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RESOLVED [YLD-32730] Cannot use radial unstuck


The unstuck on the radial menu seemed to be working fine. I was using it on blueprint vehicles and they were spawning back where the original blueprint was made, however when I changed the game to multiplayer the option on the radial menu vanished for blueprinted vehicles. Vehicles made on the map without blueprints still seem to work fine and will teleport back to spawn when using the radial menu.



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Issue was fixed in 1.9, although alternative function will be present in 2.4

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@Nikki Severin You can add this to the list of Blueprint fixes and suggestions thanks :)  Unless summoning and unsummoning vehicles is coming sooner than expected . Grins. Hope you had an awesome Thursday!

Edited by spiritchaser28

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On 7/30/2021 at 1:10 AM, spiritchaser28 said:

Unless summoning and unsummoning vehicles is coming sooner than expected . Grins.

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