial in comparison. Also worth noting, is that as soon as you spawn a ship with the cube, it tends to fall down, land in the water and start floating - this however is not the case since the update, the ship spawns static and does not start floating, this seems highly related to the issue.

I've just tested rafts - getting on a raft is just fine, operating a raft works fine (though the waves are a bit odd!), as soon as you get off the raft, the screen shaking starts. This issue persists through a relog, it requires a new character to fix it (/killme).

- Energy switches in multiplayer (dedicated server)

This is still bugged, though I heard talk of updating the energy system, so perhaps this isn't going to be a bug in the future anyway, but as it stands, if a guest tries to operate an energy switch, on the guest's screen, nothing happens, on the host's screen however, you can see the actions happening from the switching.

- Logged out deaths in multiplayer (dedicated server)

Are players still able to starve / freeze while offline? If so, they can die inside a locked house while logged off, then have no way to get back inside (as their key is inside). Simple solutions could be to have players disappear while offline (taken out of the game world), or simply stop the effects of hunger etc applying to them while offline.



On a positive note, the dedicated server seems pretty stable, good job devs!

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3 hours ago, WijkagentAdrie said:

Killing the boat fixes the problem as well! I will report the rest tonight.

Yes, I had to do that with the large ship, so it might have been that in connection with my relog, I'm not sure.

On a side note, the raft has an included bug, whereby you keep the Oar in your hand after this bug occurs, not sure if it will stay in your hand even after destroying the raft, but it stays in your hand currently even after you get off the raft etc.

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I've copied my V3S to turn the cabin into a S5T cabin. I've finished it, turned it into a composition, but the composition is all bugged. Whenever I drag the composition to the ground, 100's of car chassis' spawn and fly everywhere, see attached screenshots.

Also, when trying to connect energy in the editor it really won't work. It accepts some streams, yet others won't work. Splitter won't accept any input from a small switch, and I can only connect 1 output lamp to the splitter because if I try the 2nd lamp it says something about can't repeat stream (roughly translated, playing Dutch version ATM).






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Another one, of which I'm not 100% sure whether it's a bug or a feature:

Since 0.5 I can't place the large mast any block above the height of the ship hull. I will get the "location out of vehicle boundaries" error. The smaller mast still works though. Is this intentional? I believe that if so, it should still be possible to place it at least 8 to 10 blocks above the hull line to make some nice ships.


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Here is a vid of the stutter issue:

For the host everything is fine but for me as soon as I walk on a ship in multiplayer and walk off it the screen starts stuttering, the fps is fine though. Also I am not able to jump properly while on the ship, its as if the hull pulls me down, in the video you can see I was trying to jump on the wooden pier but as soon as I tried to jump it teleports me to the left and I fall in the water. These teleportation issues happen quite often while on the ship hull.

As a workaround for the stutter issue without having to kill yourself or relog, you can sit in a chair or bed and that will fix it.



Some more ship issues:

-getting stuck inside the hull.

-getting stuck/teleported to the steering wheel.

-if you fall/ragdoll from a height onto the ship, it will tilt the whole ship.

-if you jump next to a mast, it can sometimes send you flying

Steam version.

Build: 0.5.37772


Edited by -ghost-tf
added log

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I can confirm  the "stuck in the wheel" issue ....i found if i clicked back on the helm control,  the    wait,  then release control and step back,  you can escape.  I also found if  you have   restricted space  behind your helm ( ie storage  boxes)   that  could  cause the  issue.

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The multiplayer stutter/"earthquaking" issue after using ships as a non-host is still not fixed in 0.6.

There is now an extra issue where the character zig-zags by himself after only pressing W to move forward.

Video below shows what I mean:

Steam version.

Build: 0.6.40852 (COUNTLESS COLORS)


  • Thanks 1

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