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Optimizing Editor as a Game making engine

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Hi everyone! good day to everyone.

Today I want to discuss about optimizing editor as a game  making engine. Editor will must be a game engine because it has all the things that we can make a whole game or experience connecting games to games. Like roblox studio ylands can optimize it's editor. When the editor will be optimizes as a game engine in which building system will exactly to the editor where we make mini games. Just there will be a change for making bigger games, custom and huge games. Well my topic is for optimizing editor as game engine, as we will make experience we will connect them by moving train, plane etc in which a experience can hold 70 places. Can it be for future updates.? Just to ask

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i thank there done with what they wanted to do with the editor thats why there now working on the exploration dlc

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Yeah they are pretty much done with most the work they wanted to do with editor, aside from a few tweaks here and there and occasional bug fix and adding new entities I don't see any of these suggestions happening anytime soon either.

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